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Video Lesson Assessment Template

Ed 201

Subject/Grade: Mathematics/3 rd Grade

Name: Cecilia Marrero

School: Fairview

Number of Students: 30


__+__ Lesson plan followed Alverno design.

__x__ Lesson had clear objectives and related assessments.
__+__ Lesson had engaging resources and materials.
__x__ Teacher monitored student behaviors.
__x__ Teacher encouraged the sharing of multiple perspectives by students.
__x__ Instruction was connected to students experiences.
__x__ Instruction included teaching strategies that engaged students in active learning
__+__ Teacher presented concepts in a clear and understandable manner.
__x+__ Teacher had strategies for assessing student performance.
__x__ Teacher dressed and acted in a professional manner in the lesson.

General Comments: A very detailed and well prepared plan! You had clear objectives and multiple
ways to assess student performance! Your questions provided you with criteria for assessing
student performance. Your resources and activities were engaging to students! You developed the
academic language through the diagrams. You planned for individual differences of your learners
(both struggling and higher achievers)! You presented and modeled key concepts and procedures
and for students very clearly! You used the Smart Board and shoulder partners to actively involve
students in the lesson! You connected to previous learning with the diagrams. Given that this was
your first teaching experience and you were working with the whole group, you were a bit hard on
yourself regarding your classroom management skills. You will learn many of the strategies and
skills you noted in your reflection with time and experience, especially regarding transition
behaviors. A very fine beginning, Cecilia!
Overall Performance: ___ Inadequate

___ Emerging

_x+__ Proficient


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