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Dr. A.

P Krueger, professor, University of California, Berkeley, who

has studied air and gaseous ions for eighteen years, states that the
cause of the poor and unstable psychic and physical condition of many
people today is due to the lack of balanced air ions in polluted cities. *

Certainly, the application of weak, pulsating magnetic fields to chakra areas can raise
their energy levels and offset vampirism, which is not confined to astral and
discarnate beings. There are many very negative people in living flesh who sap energy
from the solar plexus area of their friends if not innocent bystanders themselves! I myself,
on many occasions have had to wear a silver foil disc over the solar plexus to halt the
transfer of energy to avid and depleted sappers during spiritual consultations.

Maintaining the comatose alcoholic in conditions of a brightly lit room, day or night,
would certainly convey some protection. The properties of physical light act sharply
against any sort of concreting action by astral substance.

The whole matter needs research and there would be a need for capable astral observers
to bring back objective information about protection methods employed.

At Soul level, at least six months after recovery, Holly is the recipe for Love-Wisdom
and Sweet Chestnut, the remedy for anything related to the soul . . . the "dark night
of the soul". This brings the alcoholic back to the level where it all began — his
Soul's desperate cry for recognition and expression.

But now at last there is real hope for him . . . he is sustained by the combined
strength of his group's aura, assisted by the miraculous work of the simple but
powerful Flower Remedies prescribed for him as an individual and not for his
condition. Finally there is therapy available from the level of understanding which
may gain social acceptance, if not of the alcoholic himself, at least of the real
causes behind alcoholism.

Referring back to page 23, the student will note that in the resolution of stress, the
completion of cycles plays an all-irw rtant role. It will be only possible to introduce the
subject in our last -section, in Esoteric Healing, Part III, we shall deal extensively
and in detail with Chakra energies as they relate to the completion of cycles.
Meanwhile we shall deal with Vagus Nerve in the next section and its relationship to
cycle completion and Holotherapy.
* Ibid


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