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Study Guide

1. Specific, goal-directed study conducted by a company to design new innovations is called research
and development.
2. Research and Development is used to: develop new products and discover new scientific/ technical
3. What contributes to the success or failure of a product? Advertising, latest fads, strength of the
4. A trade-off is when a designer must make a choice between positive and negative impacts for a
5. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are so closely related that progress in one area
often promotes advancements in all other areas.
6. Criteria are guidelines to create an end product/ generally design requirements
7. Constraints are limitations on the design
8. Pugh chars are help identify the best solution out of a list of possible solutions.
9. Gantt charts are used to manage a project by scheduling the tasks that will need to be completed
for a project.
10. Testing and evaluation are used to determine if the criteria are being met, collect data, and find
improvements to design
11. Models can be
d. Conceptual
e. Mathematical
f. Physical
12. Conceptual models can include technical writings and drawings, annotated sketches and charts
13. A mock-up is a rough 3D model that doesnt function
14. What advantages do teams have for solving problems? Working together allows for more
perspectives, different people bring different skills, and USUALLY produce better products than a
single individual working alone.
15. A linear approach to explaining the natural world is the scientific method.
16. A cyclical or iterative method that uses math or science is the engineering.
17. What is rough 3D model that doesnt function called? A mock-up. What is a working one called?
A prototype
18. How does a designer differ from an engineer? They both make things, but engineers use math and
science principles and designers look to make things visually appealing.

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