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Block Plan

Grade: 9th
Teacher(s) Langwald
Focus and Skill(s): Rhythm and Dance
Day 1: 4/20/15
Day/Lesson #: 1 Rhythmic activities
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will warm up with a five minute jog. Students
will watch the music video cups by Ana Kendrick (
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Beats and rhythms.
Definition of a beat: In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse (regularly
repeating event), of the measurable level (or beat level).
Definition of rhythm: The beat of music; the regular pattern of long and short notes. Certain kinds of music,
such as blues or marches, have a very characteristic rhythm. Rhythm, harmony, and melody are elements
of music.
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to make the cup rhythm with their solo cup to the pitch perfect cups song
rhythm. (psychomotor)
2. Students will be able to remember the definitions of beat and rhythm by writing them on an exist slip.
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Teacher will give all the students a solo
cup. Students will practice making rhythms with their cups. Students will be learning the beat to the pitch
perfect rhythm to the cups song. Teacher will break down the rhythm to the song and how the students
should perform each movement to the rhythm. Students will practice the rhythm to the beat song as a class
with the teacher first without music to a slower rhythm. Teacher will speed up the rhythm to match the
rhythm of the song. Students will perform he cups song to the song cups by Ana Kendrick.
1. Students will be assessed on performing the cup rhythm with their solo cup to the pitch perfect cups
song rhythm by teacher observation on a scale of (0-3)
2. Students will be assessed on writing down the definitions of beat and rhythm on exit slips.
Closure: How did you like the activity today?
What other songs do you think you can perform a rhythm with too?
What other songs would you like to perform a cups rhythm too?

Day 2: 4/21/16
Day/Lesson #: 2 Rhythmic activities
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will warm up with a teacher lead fitness
session. ( lunges, jumping jacks, pushups, sit ups) Students will be watching several video clips of cup song
performers (
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Beats and rhythms.
Definition of a beat: In music and music theory, the beat is the basic unit of time, the pulse (regularly
repeating event), of the measurable level (or beat level).
Definition of rhythm: The beat of music; the regular pattern of long and short notes. Certain kinds of music,
such as blues or marches, have a very characteristic rhythm. Rhythm, harmony, and melody are elements
of music.
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to create a rhythm to a chosen song using solo cups by themselves or in a
small groups (psychomotor)
2. Students will be able to perform their chosen song and rhythm at the end of class to another group.
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Teacher will give all the students a solo
cup. Students will practice making rhythms with their cups. Students will be making rhythms to their favorite
songs. Students will be allowed to use their cellular device as a way to play their song choice. Students can
work solo or may have a partner or small groups. Students will have most of the hour to create a rhythm and
to be able to perform it at the end of the class to another student or group.
1. Students will be assessed on creating rhythm to a chosen song using solo cups by themselves or in
small groups by writing them down on an exit slip.
2. Students will assessed by performing their chosen song and rhythm at the end of class to another
group by peer observation.
Closure: How did you like creating your own cups rhythm? Did you ding it challenging? Did you like the
groups that you got to watch? Did you find other peoples song choices interesting?

Day 3: 4/22/16
Day/Lesson #: 3 line dancing
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will warm up by jogging around the gym for 5
minutes while music is playing in the background (Pandora Playlist Tween Radio)
Students will watch a eclectic slide instructional video (

Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Line Dance Electric slide
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to maintain personal space while in the general space of the room (affective)
2. Students will participate the entire time giving their best effort by moving to the music, following the
musics directions, and having a positive attitude. (affective)
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any):
Break down of the steps of the electric slide:
Step 1: 4 side steps to the Right
Take four side steps to your right, beginning with your right foot: step right, left together; step right, left
Step 2: 4 side steps to the Left
Take four side steps to your left, beginning with your left foot: step left, right together; step left, right together.
Step 3: 2 steps to the Back
Take two steps to the back (remain facing forward), beginning with your right foot: back right, left together.
Step 4: 3 step-touch
Step back onto your right foot. Tap your left foot in place.
Step forward onto your left foot. Tap your right foot in place behind you.
Step back onto your right foot. Tap your left foot in front of you.
Step 5: Pivot and Brush
Put your weight on your left foot and pivot 90 degrees to the left on your foot. At the same time that you
pivot, brush your right foot into the air. When you land on your right foot, this will be the first side step of step
number 1. You will now prepare to:
Step 6: REPEAT!!
Repeat (1) through (5) as many times as desired. Note: For each repetition, you will rotate 90 degrees to
face a different wall.

