Anda di halaman 1dari 50

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/I Shree Gajanana Prasanrnr-l!





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II Shree Gajanana Prasanrrav/



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., . Hereinafter called and referre as' THE OWNER'

· . A-- CG:\ e__S S3i,O ~ I

[which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning

. i thereof shall mean and include her heirs successors in interest, trustees,

L .. 1,
( I
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executors, administrators etc.]

... Party of the First Part

Mis Lotus Construction Company A registered Partnership finn registered Under provision ofIndian Partnership Act 1952 having it's office at 'Lotus Residency', Sector No.24, Nigdi, Pune 411044.

Through it's Partner I

Mr. Santosh Vitthaldas Karnawat Age -33, Occ. - Business

RE;:>iding at: 109, 'Apurva Garden:', Sector No. 24, Plot No. 82+84, Nigdi, Pune 411044.

... Hereinafter called and refeded as 'THE DEVELOPERS'









i L. t

------- ..... _.-...,.



2. Ms. Sejal Sharad Shah

Age - 30 yrs, Occ.- Business

Residing At: - 538, Centre Street, Pune Camp, Pune 411001.


; ) ,. J. -

Hereinafter called and refferred as: "THE CONSENTING PARTY"

I :

. [wlfi ch . expression- 'shal lunless 'it be?'epugnark to- -the ·C0i'i.te,,<{ -ormeaning ~---- -- .... - ....

, ! ... -.

thereof-shall mean and include his/her/their heirs, successors in interest,


trustees, executors, administrators etc.]

... Party of the Third Part

Whereas the Property in S. No: 47, Plot No, 56, CTS No. 4264; total area admeasuring about 1324.43 Sq Mt:s. along with the structure standing thereon, hereinafter to be referred as 'Said Property' lying & situated at Village-Akurdi [Viveknagar], Tal., Haveli, Dist.-Pune is owned and possessed by the aforesaid Owner; :

-_ I

And whereas the late Mr.Sharad Bhogibhai Shah purchased «The said


~tQP~rtY" vide sale Deed No.6638 Dated 05/0211991. The sale deed was

executed as per court order in the' court of Hon'ble civil Judge Senior Division PUNE at PUNE Misc. Application No. 19711991 fN SPI.Darkhast No. 234 of 1988 & IN Special Civil Suit No. 2930fT983.

And whereas 'The said Property' has been transferred in the name and possessed by "The Owner";

i '

want of adequate time to spare from the other activities and know-how involved in the development work, the owner decided to grant the Development Rights of the- said property as may be permissible in law to such persons I Firm who can offer the best possible price.

'-; -

AND WHEREAS the Developers approached "The Owner with

i . proposal of acquiring-lhe--OeveiopmenCR!gl1"tS- in~ respect-oCifie -sard--

r"'-'-.:r~ property, and offered Rs. 50,00,101 /- [Rupees Fifty Lac One Hundred and

t._ !,.

'"", '",,. One O!lly] lump-sum for the area admeasuring 1324.43 Sq. Mtrs. of the S.

No.4 7, Plot No. 56, CTS No. 4264 for the entire property.

AND WHEREAS the offer of "The Developers" being the best possible offer as per the prevailing market rate, "The Owner accepted the same and agreed to grant the Development Rights of the said Property


(which is more particularly described in the Schedule written hereunder) to


~ 1, The Owner hereby agrees to transfer the said property on AS IS AND

\, ;

~ ,wHERE IS BASIS the e~cl1:,!s+¥e...,pevelopmbnt Rights of the aforesaid

e, Property bearing -~.-No/4ipfi't~~~~TS N6. 4264 lying and situated at .<Village - Akurdi [Vt.~~i·~:rJ;'Tal'~ \~~~~fli;'l which is more particularly (; , .. '. ~, described in-· the -Sc!~2~le wri~e~ he;el~er and the Developers hereby

~. \ " f

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'''I r: '

f~_ ..... .i __ , ,._. j


, .:C-af; v: ;Jj:'!h:~,

Lagree to acquire the Development Rights in r~.spect of the said property - from "The Owner as per the terms and 'conditions incorporated in these presents.

