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Poudre High School

MYP Chemistry

Ms. Shelby Foster
Welcome to MYP Chemistry! This year we will be exploring the exciting world
that chemistry has to offer us! Throughout the proceeding topics we will use
the question, Why science matters to us, to guide our thinking and
exploration this year. The topics covered in class this year will include the
following: different measurement practices, atoms, molecules, compounds,
the periodic table, different types of matter, how matter can be changed,
different types of energy, and how energy changes form, and more.
Throughout various labs and activities we will explore each of these topics in
detail and answer the question of why science matters to us.
I believe that you as students bring many different experiences into our
classroom. With that being said you, as my students, will be teaching me this
semester just as I will be teaching you. I am passionate about science,
especially chemistry, and I hope at the end of this year, you too will be able
to share in some of my passion. I hope to convey to all of you that chemistry
is everywhere you look! For example, chemistry is visible in fireworks,
medicine, and cosmetics. I believe that each of you is going to succeed in
this class with hard work, as I will give you the necessary tools to do so. I
respect each and every one of you and I expect that you will do the same to
your fellow classmates and me. Please do not hesitate to stop by my office
with any questions you have, or if you need help with anything else. My door
is always open. I look forward to seeing you!

Classroom Expectations
The following expectations are to be followed in the classroom every day:
Be prepared for class which means, come with all necessary
All homework is to be put in the proper bin at the beginning of
class before the bell rings.
All students will be in their seats with the proper supplies out
before the bell rings.

There is NO drinking on lab days, however drinking water is

allowed on all other days, as long as it is in a clear and closed
There will be NO inappropriate language in this classroom.

Cell Phones
Cell phone use is not permitted during class time. If I see you with your
phone out I reserve the right to ask you to put it away the first time and the
second time during that same period that I see your phone I will ask you to
place it on my desk. You will get your phone back at the end of the class

Class Supply List

The following is a list of supplies that are required for class everyday:
One three subject notebook or 1.5 binder divided into three
sections (your preference)
One pack of loose leaf paper
One scientific calculator or graphing calculator
Blue or Black ink pens
#2 pencils with erasers

In order for you to be successful in this class active participation is required.
Participation will count for 15% of your total grade. Participation is broken
down into the following parts:
1. Labs: Since this is a chemistry classroom there will be multiple labs
that will be conducted through out the year. You will work in groups to
complete these labs. In order for me to assess whether or not you are
helping your fellow group members I will be walking around making sure
everyone is actively participating. If you are not you will receive an
automatic 10-point deduction off your lab report that you turn in.
2. Class work: Throughout the year, work will be assigned that is to
be completed during class time. Since you will be sitting in groups I expect
each of you to work with the other members of your group. In order for me to
make sure you are not just copying your other group members I will be
making notes of all of the group members participation. If you are copying

your group members notes I will take your paper and give you an automatic
3. Appropriate Classroom Behavior: If you are following the
expected classroom behavior you will automatically receive the participation
points. If you continually break the classroom expectations points will be
deducted off of your participation grade. The amount of points being
deducted will depend on the severity of the classroom expectations being

Letter grades are based on the total points earned through out each quarter.
The following scale will be used to determine the letter grade:
A 100-90%
B 89-80%
C 79-70%
D 69-60%
Grades will be based on homework, tests, quizzes, lab reports, class work,
projects and participation. For all projects and lab reports, assignment sheets
and rubrics will be given out.
Grades will be updated on a weekly basis. It is highly encouraged that you
check your grades. If you feel your grade has a discrepancy you must, in
writing, explain why you feel there is a discrepancy. Once you write out your
explanation, I will happily check your grade and make any necessary

Late Work
All homework is to be turned at the beginning of class. If work is turned in
at the end of the period 10% of the total points will be taken off. If work is
turned in one day after it is due 25% of the total points will be taken off. If
you are turning in late work, place it in the appropriate bin and write LATE
on the top of your paper. Each day the work is late 25% of the total points
will be taken off until there are no more points available in which case a zero
will be put in the grade book.

Extra Credit

Extra credit will not be offered at any time in this class. I feel as though I
give you enough opportunities throughout the quarter to get your grade to
where you feel it belongs.

Excused Absences: For however many days you are absent you have that
many days to complete any work you missed. For example, if you miss two
days of school you will have two days to complete any work you may have
missed. Please check the absent folder for the particular day you missed and
if you have any further questions seek out a classmate and ask them for
clarification. Any work that was assigned before you were absent is to be
turned in on the day you return with ABSENT written at the top of your
paper. If absent on a day that a test or quiz is being given you are expected
to make up the test or quiz the day you return.
School Excused Absences: If you will be absent due to a school excused
absence you must come talk to me before your absence so I can give you the
assigned work for that particular day. All work will be turned in the day you
Unexcused Absences: If absence is unexcused check the absent folder for
the particular day you missed and ask classmates for any clarification
needed. You will receive one day to complete all absent work regardless of
the amount of time missed. If work is completed with in a day of the absence
full credit will be given. If work is turned in after the time allotted 25% of the
total points will be taken off for each day that it is not turned in.

I will start class when the bell rings, which means I expect you to be in your
seats with the proper materials out and ready to go prior to the bell ringing.
If the bell rings and you are not in your seat you will be marked tardy. If you
receive three tardies in one quarter your grade will be affected. If you receive
an excessive amount of tardies the appropriate Dean of Students will be
contacted. If you walk into class ten minutes late without the appropriate
pass you will be absent and it will be recorded as unexcused.

Teacher Contact Information

Please do not hesitate to email me with any questions you have. I will
respond to your emails within 24 hours at the latest.
Ms. Shelby Foster

Planning Periods: 1st, 6th and 8th

Please return by August 31st 2015

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I HAVE READ AND UNDERSTAND THE CLASS POLICIES AND PROCEDURES
Student Signature


Parent/Guardian Signature


Parent/Guardian: Please include the best way to contact you either by phone or
email. Please place a check mark next to the way you prefer I communicate with
Phone Number

Best time to call:

Email Address

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