1. Students will be assessed on maintaining personal space by peer observation. This means students
will report is anyone bumps into them on exit slip.
2. Students will be assessed on giving their best effort by maintaining a positive attitude, moving to the
music the entire time, and following the directions by teacher observation on a scale of (1-3)
Closure: How did you like line dancing?
Were there any steps that you found difficult?
What steps did you like best?

Day 4: 4/23/16
Day/Lesson #: 4 line dancing

Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will be warming up dancing to the electric
slide. Watch cotton eyed Joe instructional video (
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): line dancing - Cotton Eyed Joe
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to maintain personal space while in the general space of the room (affective)
2. Students will participate the entire time giving their best effort by moving to the music, following the
musics directions, and having a positive attitude. (affective)
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any):
Break down of the Cotton eyed Joe line dance:
Students will learn the dance in 8 counts.
Description: 36 count, partner dance
Music: Cotton Eyed Joe by The Rednex
Position: Partners face each other, doing same footwork
1-2 Cross left foot across right shin, kick left foot forward
3&4 Step left, right, left in place
5-6 Cross right foot across left shin, kick right foot forward
7&8 Step right, left, right in place
Do these steps towards partner
1&2 Step left, right, left forward
3&4 Step right, left, right forward
Partners now right shoulder to right shoulder. Partners link right elbows
1&2 Step left, right, left turning to the right linked with partner
3&4 Step right, left, right turning to the right linked with partner
5&6 Step left, right, left turning to the right linked with partner
7&8 Step right, left, right turning to the right linked with partner
Return to original direction. Release elbows
1&2 Polka away from partner in opposite directions left, right, left
3&4 Polka away from partner
1-2 Step forward on left foot and pivot turn to the right, shift weight to right foot
3-4 Step forward on left foot and pivot turn to the right, shift weight to right foot
5-6 Stomp left foot next to right, stomp right foot next to left
7-8 Clap hands, clap hands
1&2 Kick left foot forward slightly, step ball of left foot next to right, step right foot home
3&4 Kick left foot forward slightly, step ball of left foot next to right, step right foot home

1. Students will be assessed on maintaining personal space by peer observation. This means students
will report is anyone bumps into them on exit slip.
2. Students will be assessed on giving their best effort by maintaining a positive attitude, moving to the
music the entire time, and following the direction by teacher observation on a scale of (1-3)
Closure: How did you like line dancing?
Were there any steps that you found difficult?
What steps did you like best?
What are occasions where you would line dance?
Did you like todays line dance better than yesterdays? Why?
Day 5: 4/24/15
Day/Lesson #: 5 Interpretive dance
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will be jogging around the gym for five minutes
to the song Royals (
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Interpretive dance
Definition of interpretive dance - Interpretive dance is a form of human expression that has been used for
countless years. This type of dancing can interpret emotions, situations, stories, fantasies, or conditions
through movement.
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to define interpretive dance by writing the definition. (cognitive)
2. Students will be able to use different parts of their body (arms, legs, trunk, feet, hands, face) to create
movements by listing a movement that they created that used each.
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Students will be working on emotions
through dancing. Students will spread apart and find the own personal space in the gym. The teacher will
talk them through a list of emotions and have the students perform a movement that they feel reflects that
emotion. Students movements should be reflective of how they feel and therefore students movements may
be different or the same. Teacher will also, discuss levels (high, medium, low). Emotions that will be
covered (happy, sad, angry, calm, cheerful, nervous, anxious, confused, and lonely). Students will then
explore being a tree. Students will be a tree that goes through the different seasons (spring, summer, winter,
1. Students assessed on defining interpretive dance by writing the definition by writing the definition on
an exit slip.
2. Students will be assessed on using different parts of their body (arms, legs, trunk, feet, hands, face)
to create movements by listing a movement that they created that used each on an exit slip.
Closure: How did you like interpretive dance?
How did you like being a tree?
What was your favorite season as a tree?

