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At a bar

By brazdolph

Waiting time

Biding time in existence

Avoiding thoughts by watching seconds go by

Snapshots being taken to register moments

Watching history being made, repeated

Stories being told and retold


Absorbing energies through my eyes,nose, throat, touch

Wincing at things overheard

Smiling at some silly thoughts

Noticing behaviour patterns

A kaleidoscope

Analysing bodies, faces,laughters,clothes

Deafening sounds of blabbering and music

Patrons trying to make themselves heard

Outspeaking their co-barflies

All joyous and so loud!

Beverages gulped by the gallons

Fractions of sentences caught by lip-reading

Eyes darting from place to face

Pointing fingers

Pointed noses

Hair galore

Arching eyebrows in disbelief

Heads shaking, nodding, thinking

Smells that entice all senses

Music that gets you swaying

Foot tapping to the rhythm

Cellphones that are checked every now and then

Solicitous waiters eager to please your hungry minds, hungry bodies...

Thirst on a Thursday night.

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