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Disarm Domestic Violence

Social Media Strategy

May 2015

Executive Summary . 2
Creative Brief .. 3
Social Landscape .. 4
Social Guidelines .. 10
Best Practices 12
Content Calendar....17

Checklists .... 23
Strategy and Ideation .... 25
Marketing Integration . 28
Measuring Success 33
Future Initiatives .. 42

Social media represents an opportunity for Disarm Domestic Violence to grow general
awareness about domestic violence and Title 18 in a cost-effective and timely manner. By
targeting adults ages 18 to 45 with a focus on those affected by instances of domestic violence,
the campaign will effectively communicate the core message that one conviction of domestic
violence ends the right to bear arms.
This opportunity comes with challenges and therefore needs to be framed and guided by
effective policy to ensure best use and maximum effectiveness. Without clear guidelines,
parameters and strategy, the scope of the campaign may detract from core organizational
communication objectives.
For this reason it is essential that Disarm Domestic Violence have an effective strategy
associated with its communications in the social media forum. This campaign also needs a clear
policy that outlines how the organization will use social media. If done effectively, Disarm
Domestic Violence can use social media to:


Promote organizational goals

Build the Disarm Domestic Violence profile
Expand reach (i.e. communicate with supporters and other organizations)
Spread the message
Expand visibility
Support marketing and promotional efforts

This social media strategy outlines measurable tactics and creative ideas for implementation.
This plan takes into consideration the resources of the organization, as well as the current
online opportunities available to engage audiences in a variety of demographics.


Advertising Challenge
Develop a cohesive social media campaign aimed to generate general
awareness about
domestic violence and Title 18

Who are we talking to?

Adults 18 - 45, with a focus on those affected or involved with instances of

What is the one thing we need to communicate?

One conviction of domestic violence ends the right to bear arms.

Reasons to Believe
Prevent further crime with a firearm
Convicted perpetrators will likely face 10 years in jail and a $250,000 fine if
caught with a firearm
Prevent victim suicides

Executional Considerations
General awareness focused while still appealing to victim and perpetrator
specific groups
Balance between emotional and factual messaging
Should offer original insight and information while additionally seeking the
expertise of outside sources
Consider owning the One & Done tagline


NNEDV (The National Network to End Domestic Violence): A leading national voice for domestic
violence survivors and their allies
@nnedv ( Twitter Handle)
This organization interacts with other DV accounts by retweeting their material or
engaging in conversations via Twitter. Looking at NNEDVs ways of interacting with other
accounts, would be good source to model after. If this account is followed it may raise
followers and start conversations about disarming domestic violence.
EX: of organizations they interact with: Fem2pt0, ItsOnUs, National DV
Hotline, No More
EX: of live tweeting and participating in Twitter discussions: #StopWebH8
Danielle Citron discusses the ways in which we can work within
the 1st amend to protect victims @daniellecitron #techsafety #StopWebH8
(They are not only discussing trending issues but tagged another person in
the tweet to allow for them to potentially share this with other followers. In
addition, they hashtagged two trending topics that can contribute to the
NNEDV stays up to date with the latest trending issues regarding DV and womens issues
EX: Open Letter to NASCAR:
In order to be a source for others, we should stay up to date on trending issues
similarly to NNEDV
This organization provides creative ways to incorporate their information through infographics,
survivor testimonies, videos and retweets. Some of these would be good to incorporate into
DDV including:
EX Testimonies:

EX Myths vs. Realities:


EX: Myth #7: The only thing I can do is change my SSN. Learn
more: #Relocation #Mythbusting

EveryTown: Everytown for Gun Safety is a movement of Americans working together to end
gun violence and build safer communities
@Everytown (Twitter Handle)
This would be a good organization to follow and see how they present the issue
of gun violence and preventing it.
EX: How Criminals are evading the gun background check system in Oregon:
Everytown incorporates our mission of creating a safer community for everyone
through ending gun violence. Following their account will give DDV the opportunity to
reach out to them via. social media to have them share our posts as well.

