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The 4 Grade Post

November 16th , 2015

From The Teachers

This Thursday is Science Night at
Glencairn! The event takes place from 6:30-8:00
pm in the cafeteria, library and gym of Glencairn
School. There will be 35 different stations set up
around the school, featuring hands-on experiments,
Lego Robotics, experiments the kids can eat, a
solar system station and live animals! We hope you
are able to attend this family-friendly event.
We are running low on extra snacks again.
If you are interested in sending in any snack
donations, we would gladly accept them.
Dressing children for the weather in
Michigan can be difficult. Since our temperatures
often change dramatically, we recommend sending
kids to school in layers of clothing so that they are
always warm enough, but can take off layers if the
weather does warm up. Writing your childs name
on the label of clothing is a trick to ensure it finds
its way back to your child if it is left on the
The students have filled the respect stone
jar in Mr. Fingers classroom. This means that they
have earned a party. The joint party will take place
on Tuesday afternoon next week. The 4 th grade
teachers will supply everything needed for the party
but we wanted to let you know that it is taking place
on that day. Students are allowed to wear pajamas
to school on that day if they would like to. Doing so
is completely optional.
School phone: (517) 333-7930.
Nurturing each child
Educating all students
Building World Citizens
ELPS Vision Statement:
East Lansing Public Schools provide an exemplary education for
all students through a cohesive, comprehensive curriculum in an
inclusive, supportive environment.

Special News

11/19 Glencairn Science Night 6:30-8 pm

11/25-11/27 No School. Thanksgiving
12/9 A Taste of Glencairn and Open Mic
12/18 School-wide trip to see The Good
Dinosaur at NCG Cinema. Details will follow
from Mrs. Ware.

Social Studies/Science
Students continue to learn about
geography and the physical characteristics of the
United States of America.
In science, the kids are using Archimedes
Principle to measure the volume of irregularshaped objects. They will also use problem solving
skills to find solutions to problems that arise during
the measurement process.

Unit 3 tests will be coming home this week
after we have had a chance to go over them with
students. Unit 4 pretests will also come home.
Pretests are used to help guide our instruction and
are not used to assess student learning, as it
covers material that we have not taught yet.
Unit 4 covers decimals, their place value
and how they relate to fractions, as well as
conversions between units of measurement.

We are in unit 2, week 3 of our Reading
Street program. Students will continue to work in
small reading groups and the specific goals for a
particular group or student. Whole group
instruction will include work on using cause and
effect and drawing conclusions based on evidence
from the text. Our spelling test focuses on words
with ar and or patterns. The test will be given on
Friday. There will not be a spelling list/test for next
week due to only having two days of school.

Students are working on leading their
stories to a climax or turning point. They are
building levels of suspense gradually until the main
conflict in the story is resolved. Then students are
bringing the suspense level back down following
the turning point so that there is resolution for the
characters, and the audience knows how things
turn out for the characters.

2003 by Education World. Education World grants users permission to reproduce this work sheet for educational purposes only.

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