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e-Portfolio Reflection
Steven Davis
November 25, 2015


Going to do field work in the classroom has helped me to get a better understanding of

how a classroom works and what it takes to manage a classroom. I learned that you have to be
willing to change the way you are instructing the students as you teach a lesson. Things do not
always go as planned and the students will not always understand the lesson you are trying to
teach. It takes understanding of how to assess the class and being able to see that the students
are having a hard time with the lesson you are trying to teach. By understanding where your
students are at you are able to adjust the lesson accordingly.

I feel the conflicting opinions and points of view on teachers receiving their licensure

has greatly increased over the years. It has made it harder for people to became teachers
without have to pass background checks and pass extensive tests to prove that they are
qualified to teach in a classroom. I feel that for the most part the reform to increase the
requirements has made sure that schools only receive the highly educated teachers but can
have a down side to it as well. It causes some people, that could be great teachers, to not want
to teach because of the very high requirements and inefficient pay for having to go through the
a complicated Bachelors degree.
My field experience has solidified my philosophy of education and helps me know that I
want to give my future students more hands-on learning. I could see in my field experience that
every time the students had an opportunity to learn hands-on it would help them learn and
stay engaged in the learning process. My field experience also had some influence on how I
want to manage my classroom. I could see how the students responded to my mentors clip
chart that he had in the classroom. It was an easy way for the students to see the rules and
understand the consequences if they continued to break the rules or disrupting the learning


environment. I also learned from my field experience that you have to be patient with the
students and give them a chance to correct their behavior and let them make some mistakes. It
is all part of the learning process. I also gained some understanding of how I am going to assess
my students. I will use white boards, questioning, and testing to help me know what my
students are learning. While I am teaching a lesson I will use whiteboards to see if my students
are understanding what I am teaching right then. This will help me to know what I have to
change in my teaching plans to help the students better understand. I will use testing to assess
the progress that the students are making throughout the quarter.

My field experience had some influence on my teaching demonstration in the way of

knowing how to get the students to understand the lesson. It took some patience and very
simple instruction to help the students understand what I was trying to teach them. It certainty
did not go as smooth as I had had imagined in my lesson plan. It was my very first time teaching
so I was a little nervous and had to adapt on the spot to what the students needed in order to
understand the lesson I was trying to teach them.

Going into my field experience I had biases, assumptions, and feelings. Some have

changed and some were made stronger because of it. My belief of having an organized
classroom was made stronger because my mentor teacher was not the most organized and
would sometimes feel distracted or misplaced because of how unorganized his classroom was. I
also assumed that it would be almost impossible to keep students engaged and ready to learn
when things are a mess. He was able know where everything was and was able to keep the
students engaged and progressing in the learning process. This once again strengthens my


beliefs on having a well organized classroom. It may work for some people but as for me I know
it would be very distracting.

I can see and understand why this class has made us go through a field experience and

how I can use what I learned in my volunteer classroom to help build my e-Portfolio. This type
of background and learning experience is what school districts and principals are going to be
looking for when looking for potential employees. I feel that having a strong e-Portfolio with a
strong field experience will give you more options and a better chance to get the career that
you want.


Kauchak, D., & Eggen, P. (2014). Introduction to teaching: Becoming a professional (5th ed.). Upper
saddle river: Pearson Education.

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