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Weekly journal entry 11-8-15

On Tuesday, I went to my previous English teacher Ms. Makena for the class period,
so she could help me with some professional writing skills. She was very happy to
help me, and said I could come back for help any time. I would get help from my
current English teacher, but she was busy teaching her class. On Wednesday, I went
to the library for the class period to begin on my research article. This week my
research article will be on Flat Back Syndrome. Flat Back Syndrome, is when a
patients scoliosis treatment using a back brace, is deficient. The brace is supposed
to straighten the back, correcting the lateral movement side to side, with still
maintaining the natural Lordosis forward and back sway. What ends up going
wrong, is when the back grows and the brace wont allow the lateral sway, the only
way the back can grow is up. The upward growth of the spine corrects the lateral
sway, but can also straighten the natural, Lordosis of the spine. This can cause
extreme strain on the vertebra discs, and cause them to degenerate at a faster
rate. This will lead to future surgeries to correct the damage done. On Thursday, I
went to my mentors office to conduct my interviews. When I arrived, I had to wait
for Dr. Santos to finish his clinic hours. During this time, I decided to conduct the
other two interviews I had to conduct. My first interview was with Jennifer, Dr.
Santos assistant. This interview went well but I had a problem with one question.
All three of my interviewees were very uncomfortable answering the question
about salary. I believe this question should be removed from the list, it should be up
to the student to judge if the question is acceptable. After I completed the interview
with Jennifer, I moved onto interview Leslie. This interview also went well, but again
I had an issue with the salary question. After Dr. Santos was finished with his
patients, he informed me that he had to leave. His sons last football game got

moved up an hour, so he was not able to be interviewed. I was at Dr. Santos office
for a total of 3 hours. I called Dr. Santos that night after his sons football game. I
thought that the interview would be difficult over the phone, but I was able to get
the questions answered with ease. On Friday, I went to the library for the class
period to work on my journal entry.

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