2. In consideration of "The Owner permitting the Developers to develop the said property, the Developers has agreed to pay Rs. 50,00,1011- [ R<;. Fifty Lac One-Hundred and One Only] lump-sum for the area admeasuring

;' . . :


1324_A3 Sc Mtrs.along with the s~~~ereon of the S. No. 47,

i , __ PlotNO.56,C~SNO. ~264for:[1f.~:;~~~lor\~ q"0 - 9~ r'-' v- '-pa~1:ne~;~.c~e~u;.~~-'----~(j)~';:".-~1~.,,'(, ~I)~) ~,l'" ~::)« '

e;"<l,~ :r. *'" ,-~,'C''\ ..,~} ,-

'cv':"~; y ~,8:;" .f.!>v! r- :( 0 0 C;

t * ; ,,< • /,:. ~

_ And now in consideration of this ~~tfeme~the Developers

. agreed to pay the consideration as follows i

f. I,






Rs.5,00,0001- Paid-by pay order No. 002206 dated th Feb 05. Drawn on Mahesh Sahakari Bank Ltd. Chinchwad. Branch.

Rs, 6,00,0.9.9/- Paid by pay order' No. 002232 dated 23th Mar 05.

Drawn on Mahesh Sahakari Bank Ltd. Chinchwad.


Rs. 34;00,1011- Will be paid at the time of Registration of Development Agreement on 15th April 2005.

Rs, 5,00,000/- Will be paid at the tim'! of possession of the property & handing original document of the property

Rs. 50,00,101 /-

[Rs. Fifty Lac one hundred one only) Total r p ',:, (' c: nv ! ~) L"L'

Amount of Consideration

r : l

._,' //:<.( .\'{\i:: ~i.J6'_ <7.,

;/ 0 -x -;:, f~ "1>,, ..... '\\

«i'(/~~;;' ~:;~t~~:)';:';~~ ~ ~)\ r··~· q "f5 9 ~

i f) 0- i;!\~.i ' . ~ I .. _- ----.....-,..,~ ...... .._:__,_I

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:r:. ,(I, ,.1"." -c )] , I rA:=_) """'--

y '~I \:;;'_,;~/ ,t - / t--------I--~~.lrl

2A.(I) "The Owner has at 0 !¥' r to"om'S e lau.ti'::m ~of this ~~nt

It_ iI< ~ /' '-:------~-:-_-J

handed over to the Developers cop Sill ents in her possession and

- '. control relating to her title to the said property, and the Developer hereby acknowledges the receipts thereof from the Owner and further acknowledges that the said copies have been verified by the Developer to its satisfaction against the originals thereof which are in possession of the Owner.

L_.,, __ _(n)_ .. _.The--DeyeJop~r. .hereby.declaresthat it has prior to the execution of these presents caused due verification of th~ title of the: Owner in, to, and

- .

·u pon the said property to be made, and has satisfied itself that the title of the I

Owner to the said property is unblemished.' clear and marketable and the

-1. .. ~ D-evelopers hereby agree and declare that they shall not hereafter be entitled



t f


. or permitted to raise any query, claim or demand in respect of the title of the .. 'Owner to the said prop~rty, nor seek to avoid the performance of any covenant or duty on their party reserved herein or in law on the basis thereof

(III) For the purpose of making payment of the balance of the consideration payable hereunder to the Owner, the Developer is required to avail of~L~~r:t_. f~om its Bankers. The Developers have assured the Owner, such assurance forming a part of the basis on which the Owner has entered

, into this Agreement with the Developers, that the IV:.I j amount will be sanctioned hod disbursed and that the Developers shall make payment to the ~ 'Owner of the installment ofRs. 34,00,101/- [Thirty Four Lakhs one hundred one only ojily] on or before i s" April, 2005, and that the failure of The - .. Developer to make the payment to the Owner of the said amount of Rs. 34,00, !OII-j [Thirty Four Lakhs one hundred one only only on or before the

t 15th day of April 2005, shall ipso facto effect the termination of this

Ii . -agreernentwitfino further or other act or deed on the part of any of the

r-'.'--partre:s~~~~~~~:~ effect such termination. Provided that the Owner ~,rhai%:;:'~er .-'sole)l[~~'t~~~n, thereafter .. revive: the Agreement by accepting

~t frQ~ihrD~~et6per ~he1~\~ove mentioned am~unt of Rs. 34,00,1011- [Thirty .

