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Grant Hemingson

AP US History
Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness These are the words by which Americans
have lived for the last century and a half. Americans thrive by those words, and work hard in
pursuit of them. In this time of great prosperity, there are red devils taking over and abolishing
freedom in the east. These unalienable rights are the basis of society in the Land of Freedom, and
the Reds are proving themselves to be a blatant threat to our beloved democracy. The rise of the
Reds will be the end of freedom as we know it if we do not act to stop them.
The rise of Socialism by the Bolsheviks in Russia how quickly standing institutions can
be dismantled and turned into a totalitarian socialist platform. It is indeed a scary time for the
freedom that stands strong in America. The rise of the Communism threatens many aspects of
democracy including our rights to the freedoms of religion, speech, and our governing body. The
rise of Socialism jeopardizes the American Dream that if you work hard, you can become
successful. Under Socialism, if you work hard, some cheating tyrant will become successful.
This is why Americans must come together to put a stop to this menace.
Over the course of my life I have had to opportunity to experience some of the lowest
times in the United States history, and luckily Im getting to experience some of the best times as
Im writing this. We are coming off of a victorious war, and as Harding put it, we are on the
Return to Normalcy. The economy is no longer struggling, ironically, thanks to the war.
Companies are making products at a rate never before seen, and the stock market is booming due
to marginal stock trading and speculation. Banks are taking investments at higher rates than ever,
and interest rates are low. Everything is looking up.
But as we look east, or west, whichever way is closer to Russia, we see the Bolsheviks
taking over and forcefully institutionalizing a communist government upon the citizens of the
former Tsarist Autocracy. This idea that everyone is equal under the system, sounds like a good
plan in theory. However, it poses many potential problems through improperly distributed
education, money, and rights. Therefore, this plan to systematically equalize everyone under a
fair and equal government will never be successful. There will always be members in society
who thirst for knowledge, power, and money. Under this system, the geniuses and the fools will
be shoved into the same systems and the opportunity for the gifted to accel will be lost. This loss

of potential in the midst of the dumb will effectively begin another Dark Age to the world. These
are the reasons for which we must prevent communism in any way possible.

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