Its On Us: A campaign of @GenProgress and @WhiteHouse. Changing the culture around
campus sexual assault.
@ItsOnUs (Twitter Handle)
Its On Us provides a look into the issues of sexual assault on campus, not quite
the same mission of DDV, however, it does attract part of the age group DDV is trying to
Keeping up to date with what they are doing and how they are interacting


EX: Once the campaign progresses a little bit, this organization does a great job

engaging the (campus) community nationwide to take their pledge

EX of Utilizing a trending hashtag: #OrdinaryLies- trending hashtag influencing
the lies and myths of domestic violence

National Domestic Violence Hotline:
Model posts to post after NDVH
EX: Post stories and criminal cases happening around the country to start

conversations among those following

the page


Love is Respect:
This organization is regional, similar to how DDV is now, and has a smaller following but still
interacts with those following the page in a unique way. Look and possibly share their pop
culture stories and model how they publicize their blog posts.
EX: Madonna and Drake at Coachella

Domestic Violence Council
Domestic Violence Council utilizes many different forms of social media but utilizes Facebook as
the center hub for this information. As DDV grows, the information and print material can be
shared similarly to this.
EX: posting their updated newsletters on the page


Similar to other popular social media sources, they are involved in real time issues
EX: Post about the Salvation Army Why is it so hard to see black and
EX: Domestic Violence Survivors Want New assault Laws in Nebraska
Use as a model for how to share relevant content to the DDV mission.
EX: sharing Humans of New York photo dealing with Domestic Violence

Children of Domestic Violence


Use months like National Child Abuse Prevention Month to raise awareness for their causepartner with other organizations to raise awareness for their cause and collaborate for an event
during this month. DDV can play off this idea and incorporate it into their page.


Summary of Findings from Social Landscape:

We Should:
Stay up-to-date on issues surrounding domestic violence and join
in on the conversation utilizing trending hashtags, trending stories, trending
Follow news sources and credible social media channels with
similar focuss to ours to share their content and have them share ours.
Stay relevant on monthly observances to create buzz around our
media sites.
We Should not:
Share content that does not fit with our mission of raising
awareness on Title 18 or violence related to domestic violence
Follow multiple sources to solely gain followers. Each follow
should be strategic and have a purpose

- 10 -


This section will cover who we are, why we are promoting Title 18 and the style of how we are
going to go about promoting it through social media. The purpose of this portion of the outline is
to help the target audience become aware of the motives and intentions we have for the One
and Done campaign. Also, explaining what kind and style of information they can expect to see
on their social media is beneficial to the follower and, in turn, will hopefully make more people
want to follow us.

Who We Are- We are an organization composed of public servants wanting to spread the
awareness of Title 18.
We choose to help inform people of Title 18 because the law restricts the right to
bare arms to those convicted of domestic violence.
The process of educating those who have been convicted of domestic violence,
as well as their friends and families, is done in hopes of reducing fatal incidents.

Why We Do It- Following the One and Done campaign on our Facebook and Twitter sites will
be informational for our followers.
The posts will consist of shocking facts and heart breaking statistics about
domestic violence.
Inform others
Stories from domestic violence survivors that otherwise they may
not have known about.
Title 18 education and awareness
Give people the chance to help further our message about domestic violence
and Title 18.
Spark a call to action in our followers

What Followers should expect from the social media sites- It is important to make clear
what a follower can expect, in terms of posts, from an organization. People do not want to
commit to following a channel or user because they post too often, the links are scams or the
content is not of any use to the follower.
What we will be doing is using Facebook and Twitter to spread awareness about
domestic violence and Title 18.
Post only accurate information and hyperlinks and pictures that go
to sites other than our own so that viewers can learn about domestic violence
from a variety of places.
We will encourage followers to share and like our posts to help
foster an online conversation and flow of information about Title 18 and domestic
We will attempt to reply to posts or comments that we are tagged
in in a timely manner so that followers know we hear what they have to say and
appreciate their contribution to raising awareness for our message and cause.

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What followers can expect us not to do- As previously mentioned, potential

followers will become apprehensive about following organizations on social media if they
think we are going to flood their news feeds with meaningless posts.
We will not be posting more than a few times a day, unless
timeliness is a factor or relevancy to our cause is clear.
We will not ignore followers requests to follow or friend our page
We will not post too many facts or hard information without some
kind of personal accounts or stories to break them up.
Posting hard information multiple times without
break can make our social media pages seem scripted or staged.
By informing potential followers about what they can expect from us, that will increase the
likelihood they will follow us or share our page.