,- ~-, I! ..

rFoa \~ Lakhs one hunpred/jne only OnlyJ being the second instalment of the

~ ;tt.~ "--4\. > c""" • .. ~,:/. "

.(~. ·r~::lhi""in ..... t.Ct(Ypt~'=ipr."i . .lJ:.+l.., ("-n,...,\" 4-,-.4- ......... .-.~ ... ~ tOO .... ~ tl. I

~' ~, ,il+-,'~· .-r",

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I. 3. Upon the payment of the above mentioned amount ofRs. 34,00,1011-

i I


\. [Thirty Four Lakhs one hundred one only Only] being the secondinstaiment

',: \::;. "ohhe-considerati(j"riwithin the period stipulated above. the' Developers shall

B. The- Owner shall simultaneous with the receipt of the abovementioned amount of Rs. 34,00,101/- [Thirty Four Lakhs one nundred one only Only] being the second instalment of the consideration, deliver to the Developer the possession of the said property.


stand authorised and empowered:

a. To amalgamate I merge / consolidate the aforesaid land with the adjoining for it's better development.

D. To survey the land and to get it admeasured fro-n City Survey Officer I Office of the DILR or concerned authority and to obtain Demarcation Certificate.

. .

c. To prepare the layout of the entire land including amalgamated lands

.and 1.0 get the same duly approved from the Collector, Town Planning Dept., PCMC or any other concerned sanction authority.

d. To prepare building plan/s, submit the same for it's£CMC or other concerned' authority either in his name or in the name of the


e. To make additions, modifications, and alterations in the said building plan/s sanctioned/permitted by PCl\'IC ~ Developers may deem fit.




h. To and to commence, carry out and c~mple!e the building project/s at I

his cost and risks as per the sanctionedplan/s.


To apply for and obtain Completion: Certificate/s, Part Completion


Certi ficate/s from PCMC.


To apply to MSEB for supply of Electricity and obtain Electricity Meters in the name of tenement purchasers.


To apply to PCMC and obtain water connection for construction of building as well as supply of water for tenement purchasers.


To obtain drainage permission and all other permissions/sanctions etc. 'required for effectively implementing the said ownership scheme/so


The Owner agrees, assures and covenants with the Developers that she

will at the cost of Developer render all necessary co-operation / assistance . for the above referred purposes whenever called upon to do so. The

Developers agrees and assures the Owner that' they will carry 011t the t;. ' ..

t construction as per sanctioned planJs, and in case of breach of same, ~

t Developers shall be liable to all consequences arising out of same without


any reference to the Owner. The Developershereby indemnify & agree that they shall keep the Owner indemnified safe;& harmless against all claims, damages, cost, etc that may arise out of the breach of any law or term of any







The Owner has assured the Developers that she is in actual, vacant

and peacefulpossession of this property and is entitled to entrust the said property to the Developers for commencing, carrying out and completing the development I construction of the building projec~. as per the terms and conditions of this Agreement, arid the Developers have verified and found· such assurances made by the Owner to be true and correct.

The Developers agree that the construction work will be started after the sanction of the plan and will be compieted at the convenience of the developers from sanction of the plans from PCMC and hand over possession of the Flath or Commercial Unitls to the prospective purchasers

7 T~e Owner has assured the Developers that she is absolutely seized and possessed of and otherwise well ann sufficiently entitled to the said property and the said property is free from all encumbrances, claims demands whatsoever in nature and that she has marketable title to the said property to transfer, deal with and dispose off the same and that she has not transferred or encumbered or agreed to transfer or encumber the said

. property neither the same is subject matter of any court proceedings, or that


the same is not under any attachment of any Court or any other authority,

nor the said land has been acquired requisitioned or res erv.ed.The Developer.


has verified and caused to be verified to their complete satisfaction all such


assurances made by the Owner and found the same to be true and correct

.~ .:

l "ami that the Owner has clean and marketable ti~le to the said property .

. !le.,.



", -_.

The Owner hereby agrees that the Developers on their own are

.. '

r ..-.\_ .j •• 1

r .' ~ f__,:ty


9. The Owner hereby agrees and 'affi~s and covenants and undertakes

----._ _.

