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Legislation on abortion

According to the word web dictionary, abortion is a deliberate termination of

pregnancy. The issue of whether abortion should be legalized or not has been
debated by the congress many times. Some are of the view that the fetus is
not yet human and so can be aborted. Others think that it is solely the right
of the mother to choose whether to keep or abort the baby. With these
supports many keep on pressing the congress to legalize the act. In spite of
all these views, I still believe that abortion is not something that is good and
something that should be legalized in our society. I support my stand with
the following.
Firstly, the fetus is a human and every life is sacred. If we see even killing an
old person as bad, how much more a young defenseless fetus?
secondly, No one knows the future of a fetus. The simple truth is that some
of this aborted babies might have grown to be great men in future but their
lives are cut short by the wickedness of men. If Albert Einstein, Sigmund
Freud and the other great men were aborted, what do you think the world
will be like without their Contributions?
Thirdly, abortion is very dangerous. Many young women die out of abortion
every year.
Finally, those who are able to live through abortions end up with so many
complications including barrenness.
I think the only reason that can be excused is when abortion is done to safe
the life of the mother. Other than this I hold a strong stand that abortion is
not good and should not be legalized by the congress.
If you feel that abortion should be legalized, I want you to ask yourself this
What if I was aborted????

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