- 12 -


When using social networks, always remember that:

Social networking is personality-based; display honest information
and keep the tone personable.
Once its out there, you cant get it back. Remember that even if
you delete something youve posted, its possible someone already saw it and
could have even taken a screenshot or otherwise made it permanent.
You can only control what you post on a social network, not what
others post. Pay attention to comments or photos that are damaging to your
organization. Take the appropriate steps to remove offensive content and
respond when necessary.
Be prepared for the worst and ready to take action. If something
goes wrong involving your brand and it goes public, you may have to take to
social media to react, respond and recite your organizations messages to your
All channels should be checked consistently and user messages and inquiries
need to be responded to promptly. (Recommended within 24 - 48 hours)
Each social media post should be proofread by a colleague before being
published. If spelling or grammar mistakes occur in posts, it can damage the brands
reputation as a credible resource.
A process should be determined to ensure each post is reviewed
by someone else prior to publishing to avoid misspelling or missing words.
This could be as simple as sending an email or instant message
to request a colleague quickly read the post.
If it is a real-time post using a mobile device, ask a colleague near you to
quickly read the post.
There may be times where someone is unavailable to review a
post. If it must go up right away, be sure to double and triple check for grammar,
spelling and clarity.
Always refer back to the content calendar before posting new information.

Facebook is an online social network that helps inform and engage

followers through pictures, videos, and links that are posted. This network creates a
strong follower base that is easy to interact and share content with.
Where to start:
The admin of the account must also have a personal account on Facebook in
order to access the organizations page.
Remember that profiles are for people and pages are for
businesses. So a person's profile must be made in order for the organizations
page to be accessed.
There can be many administrators to the business page as long
as the original use grants them access.
Be sure to use and refer to the content calendar when posting

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When posting in real-time work to keep the voice and attitude of the page
Creating a Profile and Page:

Go to to create a free account

Fill out all information they are requesting or you feel comfortable giving.
People will not be able to access the personal account through the
Disarm Domestic Violence page.
It is best to post on Facebook a few times a week in order to create and maintain
a constant interaction with followers. The content calendar and checklist can be found on
page 18.
Creating posts on facebook includes, status updates, individual
photos or photo albums, links to other websites, blog posts and videos.
Be sure to use the content calendar when posting. Pictured below
is where a post will be created.

Once a picture has been posted if you choose there are many
different ways you can tag people or other organizations in the picture.
Tagging is a way to connect other organizations to
material that you have posted.
The first option is you are asked before the picture
is posted
You can decide later on that you would like to tag
someone or something in the picture. The option posted below
can be found by clicking on the picture to
make it full screen, and the option to Tag
Photo will show up.

- 14 -

Pictured below is the the notification center. When a person interacts with the
Disarm Domestic Violence facebook page, you will receive a notification. Notifications
differ between a person liking the page, a personal message, or if the page received a
new follower.
This notification center is found on the top right hand corner of the
facebook home page.


This section is found on the top left hand side of the facebook

For more information or any other questions you may have we recommend referring to the
Facebook help website.
To share small tidbits of information such as pictures, links, and videos that lead
the user back to the Facebook page or website.
Where to start:
All tweets must be kept to a
maximum of 140 characters, but leave
about 20 characters in case followers
want to retweet or add comments to the

Gaining access to Twitter account
is simple, all you need is the password
and username. Anyone can log into the
account and post relevant information.
Be sure to reference the content calendar for the first 30 days to get a hang of
the account. After 30 days, study other accounts and see what their followers are
interested in.

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Page setup:
first, choose a profile
picture, preferably one that is
associated with the campaign
(such as a logo).
This photo will appear
next all of your tweets

the bio section that
describes that brand to followers in 160 words.
Be sure to add a location and website URL or Facebook link as
Add a background and header photo, again that ties into your branding. these
aspects allow you to share additional visual elements.
Posting Content:
Post- an announcement that followers can see
Post engaging material according to the content calendar. Posts should engage
feedback and interaction from followers, while also sharing any interesting updates and
Be aware of optimal times to post. Some followers social media habits may be
different than others.
There is no set number of
tweets per day, but be mindful of
these few things:
Too many
tweets can annoy followers
space out
tweets, unless you are
engaging in a conversation
with a follower.
Check your @replies and
@messages at least once a day for
any comments or questions from
followers. You can set your account


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to receive email alerts to a specified email account when you are mentioned or
messaged by a follower.