In terms of this agreement and subject to the Developers fulfilling the

covenants on their part reserved in this agreement, to transfer, assign, and convey the right, title and interest in the said property free from any

i .

encumbrances whatsoever in nature to the Developers or his nominee/s

- C~--=-- 10.- -Ini11ecv-ent-ofthe_Developers deciding to form the Associationfs and or society/ies and after having made payment to the cvner of all the amount of the consideration payable hereunder, instructs the Owner to transfer and assign the saidproperty to such body /individuals, the owner shall at the cost of developer do so the Owner further agrees that in such eventuality, the


Owner shall co- operate with the Developers. The Developers will bear the

._ - '"

cost of the formation of the Association, society/ies as the case may be.



, '. 'l

r_ ';~ 'cr 0" - 9 ~ n O\~~

The developers shall after F,S,UF:A.R.lofthis land to some other project of the Developers or to utilise the F,S,UF,A.R.rr.D,R. of the other land availaole with the Developers on this land.


13, The Developers shall be entitled to appoint his own Architects, R.C.C. specialists and other consultants, in writing and to fix and to pay their fees

- and charges if required, the Owner shall sign requisite letter of appointment in -favour of such Architects. R.C.C. Specialist, and or- other Consultants provided that the Developers alone shall be liable or responsible for pavment of the professional fees and charges of such persons and the Owner will not be liable for the same.

\4, All the expenses of this agreement and of conveyance of the said property and the building thereon, including the registration charges, stamp duty, typing and other miscellaneous charges, if any shall be borne and paid by the Developers.

~ .

'- ,15, The Developers shall upon payment to the Owner of the entire


consideration payable under this agreement, stand authorised to raise the - - finance from any financial institutions forthe development of the property by mortgaging their Development rights in.lto, or upon the said land arid also


to give no objection to the prospectivepurchasers to

financial institutions for the purchase of the ~at in the proposed building, However the Developers shall keep the .Owner indemnified against the liability. The authority hereby is granted for mortgaging such property is subject to the condition that the mortgagee agrees that it shall have no right

- to recover the principal amount advanced on the basis of such mortgage or any amount of interest or costs in relation thereto, from the Owner.



~'-'- .. .0;,.





'·'.C'.~~,.' •.

~. "..,,7


. ,_,

.rom any Bank /financial institution or: from any person or persons. The

Owner shall not be held responsible or otherwise liable in any manner whatsoever for the repayment of the io~ and for tll~; interest as shall accrue :_:',ereon.

; 6. It is hereby agreed between the parties that the Developers shall after

. !

payment to the Owner of the entire ;consider.ation payable under __ this .

"seeernent be entitled fn the event of acquisition of the said property or part ir ereof to claim the compensation or get: tlIer.S.L, F.A.R. or T.D.R. of the area recuired for road widening, burial place if any out of the aforesaid land. Tr.eDevelopers is authorised to surrender the land under road widening and b:..::-ial place to peMe and to record the .name of peMe in revenue I city


sV'vey record.

l ". The Owner has entered into this agreement with the Developers on the strength of the Representation of the Deve~oper~ such representation forming the oasis of the contract that

:1) The Developers shall adhere to the commitment set out IO this agreement as to the Payment of consideration to The Owner

:c) The Developers sh;:11t at .their-own G0st-obtairri'ram aH-concemed authorities & departments any necessary sanction or permission'

including that under the urban land (C & R) at 1976, required for the development of the said property. If the Developers fails to get the

U.L.C. order of the said property due to any legal or technical

reasons or difficulties beyond the control of the Developers, then the It. _.~_ 0 ~~t. . .f-',U.diLk . ,-,~ •• ,3 t ... d,CGr

Owner agrees that she will refund the entire amount of-consideration COmm:33i(ir :t' Of Polic~,

~ .. -- .~'- ., PU" rOt

#rlff.E>~VJ:J(j~,[s paid by them ! ie vI y

/1<" .~c· .: .. -.- t~~\

{ • '1i

~,. '. , "

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\; I'

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r ca . ".1, i>- :..-' \ _,.

'e'JF' <$(,+ ~ ~ < • t" <r C? - '1b' ]

18 The Owner shall tak~~~~~ T~~~e~ -', ~¥e1;~~,i6~fPJfff-

.J7-lifnecessary. ~*~~.,\!~:'.::J" f :(OO~ 'l_

~~;:.. -_ ,-- 1

19 I f the building project could not been implemented due to any wilful default on the part of the Owner, the Developers without prejudice to any other rights under this Agreement or any law shall be entitled to require specific performance by the Owner of this Agreement.

