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Assessment Task 1








B+ Nice resume and cover letter- just make sure you proof-read to fix any
spelling and communication errors. Your Careers Work Booklet shows you
understand all of the fundamental elements of the job application process,
though this too needed a neater and clear writing approach. You also
made clear links between your experience/skills and your selected careeradding copies of certificates and written references would assist in making
these claims more reliable. Good job Jaxson.

Apprentice Boilermaker

A- Your folio is comprehensive and very neat. You have included heaps of
evidence to support your skills. Make sure you read over your written work
as a few of your sentences did not make sense. Your punctuation and
sentence structure needs work however, much of your work was neatly
formatted. Good Job.
A Your Folio is very well presented and provides evidence for each of your
listed skills. Your resume was very comprehensive and neatly presented
however, your letter of application was very basic and closely imitated the
template provided to you. Try to change this to suit your selected career to
assist in making clearer links. You were able to identify the ways in which
employers make their decisions. Nice work Brody.
B You have completed all necessary work with a level of understanding and
consistency however, you did not support much of this with relevant
evidence. Perhaps selecting a more appropriate career (or backing up this
application with experience or evidence) would assist with your argument.
In future, make sure you select relevant information and make language
choices that will promote yourself to a future employer.
C Youre resume and letter of application are very basic and informal. You
also needed to proof-read these for punctuation and spelling errors, which

Beauty Therapist

Fire Fighter

Male Model

Dump truck driver/long





would improve your communication. You have not included much

evidence to support your claims (i.e. references or certificates). Your Work
Booklet does show a basic level of understanding of the application
process however, your communication of this was poor and needed
further explanation.
A Good work Conner. Very good explanations of experience and why you
are applying for the job. Including the online job application table was also
a great addition. Make sure you include any experience you might have
had or emphasize any school experience. Nice work.
B- Whilst your resume and cover letter were quite comprehensive, youre
Careers Work Booklet provided very little insight into your understanding
of basic job application elements. There are many times throughout your
Folio where you had the opportunity to provide supporting evidence or
deeper understandings of the questions and you have simply provided
information- not explained the significance of it. Good effort, but more
elaboration is needed.
Letter of application must be a letter and not have headings.
C+ Harmi, you have a very well presented and formatted portfolio,
however your spelling and punctuation prevented you from expressing
yourself well. You should also add certificates and training to improve your
resume and show your experience. You clearly understand the process of
gaining employment, you just need to be more persuasive to future
employers. Good work.
B A well presented portfolio. Ensure you make links between your
evidence, skills and the job you are applying for. Also, try not to only use
the template provided (particularly for the letter of application), as this will
show your understanding better. Good work Axel.
B+ Rhett, your compilation of information and evidence of experience is
quite established. This assisted you in making clear links between your

Apprentice Electrician

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Apprentice Electrician

Apprentice Carpenter

Apprentice Boilermaker




objective, skills and your selected career path. However, your

communication of this was not strongly reflected in your letter of
application or resume. You attempted to include too much into these,
which are intended to show your understanding of the job/company and
your experience/qualifications for this job. Following the suggested
template would show you this is intended to be brief (this would have also
improved by proof-reading and editing before submitting). Good effort and
nice presentation of work.
A Your resume, cover letter and additional documents were well presented
and you were clear with your intentions. However, there were a few
sentence structure lapses and spelling/grammar faults throughout your
Careers Work Booklet. I would also like to have seen consistency
throughout final completion of this booklet to show more depth of
understanding. This is an agreeable presentation of information that
needed a little more analysis and links to your chosen job application.
Good work Siouxie
A Your work was very neatly presented. I particularly like the layout Of
your resume, as the creative flare suited the job application. However,
your letter of application had many communication errors and structuring
issues. You also did not fully complete the Careers Work Booklet, which
assists in showing your understanding of the employment process. Clearer
links and evidence between skills/experience and the job requirements
were needed. Again, good presentation but needed more explanation.
Solid effort.
A Tomas, your letter of application and resume were very well formatted
and contained all of the relevant information and references. However,
your letter of application was still similar to the template provided- try to
use your own model to do this. You clearly understand how to gain
employment and how to use language to influence your employer. Nice

Business Traineeship


Apprentice Carpenter

Assessment Task 2




BILLI Cameron-Knight
TAMLYN Carroll


Good work Jaxson. You needed to be a little louder and clearer when delivering though. You
have met the requirements of this task and included a PowerPoint that supported your
arguments. You explained each of your expenses well- you just needed to state where you got
these costs from. I was impressed by your ability to adapt your written report into a spoken
speech. Nice job!

BRODY Dimond

JACK Dowling



ZAC Mackey
THOMAS Maxwell


Very well organised and delivered presentation. Your voice was very well controlled and kept
the audience engaged. You also justified your arguments quite well. Your PowerPoint looked
great and was very supportive to your presentation. Very nice!
You needed to rehearse a little more as you were looking at your script the entire time. Good
vocal volume- just lacking variation and expression which would have made it more engaging.
You explained your reasoning quite clearly. Try to add a little more explanation as to how you
got these results (i.e. Fuel tank is 80 Litres and fuel costs $1.37). Satisfactory PowerPoint.
Good job overall!
Good work Jack- you just needed to be a litte louder and clearer. You attempted to make eye
contact throughout the presentation. You need to make sure you vary your voice to keep the
audience engaged. You presented relevant information but it was a little rushed and needed
some more explanation. Shame your PowerPoint didnt t work (though this was also rather
basic). Good work.
Good attempt- though you were marked down for being unorganised and it was also a little
short. You also needed to be a little louder and clearer. You answered most of the relevant
questions. Try to engage the audience by making eye contact and controlling your voice more
effectively. Your speech was much better and clearly altered from your written work. Solid




Very good vocal projection however, some of your explanations were quite basic. PowerPoint
was very neat although sometimes it was a little difficult to read. You have clearly met the


RYAN Mumford





RHETT Stockden







criteria of this task- perhaps a little more familiarity with your script would improve your
marks. Good work!
Very good justifications and explanations for each component. Your PowerPoint was also
excellent! It supported what you were explaining quite well. Your volume too was clear and
you tried to maintain eye contact. Just try not to lose focus! Great work Ryan!
Very good vocal presentation! You managed to extend your speech to the 3 minutes required,
despite your written work that did not appear this way. Next time, organisation and better
time management would assist with depth needed for a better mark.
You attempted to make eye contact and your vocal control and volume was fantastic. You had
comprehensive insight into some components of the task but only answered others at a basic
level. Overall your presentation was clear and engaging. Good work!
Great presentation! Your voice was clear and loud- you also modulated your voice to make it
more engaging. You also maintained eye contact. You made well-reasoned arguments and
explained your slides- which were fantastic as well! Fantastic!
You needed to be a little louder and clearer. This was a satisfactory presentations. You
needed to keep your language formal and put more enthusiasm into the presentation. Also
try to use better connectives in your sentences. Solid effort.
Very good eye contact and use of your voice to keep the audience engaged. Basic answers but
you backed them up with solid explanations. Some elements were in-depth whilst others
seemed unfinished. Your natural presentation skills allowed you to manipulate your audience
and keep them interested. Good work!

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