Day 6: 4/27/15.
Day/Lesson #: 6 Interpretive dance
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will warm up with a teacher lead fitness
session. ( lunges, jumping jacks, pushups, sit ups)
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Interpretive dance
Definition of interpretive dance - Interpretive dance is a form of human expression that has been used for
countless years. This type of dancing can interpret emotions, situations, stories, fantasies, or conditions
through movement.
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to use different parts of their body (arms, legs, trunk, feet, hands, face) to create
movements by listing a movement that they created that used each.
2. Students will be able to maintain personal space while in the general space of the room (affective)

Pre-Assessment (if any)

General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Students will be doing interpretive dance
to different songs. The instructor will play the song first and the students will have a grand discussion about
the mood of the song. What kind of movements they should be using and levels. The instructor will play the
song a second time and that is the time that students will be moving.
Gotta get through this~ Daniel Bedingfield (
Somewhere over the rainbow ~Shawn Mcdonald (
Hot and cold~ Katy Perry (
Eye of the Tiger ~ Survivor (
1. Students will be assessed on using different parts of their body (arms, legs, trunk, feet, hands, face)
to create movements by listing a movement that they created that used each on an exit slip.
2. Students will be assessed on maintaining personal space by teacher observation.
Closure: How did you feel about the songs that were played today?
What song did you like the best?
What were some types of movements that you performed?
Day 7: 4/28/15
Day/Lesson #: 7 swing
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will warm up with a 5 minute jog.Students will
watch a swing dance video (
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Swing dance. History of swing:
Swing Dancing dates back to the 1920s, when the black community took African dance moves to create the
Lindy Hop and the Charleston while dancing to contemporary Jazz music. As the dancing evolved, its

popularity swept across the country. As dancers swung the night away in clubs, Hollywood picked up on the
phenomena and created over 100 movies that included choreographed Swing dancing scenes. Today, Swing
dancing can still be found on dance floors across the country, from dancing schools to night clubs.
Different types of swung include East Coast Swing, West Coast Swing, Lindy Hop, North Dallas Push,
Houston Whip, Carolina Shag, Collegiate Shag, St. Louis Shag, bop, hand dancing, swingout, and the
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to recall 3 different types of swing by listing them on an exit slip. (cognitive)
2. Students will be able to perform a 6 step swing with a partner. (psychomotor)
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any):
Swing dance has a partner element so every student needs a partner gender does not matter so anyone can
partner with anyone.
Students will be learning a swing step basic 6 count with a partner. The basic steps to swing 6 count are:
1. Stand facing your partner, feet parallel- Fellow's left foot (usually the lady) is pointing in between the
leader's feet. Lead should hold fellow's hands in a loose hand-hold, where her hands are folded over
his. The lead should hold the hands near the fellow's waist level, so the correct height will vary with
the follow. This position is Open Position.
2. Lead steps in place on his L foot, Follow steps in place on her R. If you forget which is which,
remember that the lady is always Right. Ha-ha, that old chestnut.
3. Lead steps in place on his R foot, Follow steps on her L.
4. And now: the rock step! The follow rocks on her R, the lead on his L. Pick up that foot and place it
right behind your opposite heel, shifting weight behind you. Step back on the opposite foot, so the
step goes: Right-left for follow, Left-right for lead.
5. And we're back to the first step, so move your rocking foot back to its original position for the first
count of the second basic pattern.
Teacher will break down each step and teach it to the class. The students will learn the 6 count at a slow
pace, and then the teacher will speed up the temp to match that of swing. Students will practice to the song

1. Students will be assessed on recognition of 3 different types of swing by listing them on an exit slip.
2. Students will be assessed on perform a 6 step swing with a partner by teacher observation on a
scale of (0-3).
Closure: What were some things you learned today? What are some of the different types of swing dance?
What did you like about today?
Day 8: 4/29/15
Day/Lesson #: 8 Lindy Hop Swing
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will warm up with a teacher lead fitness

session. ( lunges, jumping jacks, pushups, sit ups)

Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Lindy Hop. History: The History
of Lindy Hop begins in the African American communities of Harlem, New York during the late 1920s in
conjunction with swing jazz. Lindy Hop is closely related to earlier African American vernacular dances but
quickly gained its own fame through dancers in films, performances, competitions, and professional dance
troupes. It became especially popular in the 1930s with the invention of aerials. The popularity of Lindy Hop
declined after World War II, and the dance remained dormant until revived by European and American
dancers in the 1980s
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to recall 2 facts about lindy hop swing dance by listing them on an exit slip.
2. Students will be able to perform a 6 step lindy hop swing dance with a partner. (psychomotor)
Pre-Assessment (if any)