20 It is hereby agreed that subject to aforesaid conditions, the Developers

~. _. ". --- .'-

\vi II be at liberty to sell, transfer and assign his right, title and interest and

I .

benefit of and under this Agreement of Development to any other person/s,

firm on such terms and conditions for such price the Developers may think I

fit and for such assignment/transfer consent of the Owner is not at all


2·1 T8 enable the Developers to implement the ownership scheme in


terms of this Agreement the Owner shall simultaneous with the receipt from

! .

the Developer of the second instalment of Rs. 34,00,101/-, at the cost of the

Developer execute and register an Irrevocable Power of Attorney in favour of the Developers and the Owner agrees that she would not revoke the said powers under any circumstances whatsoev~r.

22 The Owner hereby covenants that after payment to the Owner of the

second instalment of Rs. 34,OO,JOll_":_as_pi:o_vidcd.-for.above the-Owner-will not terminate this Agreement and cancel the Power of Attorney till building


project is completed and the right, title a~d interest of the Owner & in the

said land is c?nvey~d in favour of the Society / Association of Apartment Owner as the case may be.


23 ",.fh'e::~er hereby covenant with the Developers that after payment .to ... . '/ ~. ?~~~,,\.!.,~:;, .. ~~~;..

r ;:.::\0\~ner-Qf:th~:second instalment of Rs. ~4,OO, 1011- as provided for above

'"'- - .... ,j., "'~ t •

!t:~is'Agn::ementsI1all not be terminated / cancelled in spite of the fact that the

_ I~ii;~.; . .': .

. t ! '{

" ; /'

-. . ... , .,;;;;~/

.~I 'c: ,~, ... ,'.<. .JI. (j ·t"/"Gj.. ..,,--~.~ \\'. . . ... <,

/1 J..f_) /: :'" ..... (~,,~\,.~\\

~'! (/) " .? 14 ~;i:~:~:~'i:~ -r- "~\\ \- \~ t:: 1.J J ~ iAt:~:·r./ S 1 S \",. T;' q

::r:: ICi"&_ !!)t~} ~~:J,;j 1: i-··._::_ (V)

r- \ ,'0 ":,~'~.~'~ . .:\ ;; I b / ; ~

~~.' .. '.; ;s'f .)~ I I &t

* """:~:,, r. /. ,.:.__ . .

Developers enters into a part!With-s~/.0th~F -PffS -_. ... :'a I .

. .~v~~~/? t.: ""( 00& .-'

company registered under companJe~@ll1Jornt ventu~g~


. ,

2S The _!?evelopers are hereby authorised after payment to the Owner of

the second instalment of Rs. 34,00,1011- as provided for above tc get the F.S.L" F.A.R. and T.D.R. of the land under reservation, if a.T1Y, from concerned local authority by submitting necessary applications, statements on our behalf and as our constituted Attorney holders,


- _-. - _. _-.. ~ 'I

The Consenting Partys hereby record that they have without receiving

. i

any consideration for the same, accorded their consent to this Agreement,

and that after payment to the Owner of the second instalment of Rs. 34,00,101/- as provided for above, they shall not withdraw or be entitled to withdraw their consent.


All the piece and parcel of Property bearing Survey No. 47, Plot No. 56, CTS No. 4264 along with the structure standing on the property; totally admeasuring 1324.43 Sq. Mtrs. lying and situated at Viveknagar, Village - Akurdi, Tal. - Haveli; which is within the local limits of Pimpri

ChichwadMunicipal Corporation and registration Disc - Pune, Sub-Dist. -

Haveli No. 14/ 18, and is bounded as follows:

On or .owards.the.Easi. On or towards the South On or towards the North

Road. Road. Road.

On or towards the West

CTS No. 4265 & 4271.

Location : Viveknaqar ( Akurdl J

-cer, )lic',


, \_



- Signed, Sealed and Delivered by within named -




- ---- - _ _- -Mr.SaiJ'tosli Vif'th,aloas Karnawilt- -



Partner>- Lotus Construction Co.


4;,/ z6_4!~

- Sejal Sharad Shah

Mr. Alok Sharad Shah



, Sign: N; l-Q,J-h 1<. 1<0. Me, k Name: f'J-~-.3 cGpt,t:.;-, e. '-- ~ y

Address:~ _

( . r~ . .J'. ~:. \.."~~l /' •



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.. .Hereinafter called and referred as • THE OWNER ' [which expression shall unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall mean and include his/her/their heirs, successors in interest, trustees, executors, administrators etc.]