When using content from another source, try to give them credit.
Ex: simply include via @DomesticViolenceHotline in your tweet

On a regular basis, search for new accounts to follow to grow a greater online
It is good practice to follow fewer user than follow you. There is a
follow limit to prevent spam accounts.
Twitter (cont.)
Use hashtags (#) to preface key words and phrases. Twitter will track these
tweets and allow users to search discussions involving hashtagged words or phrases.
It is important to not incorporate any spacing or punctuation in the
You may want to search the hashtag you will be using to make
sure it is not already in use.
Ex: #DisarmDomesticViolence
you can tag others in tweets by using their handle name along with the @
Ex: @UserXYZ
If you begin a tweet by mentioning a user with the @ symbol, only the person
mentioned and your followers who follow the person mentioned can see the tweet on
their timeline.
If you want all your followers to see the tweet use this method of
placing a period before the Twitter handle. Ex: . @UserXYZ thank you for
sharing this link!
There are two forms of
Retweeting is
when people repost the tweet
Form 1: Quote
tweeting where users can copy
and paste the original in quotes
with the original users handle
with the abbreviation RT. The retweeter can then add their own comments if
they wish.
Form 2: Retweeting is where the original tweet is posted to your
account. This form does not allow comments to be added to the original tweet.

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This form will allow the tweet to appear on your followers feeds with the original
posters name and profile image.
Images and videos are
becoming more accessible on
Twitter. You can post a photo or
video by going to tweet a post and
clicking on the camera picture on the task toolbar
Here is the link to the Twitter Help Center: .This will be able to
give you more infromation on the social medis platform while also providing a Twitter
lingo glossary.

Below is a content calendar to get you started on your social media campaign. Each cell
contains directions to what and how to post to that respective social platform. A majority of the
posts include a link to an article or website; once these links are pasted in their proper spots,
they will automatically load.
You will notice that the Twitter content on days 6, 11, 21 and 24 directs you to upload a photo to
your Twitter page. These photos are found in a separate jump drive which you will have access
to. at the bottom of this document. You can easily upload the picture by clicking Add Photo
where you would normally input text and select the specified image from your saved pictures.
Please use your social media checklists to keep up to date on your account activity.



This will be an introductory post on your Facebook

Copy and Paste:

Copy and Paste:

Hello, Twitter world! Check out
the link in our bio for more

Our task force is comprised of retired professionals who held

significant roles in civic undertakings. We are committed to
public safety and the overall well being of communities
everywhere. Whether it is over a cup of Deweys Coffee on
Shaker Square, in a classroom or in our own homes, we are
active in our discussions regarding current issues and our
civil duties.
As a group, we were responsible for the Use It To
Rob and Rob Yourself. Eight Years Mandatory Sentence

- 18 -

information on our mission to

Find us on Facebook!

media campaign. This campaign is credited in helping to

significantly reduce armed robbery, and was adopted by
jurisdictions all over Ohio.
Today, we are focused on spreading awareness of
Title 18, a law making it illegal for anyone convicted of
domestic violence to carry a firearm. Title 18 and the One &
Done campaign aims to help victims of domestic violence
make their situations safer.
Stay tuned for additional articles and posts
supporting our cause and visit our website at
Welcome to One & Dones official Facebook page!


Copy and Paste: The One &

Done campaign is committed to
#publicsafety & public well
being. Please RT & help us

Copy and Paste: One and Done is an activist group that

focuses on diminishing crime and providing a safer
community by bringing about the issue of Title 18, which is a
federal law that many people are unaware exists. Title 18
states that domestic violence offenders forego their right to
bear arms after their first conviction.
As a task force comprised of retired professionals who have
held significant roles in civic undertakings, we wish to bring
awareness to this issue and offer information on why Title 18
is important.

Copy and Paste: It is estimated

that 1 in 4 women will
experience #domesticabuse.
When guns become involved the
situation gets even worse.


Follow 5 other reliable

domestic violence related
accounts like @nnedv or

Copy and Paste: A great example of how modern

technology can improve our message. #DisarmDV

Copy and Paste: Check out this

creative way @womensaid
helped in creating awareness
against domestic violence


Copy and Paste: 46 is the

number of American women
shot to death each month by

- 19 -

current or former intimate

partners. #DisarmDV
In the same tweet, upload
figure 1 after saving the
picture to your computer.