General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Today we are going to be learning the
swing dance called the lindy hop. Students will pick a partner (gender does not matter). There should be a
lead partner and a follow partner. Students will have to designate which partner that they are going to be.
The teacher will show the basic steps and then have students practice them in order. The teacher will teach
the sequence and have the students repeat it over and over, before having the kids being it up to swing
speed. The moves are: basic 6-count rhythm pattern, Basic step, Open position, Closed position, Change
places (Side Pass), and Tuck Turn (from closed). The rock-step, slow, slow rhythm in side-by-side position.
This is also called the groove walk rhythm. The slow spaces you can add a triple step if students feel
Leaders and followers, make sure that you keep a bounce (pulse) going through your whole body when you
do the triple steps; dont just do them with your feet and have nothing happening with your body. Dance the
triple step with your whole body.
Students will be dancing to the song (
1. Students will be assessed on recognition of 2 facts about lindy hop by writing them on an exit slip at
the end of class on an exit slip.
2. Students will be able to perform a 6 step lindy hop swing dance with a partner by teacher
observation on a scale of (0-3).
Closure: What are some things you learned today about the Lindy Hop?
Did you enjoy dancing today?
Was there anything you found challenging?

Day 9: 4/30/15

Day/Lesson #: 9 Rhythmic activities small groups

Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will come into class. They will warm up to the
song Call Me Maybe ( however they would like.
(Stretching, interpretive dance, running)
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Working together in small groups
rhythmic activities. Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to work in small groups and Cooperate, Collaborate, Communicate with their
peers effectively.(affective)
2. Students will be able to perform their chosen routines to their selected style of dance at the end of
the second day in their small groups. (psychomotor)
Pre-Assessment (if any)
General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Students will form a circle around the
teacher. The teacher will have a hat with all student names in it besides the first five students of the
alphabet. And another hat with line, cups, swing, interpretive, and choice in it. The teacher will call up the
first five students of the alphabet to come up. Each student will pick a name out of the hat. That student will
join that group and then pick the next student. Picking will continue until all students are chosen. The last
student picked for each group will pick out of the 2nd hat and determine what style of dance that group will be
making a routine too (line, cups, swing, interpretive, and choice in it). Students may choose their own music.
Dances are to be performed at the end of the next class period. All song choices must be at least two
minutes in length and no longer than 4 minutes in length.
1. Students will be assessed on working in small groups and their ability to Cooperate, Collaborate,
Communicate with their peers effectively by peer observation on an exit slip at the end of the second
day scale of 0-5.
2. Students will be assessed on performing their chosen routines to their selected style of dance at the
end of the second day in their small groups by teacher observation on a scale of (0-3).
Closure: How did you feel about your rhythmic style that you picked out of the hat?
How is your chosen selection progressing?
Are you having any issues so far?
Day 10: 5/1/15
Day/Lesson #: 10 Rhythmic activities small groups
Warm-up/Instant Activity (Brief description if any): Students will come into class. They will warm up to the
song Happy ( however they would like. (Stretching,
interpretive dance, running)
Lesson focus (ALL Skills and concepts to be covered during this lesson): Working together in small groups
rhythmic activities. Cooperation, Collaboration, Communication
Specific Lesson Objectives:
1. Students will be able to work in small groups and Cooperate, Collaborate, Communicate with their
peers effectively.(affective)
2. Students will be able to perform their chosen routines to their selected style of dance at the end of
the second day in their small groups. (psychomotor)

Pre-Assessment (if any)

General Lesson Overview/Games/Culminating Activity (if any): Students will form a circle around the
teacher. The teacher will have a hat with all student names in it besides the first five students of the
alphabet. And another hat with line, cups, swing, interpretive, and choice in it. The teacher will call up the
first five students of the alphabet to come up. Each student will pick a name out of the hat. That student will
join that group and then pick the next student. Picking will continue until all students are chosen. The last
student picked for each group will pick out of the 2nd hat and determine what style of dance that group will be
making a routine too (line, cups, swing, interpretive, and choice in it). Students may choose their own music.
Dances are to be performed at the end of the next class period. All song choices must be at least two
minutes in length and no longer than 4 minutes in length.
1. Students will be assessed on working in small groups and their ability to Cooperate, Collaborate,
Communicate with their peers effectively by peer observation on an exit slip at the end of the second
2. Students will be assessed on performing their chosen routines to their selected style of dance at the
end of the second day in their small groups by teacher observation on a scale of (0-3).
Closure: How do you feel about the rhythmic activity that you created?
Did you feel like your group had good Cooperation, Collaboration, and Communication?


Please be sure to indicate when/if lessons are NOT taught consecutively.

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