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Name: ____________________________

Date: _______________

Time: ____________

Answer the following number stories using the diagram that is given.
Remember to highlight the important information and cross out the unimportant information.

Maria really likes clothes but one day decides she has too much. She decides to give some
of her pants to Lauren. Maria had 15 pairs of pants but after giving some to Lauren, she has 6
pairs of pants left. How many did she give away?


Evan N., Dominic, Isaac, Evan F. and Tyler decided to play catch at recess. When they went
outside 34 more boys joined their game of catch. How many boys played catch at recess?


One day Arilyn and Andi made pink cupcakes to bring to school. They baked 96 cupcakes
and gave away 83. Arilyn let Andi take the leftovers home. How many leftovers did Andi take


Adrianna decides to collect marbles. She tells Eva and Eva gives her 53 marbles. Adrianna
loses 17 and is really sad about it. She looks all over the school for the marbles but cannot
find them. She goes home without the lost marbles. How many marbles are in her marble


Nathan and Austin have a contest to see who can raise the most money for Mrs. Wilkes
vacation fund. Nathan thinks he is going to win. Austin raises $427 by selling candy and his
Xbox 360. Nathan raises $105. How much more money did Austin collect for Mrs. Wilke?


Alayna decides to help Nathan win the contest. Alayna gives Nathan $388 from her
piggybank. Nathan had $105. How much money does Nathan have now?

BONUS: How much money do Alayna, Nathan, and Austin give Mrs. Wilke?

William and Gabriel like to pretend they are superheroes. They save flies from being
squashed in Mrs. Wilkes class. They also save other insects like spiders and bees. At the
end of two weeks they saved 26 spiders, 14 bees, and 35 flies. How many insects did the
Insect Superheroes save?


Isabelle and Marlee combine their trick-or-treat candy each year. Last year they collected 254
pieces of candy all together. This year they hope to collect 350 pieces of candy. Last year
they brought their candy in to share with the class. They took home 37 pieces of candy. How
much candy did they pass out?


Emily and Katherine like to practice counting really fast at recess because it makes their
voices sound funny. They count by 10s to 800. At the end of recess Katherine was at 780
and Emily was at 640. How much more does Emily need to catch up to Katherine?


Armando and Sarah really like colorful pencils. They each decide to bring pencils for their
friends because their friends have boring yellow pencils. Armando brings 57 pencils and
Sarah brings 45 pencils. How many pencils did they bring combined?

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