Copy and Paste: Women are

dying at a rate of 1 every 12
days due to domestic violence


Copy and Paste: How long will it take before domestic

violence kills?

Copy and Paste: How long will

it take before
#domesticviolence kills?


Follow 5 other reliable

domestic violence related


Copy and Paste:

Attorneys, politicians, and civil activists in Oregon are
debating over guns and whether those convicted of domestic
abuse should be able to own one. Where do you stand on
the issue? #DisarmDV




Copy and Paste: Awareness of a

quieted issue is the first step in taking a stand for those that
suffer from domestic violence.

Copy and Paste:

Title 18 prohibits anyone who
has been convicted of a felony,
including #domesticviolence,
from carrying a firearm.

Upload and post figure 2

after saving the picture to
your computer.
Copy and Paste:
#DisarmDV #domesticviolence

- 20 -

Copy and Paste: Not always

what you think #CantGoHome


Re-tweet a relevant article/
post shared by one of the
recommended domestic
violence accounts like
@nnedv or @ndvh



Copy and Paste: 1 in 3

female homicide victims are
killed by their current or former
partner. #DisarmDV


Copy and Paste:

Some powerful, first-hand stories from six domestic violence

Copy and Paste: 6 domestic

violence survivors explain their
story #CantGoHome


Copy and Paste:

Check out Post and Couriers Pulitzer Prize winning
campaign in light of domestic violence and homicide in
South Carolina and across the nation.

Copy and Paste: 1 in 3 female

homicide victims are killed by
their current or former partner.



Re-tweet a relevant article/

post shared by one of the
recommended domestic
violence accounts


Look up and Like 3 other relevant domestic violence




Copy and Paste:

A woman is 7 times more likely
to be killed during
#domesticabuse if there is a
gun in the home. #DisarmDV
Copy and Paste:
Women lose 8 million work days
every year due to injuries
sustained through
#domesticabuse. Equivalent to
over 32K full time jobs.

- 21 -


Copy and Paste:

The decision is great because it recognizes that domestic
violence comes in many forms. Its not always physical or
sexual violence.



Copy and Paste:

#SupremeCourt limits gun
ownership for
#domesticviolence offenders
Upload figure 3 after saving
the picture to your computer.
In the same tweet, copy and
#DisarmDV #endthisnow


Copy and Paste:

Do you have a personal story involving domestic violence or
know someone who does? Please visit our Twitter page
@DisarmDV and our website at for similar stories and
additional information regarding domestic violence and gun


Look up and Like 3 other relevant domestic violence


Copy and Paste:

Title 18 and the One & Done
campaign focus on creating
safer communities and
diminishing the alarming amount
of #DV cases. #DisarmDV
Follow 5 other reliable
domestic violence related
Copy and Paste: 20 people
per minute are victims of
physical violence by an intimate
partner in the U.S.
In the same tweet upload
figure 4 after saving the
picture to your computer.




Copy and Paste: At least 62% of the victims known to their

killers were intimate partners: wives, common-law wives, exwives or girlfriends.

Copy and Paste: A majority of

homicide victims have close
relations with their killers.



Follow 5 other reliable

domestic violence related



Copy and Paste: Negligence

- 22 -

of Title 18 results in more

deaths by gun every year.
There are currently 283M guns
in the hands of US civilians.

Copy and Paste:

This is a great forum for survivors of domestic violence to tell
their stories and inspire change!





Copy and Paste:

This is a great forum for
#survivors of #domesticviolence
to tell their stories and inspire
change! #DisarmDV
Copy and Paste: With over
10,000 deaths, the U.S. has
the highest annual rate of gunrelated homicides in the world.
Re-tweet a relevant article/
post shared by one of the
recommended domestic
violence accounts

A majority of the articles we included in this content calendar were found through Google
search. Keywords and phrases such as domestic violence, gun possession, and gun law
are just a few examples of what might bring up relevant and interesting results and articles. In
the case that you do find an interesting article, you can share that website by simply copying the
website URL and pasting it on Facebook or Twitter. It often helps to comment on the articles
message as well.
Both the Facebook and Twitter accounts have usernames and passwords associated with them.
password: disarmdv123
username: disarmdv
password: disarmdv123

- 23 -

Sample Blog Post:

- 24 -

Title 18: One and Done

It is estimated that 1 in 4 women will experience domestic abuse in her lifetime. This number is
far too high. When guns become involved the situation gets even worse. One in three female
homicide victims are murdered by their current or former partner every year. Similarly, a woman
is up to 7 times more likely to be killed during domestic abuse if there is a gun in the home.
The federal law, Title 18, looks to reduce the instances of death by domestic abuse. This law
prohibits anyone who has been convicted of a felony, which includes domestic violence, from
carrying a firearm. However, the law is seldom enforced in judicial systems. Oftentimes police
are too busy to follow-up suspected gun carrier, victims are reluctant to report violations, or the
law is unknown.
Our mission is to promote Title 18 through our Disarm Domestic Violence campaign which
states that one conviction of domestic violence and you give up your right to bear arms. We
hope to spread awareness on this pressing issue while informing and trying to bring about the
use of this law to eliminate deaths by domestic violence.

- 25 -


For this campaign we want to show the voices of victims of domestic violence and create
an online community
These stories are about people who have either gotten out of domestic violence or family
members affected by domestic violence. This allows voice of these people to be shared on
multiple social media platforms.
Similar to an Ask Abby as seen in The Plain Dealer, people can submit questions and stories
anonymously. With this people can create connections between victims and family members or
loved ones of domestic violence.
For this we came up with the idea of Dear Dee*
*Name can be changed
Dear Dee,
My sister and her bf have been together for about 6 months. The other night she came
home with a black eye. She said that she egged him on but, Im not sure if I believe her. Should
I be concerned?
A Bruised Sister
Personal Stories
Where the stories are from?
- Dear Dee*
- Same stories on blog posts
What the stories are about?
- People who have gotten out of domestic violence.
- Family Members/ Loved ones stories about domestic violence and their
These tweets will be more emotional and personal. Our followers will get more a realization of
what a victim may feel like.The hashtag will allow followers to state their own reason why they


- 26 -

He always says its the last time...everytime #CantGoHome

Domestic Violence can last a lifetime if not stopped #CantGoHome
Facts and Statistics
Along with emotional, personal tweets we will also create tweets with facts and statistics
about domestic violence.
1 and 4 women will be a victim of domestic violence
Check us out on Facebook! (facebook link)
Local Sport Teams
Cleveland Gladiators: Arena Football
Akron Rubber Ducks: Baseball
Lake County Captains: Baseball
Lake Erie Crushers: Baseball
Lake Erie Monsters: Hockey
Local Sports Teams are going to be a good way way to reach different types of people for the
campaign. Sports and domestic violence is already in the light of the media, thus making a
negative into a positive. This also makes the sports teams more humane and shows great
support for the well being of the community.
Below is an example of how this organization could work with a local sports team to gain

Akron Rubber Ducks

The Akron Rubbers Ducks is a fairly new minor league baseball

team that got started in

Players wear wristband with Disarm Domestic


Have a special DV sponsor baseball game

DV Sponsor Game

First 1,000 fans get t-shirts

Front: Rubber Ducks Logo

Back: Disarm Domestic Violence with social media


Before 1st pitch Announcement about the event

Fan T-Shirt

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- 28 -

The social media aspect of marketing our One & Done campaign is crucial to attracting
followers and fellow advocates for the task we are trying to accomplish. However, making this
process easier for our target audience is crucial in spreading our word.


We are trying to lead people back to our social media platforms

Getting people active on our social media platforms
This will aid greatly in accomplishing our goals.

Email Signature
As a group we made an email footnote to make it easier for our target audience
to click on to one of our social media platforms easily and effectively from just receiving
a single email.

How to insert icons that will link to your pages

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Step 1

Step 2

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Step 3

Step 4

- 31 -

Step 5

Step 6

Poster & Flyers

Our next initiatives included posters and a flyers, giving small informative bits of
information and social media logos, displaying that we are Active on those various

- 32 -

Postcard, Button, T-Shirt, Key Chain, Stickers

Other ideas such as postcards, buttons, T-shirts, key chains, stickers and other
various strategies will help to lead the target audience members back to our social
media campaign.
Using these visual and tangible aids will help in attracting people who usually are
not active on social media, or possibly spark the curiosity within a member of our target
audience to gain one more follower.



