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Time/Personal Management Rotating




Student leaders will understand that in order to be efficient and
minimize stress, organization is key. They will learn how to balance
commitments and budget time.
I. How can I balance my academic, personal, and extra-curricular
What are some strategies I can use to help manage my time
effectively without being pressured?
What are some of the things in my life that are a major setback of
me accomplishing my tasks?
Construction paper, markers, stopwatch & calculator (can be on a
phone), worksheets with activities for timed activity
Instructional Plan

1. Introduction Instructor will begin with having every student go around the
classroom and explain one thing that spend too much time on a day. For example
the students should say things such as sleeping, computer, TV (etc.). The
instructor will explain that this session will be about time management and
organization, and then begin the icebreaker.
2. Icebreaker: Set a timer for 30 seconds, and have all the delegates close their
eyes. Explain that you are going to silently start the timer, and that they are to
open their eyes when they feel like 30 seconds have passed. Dont say anything
about the time until the last person opens their eyes. Repeat this, but this time, let
everyone know when 30 seconds have passed. Repeat the exercise using a whole
minute. This illustrates how everybody has different perceptions of time, and we
often tend to over or under-budget ourselves for time.
3. Tools for Organization: Explain to delegates that there are a variety of tools they
can use to stay organized and on top of assignments/commitments. Have them
brainstorm a few as a group (planners, to-do lists, etc.).
Do, doing, done: (10 min) A great tool for organization is to create
do/doing/done boards. These can be done on dry-erase boards, with post-it notes,
on paper, or electronically. Hand each delegate a piece of construction paper and a
marker, and have them create their own organizer, with 3 columns: one for tasks
they need to complete, one for tasks they are currently getting done, and one for
things they have recently finished. Then have them rewrite all of their Do tasks,
but ranked in order of importance. The delegates should understand that being
aware of everything they need to do, as well as having a prioritized list, can help
them be much more efficient.
4. Weekly Commitment Wake-Up Call: (10 min) Delegates will now put things into
a larger perspective by thinking about how much time they spend per week on
each of their commitments. Have them start by listing all of their commitments
2015 shslw instructional plan

(including homework, clubs, sports, family and friend time, after-school tutoring,
community involvement, etc.). This can be done on the back of the do/doing/done
charts. Then have the delegates go through their list and estimate the number of
hours they spend per week on that activity. Finally they should add up all their
hours (using phone calculators. The instructor can also use their own calculator
and calculate the hours for a few volunteers). There are 168 hours in a week, so
when sleeping, eating, and structured school hours are added, its easy to see how
students might over-commit!
5. Timed Activity!
Separate the delegates into four small groups. They will be required as a group to
complete a list of tasks that they are given and they will be able to use the materials
within their groups to complete the tasks. Explain that they have ten minutes to
collect as many points as possible. They must be safe and they only have
ten minutes! After ten minutes, add up their points using your pre-designed matrix
and announce the winner. Keep the list of tasks; you may want to tape it to the wall.
1. Have everyone in the group to write down a leadership quality with each
letter of their name (5 points)
2. Create something for the instructor to wear, such as a hat or tie (10 points;
bonus 5 points if the instructor actually wears it)
3. Find out something unique about each person on the team and be ready to
share with the council (5 points)
4. Sing a song together (15 points)
5. Make something that a group leader can use to help a committee (10 points)
6. As a group come up with a leadership team name (5 points)
7. Count the number of pets owned by your group (20 points)
8. Assign a nickname to each member of the team (5 points)
9. Create name cards for each team member (5 points; bonus 5 points if you
use your team nicknames)

Make a tower out of the materials owned by your group (10 points)

2015 shslw instructional plan

Convince a member of another team to join your leadership team and
five facts why.(10 points)

Debrief Questions:

What group dynamics came into play? If participants knew each

other before, they may feel more comfortable performing a
personally risky activity, like singing a song. This comes into play
when prioritizing tasks, too; were more likely to stay within our
comfort zone, especially if were working in a team

How did teams decide what tasks they wanted to do? Most
groups will analyze the time the task will take and/or the difficulty
level, compare it with the value (possible number of points), and
prioritize as a result. We do this when managing our time, too: we
often choose the high-yield, low-effort tasks over the low-yield,
high-effort tasks (and rightly so!).


What do you need to spend more time doing? What activities and
goals are not getting enough of your time? Maybe its spending
time with family. Or doing homework the day you get it. Or
maybe it is simply being more or organized. The delegates should
learn how to manage their time so that they can accomplish what
they set out to accomplish as a skill that will help through life. Its
natural for delegates to feel overwhelmed and anxious at times,
but helping them have a plan to help get organized and set
priorities will hope to help ease the tension. You should ask
delegates that back at Salem will they use any of these things to
help them at home, school , sports, job, etc and how? By
staying organized, delegates can be more efficient and thus
reduce stress.

2015 shslw instructional plan

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