! :

Whereas the Property in S. No.4 7, Plot No. 56, C-:-~ No. 4264; total area admeasuring

~ , . i

- .. about :11 ~24.4-J 'Sq-' Mars.: ·&:tong with-the: structure standing thereon, hereinafter to be'

referrea as 'Said Property',lying & situated at Village-Akurdi [Viveknagar], Tal.- Have!i,

._.r" Dist.-Pune is owned and possessed by the aforesaid owner as her property.

;\ND WHER.EAS pursuant to the terrnsof an Agreement for the Development of the said pr-operty it is necessary that I execute and appoint the Developers, Mis Lotus Constructions Company. A registered Partnership firm registered Under provision of Indian Partnership Act 1952 have it's office at 'Lotus Residency', Sector No,24, Nigdi, Pune 411044, through it's Partner Mr. Santosh Vitthaldas Kamawat Age-33, Occ.Business Residing at: 109,' Apurva Garden', Sector No. 24, Plot No 82+84, Nigdi, Pune ~ 11 04ti., as my duly constituted attorney, and confer upon such attorney certain powers to act in my name;


I, do hereby and hereunder'nominate constitute and appoint

Mis Lotus Construction Company A registered Partnership Firm registered

under provision of Indian Partnership Act 1952 having ir's office at 'Lotus Residency'. Sector No. 24, Nigdi, rune 411044.

Through it '5 Partner

r': • , . (

s: ir.. _....J :v '~ i..

Mr. Santosh Vitthaldas Kar n awa t

, Ag~ - 3J. ?Cc. - 8usine~s p i,.._, .,~} _ ~~~.

Rlat : 109, Apurva Garden, Sector No. ~·t. ' tOL~::~§.:.,78~j.\(:f-·!; -'1'". >"r- ,~.,~._>,~~

Nigdi-Punc c i j 044. ~, ... ' C;~',i'.:., ... ;.'. ".~- ..• ~ .... ',~; .. ".'i1

- ~ 1 'I..t~" ~..-'·0;~CQ,

. ,

... Hereinafter called and referred as ' THE DEVELOPERS' [which expression shalru:';~ris~i':j it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof shall mean and include his/her/their heirs, successors in interest, trw, lees, executors. adm inistrators etc. J

. "'~":~-~':':'''''

,l':'J:~"be ;~l'l;h~~-I(l,d lawfully constituted Attorney in my name BUT at the cost only of my fr.'·.f(J'.said attorney,~.~~n'c(~lt the risk and liability .only~of. my said a{t~rney as to all consequences :.;~ of the same to cro\~ll or any of the following acts, deeds or things enumerated here below h;, in respect of' ffifn,~ restricted to said properties and which said powers shall stand ~ ,;xtin.g\li~hed' onJitxecution .of deed of conveyance as contemplated herein or on. the . ~terml~~LI0n Of9}'t above recited Development agreement.

~~, . ~ ~~.: .... e-

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To c"n~ out deVelO~'~~~~~;i::~j~r=I~~~ '" :ldanCe

with the sanctioned MUI M~f1rans approved by or competent authority any modifications, amendmen ~alterati()ns thereto through any fit and proper person or firm etc.

2. To make and prepare and/or cause to be made and prepare all such plans, layouts. specifications and design and/or any alterations in the existing plans and/or specifications as may be necessary, required and advisable for the purpose of construction on the said property hereunder written to the- competent authority and/or Govt. of Maharashtra and/or PCMe and/or local bodies and to engage services of any Architect, Engineers and/or any other person or a party as may be necessary or advisable and for that purpose to make Affidavit. Indemnity Bond

-- -~'andf6 applyany applications etc. and sign all documents, applications, papers on my behalf.

J. To commence, carry out and to complete or cause to be commenced, carried out

and/or completed construction work on the said property in accordance with the sanctioned plans and specifications and so far as the construction is concerned to see that all applicable rules and regulations which are made necessary by the peMe andlor other competent authority for the time being complied with.

4. To carryon correspondence on our behalf with all concerned authorities and bodies including Govt. of Maharashtra in all it's departments and/or town planning authority, PCMe with the development of the said property.