- 33 -



Creative Strategic
Sidewalk Chalk
This creative strategic out of the box idea is something fun for
the campaign to do in order to get the general audience to become more aware
of the campaign.
Every 10 feet, we can put a statistic



By following the social

media content
calendar the following goals should be achievable by their respective dates. Use the following
social media analytics to gain a better understanding of how to reach these goals and alter
social media use accordingly.
1. Gain a minimum of 20 likes per month
2. Keep an increasing percentage of reach in accordance with the amount of
followers gained
3. Keep engagement numbers above the amount of followers.
1. Followers: Gain a minimum of 25 followers per month
2. Impressions (how many users see your tweet): Keep impressions no lower than
50% of the number of followers.
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3. Engagement: Try to get 5 new followers engaged each week.

Facebook Analytics
1. Log in to with user name and password
2. Locate the Insights tab on the left hand side of the Disarm Domestic Violence
page and click.
3. The Insights tab is broken down into sections (You can move between the
different tabs to learn more about what's been happening with your page.)
a. Overview: The Overview tab gives you a 7-day snapshot of

the most important activity on your page

b. Likes (Watch your audience grow and engage. See how many
likes your page gained or lost each day, and learn where on Facebook your likes
are coming from)
This tab is broken up into parts:
1. Total Page Likes

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2. Net Likes

3. Where Your Page Likes Happen

ii. Two Major Features of this tab

4. Start and End Date: use the Start
and End criteria on the right hand side to set a date range to
attain a more accurate reading for a specific time period.
5. Benchmarking: the ability to
benchmark your data to compare the performance of your page
between time periods.
(use these features to keep track of when the most effective time
to publish posts on Facebook are)
c. Visits (See where on the internet people are coming from to

get to your Page, and where on your Page they're going once they arrive.)
d. Posts (Posts that get more likes, comments and shares
show up more in News Feed and are seen by more people. Posts that are
hidden, reported as spam or cause people to unlike your Page reach
fewer people. If you notice a spike or dip, look at what you posted that day
to learn more about how you might have influenced your reach.)

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Understand how people are responding to your

posts to help you create content that your audience cares about.
See how specific posts and types of posts perform so you can

focus your efforts on what works.

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Click When Your Fans Are Online to see what
time is the best time to post in order to reach the most people.


Click Post Types to see what kinds of posts

(pictures, links, statuses, videos, etc.) your fans prefer to see.

e. People (Find out more about who likes your Page and who likes,
comments, and shares your posts to improve your targeting. See how they're
similar or different from other people on Facebook.)
Identify your fans by clicking Your Fans to see the
demographics of the people who like your page.

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People Reached allows you to see the amount of
people who have seen your posts in the past days

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People Engaged shows you how engaged your fans
are and what the demographics are of that group of people.

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The Tweet activity dashboard is a tool you can use to learn more about your Tweets and how
they resonate with your audience. One can see how people engage with your Tweets in real
time and trend over time.

Login to with username and password

Click on Tweets


Click View Tweet Activity

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4. Click into an individual Tweet to see specific data for that Tweet


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Thoughts on social channels and creative ideas to implement in the
Provide examples
In order of priority
Instagram-positive outlook for survivors

Instagram is an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking

service that enables its users to take pictures and videos, and share them on a
variety of social networking platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter.

Large amount of users we can target are on Instagram

Because Im Happy Campaign
post picture of something that makes you happy
idea: add story of how you were able to end domestic violence
situation, how title 18 helped you in the legal system
with each post #DisarmDV, #Title18

Youtube-promotional video
YouTube is a free video-hosting website that allows members to store and serve video
content. YouTube members and website visitors can share YouTube videos on a variety
of web platforms by using a link or by embedding HTML code.


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One and Done does not have a visual montage or representation of who we are
We are able to measure the popularity rate

Partner with user channel to help our organization produce our video
5 Survivor testimonies to how One and Done and Title 18 helped them in the
legal system
2 Testimonies to how still need help in overcoming their situation in the legal
system...still learning about Title 18 & One and Done
Original members speak to how One and Done is a great organization
Original member conclude with final statement, contact information

Questions to Consider when using these new platforms

When using Instagram:

Are the images clear and not pixelated?

Are we gaining a substantial amount of followers?

When using YouTube:

Are the links to each video easily shareable?

Do the videos contain smooth transitions?

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