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University of New Havens

Political Science Organization

Article I: Name and Affiliation
Section 1: The name of this organization shall be the University of New Haven Political Science
Organization, hereafter referred to in this document as the Political Science Organization (P.S.O.).
Section 2: The Political Science Organization as an organizational body remains neutral in regards to
politics. As individual members, we all hold our own views and opinions regarding politics, but at the
organizational level we are neutral so as to be welcoming to all members of the student population
regardless of political beliefs.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1: To serve the University of New Haven by providing an unbiased political outlet Section 2:
To provide the student body an outlet to express their political opinions
Section 3: To register, educate, and turn out the greatest possible amount of voters within the wider
campus community;
Section 4: To educate students about the philosophy of political parties
Section 5: To combat political apathy

Article III: Membership

Section 1: Membership: Membership in the Political Science Organization shall be open to any student
enrolled in the University of New Haven. He or she must support the advancement of the purposes of the
organization. Persons are welcomed to join regardless of gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion,
physical handicap, socioeconomic status, creed, sexual orientation or political affiliation.
Section 2: Dues: Dues will typically not be required for membership in P.S.O. However, should dues be
required, it will be a non-refundable annual payment of no more than $15. When dues are not required,
donations to P.S.O. will always be welcomed.
Section 3: To be considered an active member, one must attend at least 50% of meetings per semester as
well as at least one of the events of P.S.O. and/or of the Political Science Department per semester,
though attendance at more is encouraged.
Section 4: Faculty and staff are welcome as advisors for the Political Science Organization but cannot be
considered active members.
Section 5: Any members that are unable to attend a required event must notify the executive board at least
24 hours in advance.

Article IV: Recognized Officers

Section 1: The Executive Board of the Political Science Organization shall be comprised of a President,
Vice President, Executive Assistant, Vice President of Communication and Treasurer.

Section 2: All officials shall be elected at a regular Political Science Organization meeting by secret
ballot within the first two weeks of November each year. New officers shall be installed within the week
of the election.
Section 3: Any active member in good standing shall make nominations of candidates for office in the
Political Science Organization from the floor. There must be a second for the nomination. If an active
member would like to nominate themselves as a candidate, they will need two seconds to have their name
put on the ballot.
Section 4: Officers shall be elected by a majority of those present and voting. Votes will be tallied by the
P.S.O Executive Assistant.
Section 5: Vacancies occurring among the officers shall be filled temporarily by an active member who
is nominated by the members of the executive board.. A person elected to fill a vacancy shall serve as
officer until the next annual election.
Section 6: An Executive Board member may hold a maximum of 2 positions in the event that there is a
vacant position and no other active member is available or able to fill the vacant Executive Board
position. The position must eventually be filled in compliance to Sections 3&5 by someone that is not a
current Executive Board member at the time of elections.

Section 7: The Duties of the Executive Board are as follows:

The Collective Duties of the E-Board:
1) Create debate topics for meetings.
2) Facilitate discussion during meetings.
3) Maintain a positive atmosphere in concurrence with the rules of conduct during
The President:
1) Shall be the Executive Officer of the Political Science Organization.
2) Carry out the mandates, policies and directives of the Executive Board.
3) Preside over all meetings of the Political Science Organization.
4) Reserves the right to appoint temporary replacement officers as deemed necessary with
majority vote of the other Executive Board members.
5) Delegates duties to the rest of the Executive Board.
6) Tasked with planning events, scheduling and reserving rooms through EMS
The Vice President:
1) Assists the president in the performance of his or her duties and acts in the
Presidents stead when or if the President is unable to perform his or her duties
2) Oversee the various committees (if they exist at the time)
3) Carries out the parliamentary authority of Roberts Rules, should Roberts Rules be
in effect.
4) Define and explain any item or term in the Constitution that lacks clarity of meaning;
any interpretations that set precedent will be subject to a majority approval by vote of
all active members
5) Responsible for Public Relations (flyers, outreach etc)
The Treasurer:
1) Record fundraising activities and prepare all grants.
2) Keep record of the bank accounts and budget in cooperation with the
USGA Treasurer.
3) Keep a detailed account of all transactions of the club and spend money only with the
majority approval of the Executive Board. These records will be kept on the file with the

Treasurer and will be archived at the end of each semester. All records will be open to
any member of the club upon request.
4) Responsible for giving report on finances during meeting
5) Keep record of inventory and supplies
The Executive Assistant:
1) Attend all meeting and maintain minutes of each meeting. Said minutes will be
archived and made available to all members of P.S.O. as well as all subsequent
secretaries, upon request.
2) Keep a record of attendance of meetings and events
3) Maintain a record of both active and inactive members.
4) Keep track of all USGA points for the organization.
5) Maintain all documents of the organization.
The Vice President of Communications:
1) Must regularly check the club account email
2) Maintains communication between the E-board members and advisor
3) Responsible for emailing out meeting and event reminders each week

Article V: Impeachment
Section 1: Cause for removal: Cause for removal shall be defined as malfeasance of duties defined by the
Executive Board or delineated within this document. Any officer who, during his or her term in office,
has demonstrated negligence or incompetence in the performance of his/her prescribed constitutional
duties will be removed from office.
Section 2: Process for removal: To begin the process for removal, another member of the Executive
Board or club member must charge the officer with the reasons for his/her removal from the Executive
Board. This charge is to be submitted in writing to the remaining Executive Board for review. If there is
any evidence of nonfeasance of duties by the accused, then a charge will be brought forward by the
remaining Executive Board. The general members would then decide the verdict. A 2/3 vote from all
members present on the date of this process is required for official removal. A replacement for the
removed executive board member must take place within two weeks of removal.

Article VI: Amendments & Ratifications

Section 1: Procedure: The constitution can be amended by consent of the Executive Board with the
approval of at least of active members.
Section 2: Amendments to the constitution shall be ratified by 2/3 of the active members of P.S.O.

Article VII: Conduct

Section 1: During discussion, members and E-board alike will be required to exercise civil conduct in a
manner that does not blatantly invoke any sort of hate speech or intolerance. However, note that passion
is inherently part of a debate and, as such, participants must distinguish between an unnecessarily
aggressive argument and an emotional debate.
Section 2: Infractions upon the statement above will be subject to review by the E-Board and may result
in ejection from the meeting or the organization.
Section 3: Conduct of meetings will be left up to the discretion of the current E-Board.

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