5. To appear and represent us before any or all concerned authorities and parties as may be necessary, required or advisable for or in connection with the development of the said property and to make such agreements and arrive at such arrangements as may be conclusive to the development of the said property.


l..;. ~

6. To pay all taxes, rates, charges, expenses and other outgoings in respect of the said plot which may become due from the date of this Agreement and after the possession 0 r the property.

7. To collect and accept deposits, payments and amount of flat sale price from prospective block holders, tenements holders, flat holders._jl}~_/espect of the

constructed tenements, blocks, flats etc. . . :;;:;,:~\ ~I"" n:. ~_: c ~ ~~'\l

. ..' ~

8.. To collect and accept deposits. payments from prospective Purchasers jh respect Of

the newly constructed flats ets." . \~~//.1 ~_..-t/'~ •

. ,d~. To commence, prosecute. institute, d~fend, lJ~yose, negoti~~:-f:r~·se.ttltfu~~tan~· ".-.

: .,; ... ~~=/~!'~{~:)'~ .. ", ~ and appear and represent me/us in all actions and lega: proceedings and also _ "

{;:~;~<'::.Y:'~"'---···-·~""~'(jl~t .. :wesent m. e/us in appeal and revision proceedings whether CiVil,. Criminal, '.' ~:t~/·· . . ?·hg.1~ or .appellatp and in all applicat~~ns or petitions in any court of law as also

r. r (i: \' !~:p~o~edtngs before revenue authorities and be~ore Inco~e Tax, ~ealth. Tax

\V'i:; . anWoi:J:state Duty Officer or other Officer / s relating to or In connection With or

