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Information Literacy- By Asama Akhtar

Library DB Article 1- Privacy

The key words I used to find Library BD article 1 were privacy issues. The database I
used was the ccbc library database. I chose to use the ccbc library database because it was a part
of Professor Fred`s instructions.

MLA citation for DB Article 1-Privacy

Weber, Rolf H. "Internet Of Things: Privacy Issues Revisited." Computer Law & Security
Review: The International Journal Of Technology Law And Practice 31.(2015): 618627. ScienceDirect. Web. 20 Sept. 2015

Screen Print #1 Scholarly Article #1

pg. 1

Information Literacy- By Asama Akhtar

Library Database Article 2 Emerging Technology
The key words I used to find this article were, emerging technology. The database I used
was the ccbc library database. I used this because Professor Fred instructed me to.

MLA Citation for DB Article 2 Emerging Technology

Spitsberg, Irene, et al. "Capitalizing On Emerging Technologies." Research Technology
Management 58.4 (2015): 17. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 20 Sept. 2015.

Screen Print #2 Scholarly Article #2

pg. 2

Information Literacy- By Asama Akhtar

Internet Article 1
The title of the article is, The Search for a Thinking Machine. The article mainly
talks about new emerging technology. The author, Jane Wakefield talks of upcoming technology
that can think at the same level as we humans do. For example she says, by 2050 some experts
believe that machines will have reached human level intelligence (Wakefield Web). It talks of
how technology could be taught to see such as a toddler. The ultimate aim is to create "seeing"
robots that can assist in surgical operations, search out and rescue people in disaster zones and
generally improve our lives for the better (Web Wakefield). First you start with simple imputing
data and teaching the machines and then eventually getting them to see whole scenes and
understand behavior. Ultimately leading to making our lives easier and better.

MLA Citation Internet Article # 1

Wakefield, Jane. "The Search for a Thinking Machine - BBC News." BBC News. BBC News
Services, 17 Sept. 2015. Web. 20 Sept. 2015. <>.

pg. 3

Information Literacy- By Asama Akhtar

Internet Article # 2
The key words I used to find this article were, New Robotic Technology. The two search
engines I used were google chrome (original) and Bing. I believe google chrome was better and
easier after comparing the two. Plus I use chrome regularly so I know how to work it, while I
dont really use Bing at all.
Google Chrome
It was pretty easy to find, it was the first one
on the list. It was credible and right to the

Fairly easy to find 5th one down the list. Same
article so credible but have to look a bit
harder to find it other than that everything
was good.

MLA Citation for Internet Article # 2

Palermo, By Elizabeth. "Flexible Robo-Legs Could Help Helicopters Stick Tricky Landings."
LiveScience. TechMedia Network, 16 Sept. 2015. Web. 20 Sept. 2015. <http://www. landing- gear.html>.

pg. 4

Information Literacy- By Asama Akhtar

Evaluating Internet Article # 1
The title of the article is The Search for a Thinking Machine. This article was written by
Jane Wakefield on September 17, 2015 so it`s very recent and up n date. My original topic was
Emerging Technology and this article talks about a new upcoming technology that will make our
lives easier and better in the near future, so its very relevant. The author is a technology reporter
as it says under her name and she is qualified and supports her reports with evidence. It is also
credible because of the website: BBC News, so we know everything is accurate and trustworthy
and has been tested. This article was written to simply inform because theyre not attempting to
sell or persuade anyone, their merely talking about upcoming tech and it wont even be ready
until at least 2050. It does seem a bit bias though mainly because didnt see any major flaws
with it.

pg. 5

Information Literacy- By Asama Akhtar

Comparison of Internet Article 1 and DB Article 1
Both the article were very easy to access to start with because as soon as you type the key
words in their right there. The internet article was the first one on google chromes list and 5 th on
Bings list. The ccbc library database article was the 2 nd one on its list after I put in the limiters.
Both the article were also very recent. The internet article was published/written on
September 17, 2015. While the ccbc database article was written/published in, 2015.
The database article and the internet article were both written by credible authors and
they are relevant to my topic. I know this because one is from the ccbc library database and the
other is form BBC News, which Prof. Fred recommended so we know all information is
trustworthy and accurate including information on the authors.

pg. 6

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