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Yanely Martinez

LEI 4724
Activity File 1
Activity Title 1: Name Tags
Marsh, J. (n.d.). Session I: Name tags (60-90 minutes). Clarifying Personal
Values, 4-5. Retrieved September 9, 2015, from
Dattilo, J. (2012). Learn About People, Inclusion, and Disability. In Inclusive
Leisure Services (Third ed., pp. 385-485). State College, PA: Venture Publishing.
Equipment: 5x8 file cards, pens and safety pins
Description of Activity: This activity is used as an icebreaker for new groups. It helps
relax and get everyone familiarized with each other. Once everyone is settled down, the
therapist will hand out the 5x8 file cards (1 card to each person). They will instruct
everyone in the group to write the name they would like to be called in the middle of the
card. After, the therapist will instruct the participants the following direction and they are
expected to follow along:
Write the numbers 1 to 3 toward the upper right hand corner of the card, title
this section 'Favorites.' Next to number 1, list your favorite song; for number 2, list your
favorite way to spend Saturday night; and for number 3, list your favorite food. Then,
move to the bottom right hand corner and number 1 to 3 again. Title this section
'Places.' For number 1, name what you feel was the warmest, most comfortable room in
your house when you were age seven. For number two, list what you feel is the
warmest, most comfortable room in your present living space. Finally, for number 3,
note your favorite vacation place. Now move to the bottom left hand corner and
number from 1 to 3 again. This corner will be your 'People' corner. For number 1, name
the three most nourishing people in your life. These would be three people you like to
be around most, and who really make you feel good about yourself. For number 2,
indicate who is the most toxic person in your life. 'Toxic' as used here means that the
person you have identified is a drag to be around, does not appreciate you for who you
are or what you do, and probably makes you feel not so good about yourself. For
number 3, write the name of the person in your life from whom you need more
validation. This might be a person you see everyday or someone who is far awaybut
you need to hear from this person that you are 'OK', and positive viewing of you by this
person is important to you. The last section in the upper left hand corner is the 'Me'
section, the place for things about you. Again, write the numbers 1 to 3. Next to number
1, list three qualities you like about yourself. By number 2, put down one thing new you
have done to make your life better this past year. It might be something you changed,
like wearing seat belts or stopping smoking, but it should have had an influence that has
improved your life. For number 3, write down one thing you could do to enrich your life
more in the next six months.

Once the therapist has completed saying the instructions, they will pass out one pin to
each participant so they can pin the card on themselves. Now the participants are given
5 minutes to silently walk around the room and read the cards on the other participants.
After this has been completed, the therapist will group participants into groups of 3-5
and they will sit down take turns sharing one item of their choice from the card for about
2 minutes. Then allow 2 more minutes for participants to share one of the areas in the
People area. At the end, the participants will be given the opportunity to share 3
qualities that they like the most about themselves to everyone in the group. The cards
would be kept on for the rest of the day, so participants can familiarize themselves with
one another.
Leadership considerations:
This activity works for any type of groups, large or small. The main goal in this
activity is to create a comfortable and inviting environment among a group of people
that are not to familiar with one another. The area that the activity is being performed
should be an area where everyone is close to each other (this is for the activity only,
after through out the day they can be any other environment). The therapist is very
involved with the group in the beginning because they will be explaining the activity and
instructing everyone what to write on their file card and what to do with the file card.
After the therapist has completed their task instructing the activity, they will open the
discussion of everyone 3 favorite qualities of themselves. In this moment participants
are given the stage, which provides an opportunity for increase in self-esteem and
improve speaking in front of multiple others. Topics of discussion are selected by what
the participant have said from the qualities and will be adjusted to the participants
needs and interests.
*Participants with Hearing Loss:
These participants can instead use other diversity of skills like drawing their
responses to help present them to others and to the group overall. They can also use
others visuals to assist them with their presentation. Many people with hearing loss are
able to speech read and use sign language. If participant decides to use sign language,
a translator may be able to assist the activity and help translate the sign language. It is
important to speak in a normal tone of voice and speak in complete sentences. Also
speak slowly and distinctly.
*Participants with Amputations or Congenital Absences:
Some of these participants may have prostheses. It is important to help care for
this because they are typically expensive and care should be taken so no damage is
exposed to them during extreme heat, cold, dampness or wetness. So it is important to
consider weather. If were to be raining outside then the activity is to be kept in a
sheltered location. Promoting active participation is important specifically for individuals
having loss some or all of their limbs. Active participation helps increase mobility skills
for walking on uneven ground.

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