\ )" '..." inre1ect of the said property more particularly described in the Schedule

~~~;~~...-~:':' .


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. :/ ;:;'/ . rS\ ?.'~., ~~~' .. ,'~:~~~~:'~:;;'~ b'

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hereunder to issue or accep' /_process or summons and to do all acts

and things as may be neces protect their interest and also refer to'

arbitration, abandon, execute and submit to judgment or decrees or become non suited in any action or proceedings or to appear in all court proceedings and attend all the meetings before offices of the court and other Govt. and Semi Govt .

. authorities relating to or in connection with or in respect of the said property more particularly described in the Schedule written hereunder.

10. To sell commercial units/blocks, flats on ownership basis to prospective customers anel to sign various agreements for sell of flats and conveyance Deeds, Transfer anh Assign Deeds, to receive amount for sale of blocks, flats, and tenements. To

._.~_!lbmit documents, Deeds, Agreements for registration before the Sub-Registrar Haveli, Pune and admit the execution, to appear before the PCMC to sign 'theDeeds, to admit the execution to complete the registration works and to transfer the said property in the names of purchasers society or apartment as our attorney shall deed fit and proper to make application to PCMC for transfer of the said property and to enter the names of the purchasers in the record of rights and in PCMC records.

I !. To apply Ior and to obtain sewages, water and Electric connection / s.

12. To apply for and to obtain Completion Certificate in respect of the above said construction on the said property.

13. To give and handover possession of the said Flats / Commercial units to the purchasers thereof.


. -~

14. To nominate, appoint, engage and authorize Solicitors, Advocates, Architects, Surveyors, Engineers and to sign and give warrants or wakalatnamas or other necessary authorities in their favor and such other authorities as may be necessary and from time to time revoke their appointments and pay their remuneration including special fees and charges relating to in connection or in respect of the said property.

15. And [0 do everything. whatsoever which may be deemed necessary. proper arid cx pcd icru. which we could do if personally present and as if this power and if this

power has not, been executed. ..' .;~ ~,,"'C~\. Tl'1 Y'~ ';"""<

,. r . ,)}~ "" \i,' Ii l[ J_:'

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16. And 10 advertise in newspapers for sale of plots/flats. ,/ ,} .' ". 4",,0..

,_~2:_),:0 ~le writte~ statement to submit document, pa~er, ap~~~.0.9,,!1A~qi~P(?~~f !~5~ ~':,;.:;: :<~~~::~~

",~~<':':"'f;:;~~:;;:~mgthe said case, to take the order uncle!' secuon 8 (4) of ULL Act to ~I,yc.. .. ...... ,""~")

// ''"'''".,_' "\,~c'h'9l,\ plan, to submit the scheme under section 20 of ULC Act in surplus land.\dL - L.j

i!~i~;~, ..... ' iakcr,p ission under section 26 ofULC Act and also take Income Tax Clearance

-If.: Cci1iiil 'te u/s 230-A and 37-1 if necessary, to sign all the documents. papers etc.

\\; 18, To/a;:J1 for N.A. permission, to pay N.A. Taxes, to submit the documents in

~~ :',' , rcspes.tfofN.A. in collector office if required.

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19. To form or cause to be fonne"~ society I association of apartment owners I limited company of the flat purchasers in the said proposed building if required.


20. To raise loans from any financial institution and / or to issue No Objection letters to the purchasers of the land / flat for raising loan and creating the charge on the said land and building and it is explicitly agreed that the developer or the purchaser alone shall be responsible and under obligations for repayment of the such loan together with interest thereon, as shall be raised by the developer or his nominees and prospective purchasers from any bank / financial institution or any person or persons the owner shall not be held responsible or otherwise liable in any manner whatsoever for repayrnentofloan and interest as shall accrue fhereon.

21. The Power of Attorney shall be co-extensive and co-terminus with the agreement of development, the termination of the one effecting the termination of the other.


22. Our Attorney have full authority and' power to constitute, nominate and appoint any lil and proper person or firm to do above mentioned acts, deeds and things in respect of the said property. Such power and authority however to be effective only if exercised with the simultaneous intimation in writing to me of the same.

Upon the death or incapacity of ar.y of the executants hereof this Power of Attorney shall not become inoperative.


To apply for demarcation, to give NOC for separate demarcation, to pay the demarcation charges, to obtain demarcation Certificate, to appear and remain present and represent me before the said authority and compete the work of demarcation.

25. And generally to do all cause to be done all acts, deeds, matters and things as our said Attorney shall think fit and proper for the purpose of development of the said property as apply and effectual as I could have personally done,

26. And whereas agree and undertake by the executants to ratify and to confirm all ,lIld whatever our said Attorney shall lawfully do or cause to be done in the

property aforesaid by virtue of these presents. The Atton1eH~~~. use the said .'"

power jointly or individually as they may think fit and proper. .·,t~,.. '" -.., ~. (,;'1: t

. . . ., _,)."$: ,IJ 1:ric d j}J ''"''

27. The Development Agreement In respect of the said property;' IS /~xecuted and b .. _Isgistered in th<;_ office of Sub-Registrar, Haveli No. 14, Firi}p.~L£h'£chW3? on ~h~~:. ~-

_,.;/':/,:::j~~ .. , \i41 O} at Sr. No.~-.S~ and proper stamp duty and r~~}~~S?tlo:n ' ,,';.,., .!::sf,

J/'/':,;'.:_1,:,_(: _r[.br;~, thereon and hence again stamp duty is not necessary to thisF:P~o_V:.',,\'r?f J' .• ~. iJ\iCD~

l<~J· Att?~~: -C\ ,.~or the sake of clarity. It is also that all stamp du(~Pali~~CY. ,~" ~'.J

:f~"o .1 reglslr;at~ld or other charges are to be the liability of and borne only by tHe

~;"' ;;, ' Deve~pp~i' Attorney and not by any ather person/so

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OF THE"it- in~~*~i-n(J' • • !iEB!m~~iJl .

\ ~-1 *1 ~..:/ !. . -{OO· \ ~_L,., .. _.,

All the piece and parcel ofPrope~ ~~~··No. 47:r?r~~64 along with the. structure standing on the property; totally admeasuring 1324.43 Sq. Mars. lying and situated at Viveknagar, Village - Akurdi, Tal. - Haveli; which is within the local limits of Pimpri Chichwad Municipal Corporation and registration Dist. - Pune, Sub-Dist. - Haveli No. 14/ 18, and is bounded as follows:


On or towards the East On or towards the South On or towards the North On or towards the West

Road, Road. Road.

CTS No} 4265 & 4271.

Location; Vlvebagar [ Akurdl ]

L. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the executants above named has hereunder set their hands on ~ the day and date first herein above-mentioned .

,-- -.~

/\ ,.'1 <, Srnt. ~§ ashr ee Sha rad Shah [EXECUTANTI

I, accept the power conferred on us by this deed



I, Name:



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