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Short type questions

1. Where does the carrot plant stores sugar? In its roots.

2. What does starch and sugar gives us? Energy
3. How do vitamins and minerals help our bodies? Fight Diseases
4. Where do we get proteins? Meat, Fish and Eggs
5. Give one word for maize, wheat, rice and other cereal. Grain

Fill in type questions

1. Sugar, starch, vitamins, minerals and oils are called? Nutrients

2. We need to eat all these nutrients every day in order to stay Healthily
3. A Potato plant stores starch in its In its underground stem
4. Most of the food stored in grains are Starch
5. Minerals also help to build strong Bone and Strong teeth

Long questions

Write a five lines paragraph to explain parts of plants that we use for food.

Different plants store food in different parts. Food can be stored in the roots, stem, leaves, flowers, fruits or seeds.
There can be one or more different kinds of food in each part of the plant. Here are some examples of different kinds
of food. The carrot plant stores sugar in its root. The sugar cane plant stores sugar in its stem. A potato plant stores
starch in its underground stem. Plants such as cabbage, spinach and lettuce stores vitamins and minerals in their

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