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Running head: ASSIGNMENT 7:1

Assignment 7:1: Physical Activity Break

Megan McGary
PPE 310 # 79594
Professor Jessica Skipper

Assignment 6:1
Predicting Lesson Plan


Megan McGary



Common Core State Standards:

Concept 2: PO 2. Participate in guided investigations in life, physical, and Earth

and space sciences.
Concept 2: PO 4. Record data from guided investigations in an organized and
appropriate format (e.g., lab book, log, notebook, chart paper).
Objective (Explicit):

SWBAT explain that tops and zoomers both rotate/spin and both require a push
or pull to begin motion.
Evidence of Mastery:
Statement of Mastery the teacher will measure the students master of learning the
objective by having students write in their journals, 2 sentences of similarities
between tops and spinners.
Assessment Description Students must write how tops and zoomers are the same
and different in their journals. Their entries must say one of the following: both
spin/rotate, both need a push or pull to begin, both have motion.




Falls Far

Journal entry includes at least 2 of the following reasons why tops and zoomers are
both spin/rotate
both need a push or pull to begin
both have motion.
Journal entry somewhat includes the following reasons why tops and zoomers are
both spin/rotate
both need a push or pull to begin
both have motion.
Journal entry contains 1 sentence that contains one of the following reasons why tops and
zoomers are similar:
both spin/rotate
both need a push or pull to begin
both have motion.
Journal entry does not include any of the following reasons why tops and zoomers are
both spin/rotate

Assignment 6:1

both need a push or pull to begin

both have motion.


SWBAT explain that tops and zoomers both spin/rotate.

SWBAT explain that tops and zoomers are put into motion by pushing and
SWBAT explain that you can speed up a zoomer by pulling on the string with
more force.
Safety Management Strategy:
Before the stand up, hand up, pair up, and mix, pair, share, the teacher will explain
the directions to the students. In the first activity, the stand up, hand up, pair up,
teacher will say, When you are mixing, keep your hands in your pockets. Model
hands in pockets. That way your hands or arms wont accidentally bump somebody.
Before the mix, pair, share, say, You are going to hold your science journal close to
your heart and mix. Having students hold their journals in front of them keeps their
arms occupied, keeping them from touching their peers as they walk.
During both activities, the teacher will circulate to make sure students are on task and
not being unruly.
Cognitive: student with autism tends to be overly aggressive when participating in
physical activities, especially if those activities involve other students. During the
mixing activities, walk within close proximity of student to ensure that the student is
not being too aggressive. If student does become too aggressive, pull that student
aside and let tell them to be gentler.
Physical: student with physical disability may remain seated during the mix around.
Make sure that a student still pairs up with that student during the pair, share part of
the activity.
Key vocabulary:


For each student:

1 plastic disk
1 cardboard disk
1 string
Science journakl

Teacher Will:

Students Will:

1) Say, Students please come over to the

1) Come to rug and sit.

Assignment 6:1
rug and sit down.
2) Once students are sitting, ask them,
Today you are going to share with a
partner in a stand up, hand up, pair up
about what we have learned so far in
science. Think about the words on our
science word wall: motion, spin, rotate,
top, axis.
3) You are going to mix around for 1
minute. When you are mixing, keep your
hands in your pockets. Model hands in
pockets. That way your hands or arms
wont accidentally bump somebody. After
the timer goes off, you are going to put
your hand up and pair up with a partner.
You will each share something we have
learned in science so far and then you
will move to another partner with their
hand up.
4) Model with a student volunteer how to
move to another student.
5) Have students repeat directions back to
6) Allow students to mix for 1 minute and
then allow them to pair up and share
what theyve learned in science. Rove
room to monitor behavior and listen to
student responses.
7) After 3 minutes, have students return to
the rug.
8) Pull sticks to ask students what they and
their partner discussed.
9) Review investigation of tops. Tell
students, Last time we worked on
spinning tops that moved in a circular
motion when we spun them. Well, tops
arent the only things that spin. Zoomers
also spin when they are in motion.
10) Hold up a zoomer (previously
constructed) and point out that it is
made with a string that runs through the
two holes in the large disk. Show them
how to twirl the large disk and bring the
zoomer into action.
a. Stick your thumbs through the
loops formed by the ends of the

2) Listen to the teacher directions about

the stand up, hand up, pair up.
3) Repeat directions back to teacher.
4) Participate in stand up, hand up, pair
5) Share with multiple partners what
they have been learning in science,
referring to the science vocabulary
6) Come back to the rug.
7) Watch teacher demonstration.

Assignment 6:1
b. Whirl the large disk around
between your hands 15-20 times
to twist the string.
c. Pull the string taut to start the disk
spinning. Release tension so that
the string can wind up as much as
possible in the opposite direction.
Apply tension again to make the
disk rotate rapidly in the other
d. Continue pulling and releasing to
get the disk rotating rapidly. Feel
the rhythem-you will know when
youve got it, listen for the zoom.
Teacher Will:

Students Will:

1) Challenge students, Today everyone will

get one piece of string and one plastic
disk. You are going to make your own
zoomers and observe their motion.
2) Demonstrate how to build the zoomer.
Build zoomer as you speak. You will
have to tie a knot in the zoomer string to
make a loop. First you have to thread
this string through the disks hole on the
side and then through the other hole.
Then you have to tie a loop. Bring the
ends of the loop together to make a
3) When you are working with your
zoomer, make sure you are paying
attention to the motion of the zoomer.
4) Ask students to repeat the directions
back to you.
5) Remind students, I will be looking for an
expert scientist to share their mobile as I
come around the room.
6) Go over noise level expectations:
Whipser voices or the quiet music will
go on and voices off.
7) Dismiss students to seats by rug color.
8) Have the getter from each group to
come get the supplies for each group.

1) Listen to teacher directions.

2) Repeat directions back to teacher.
3) Go back to their seats and have the
getter go get the supplies for the
4) Create their zoomers.
5) Experiment with zoomers and
observe motion.

Assignment 6:1
9) Set timer for 10 minutes and visit groups
as they work and select 2-3 students to
share their zoomers.
Academic Feedback:
What can you do to get your zoomer in
Listen. Do you hear a zoom?
Notice how your hands go apart and
together, apart and together. What kind of
motions are you making?
Good job creating a rotating disk zoomer.
What do you notice about the motion of
that zoomer?
Co-Teaching Strategy
One teach, one observe TC is roving the classroom, watching students and observing
student progress and collaboration. Mentor teacher is observing.
Differentiation Strategy
Differentiation If a student cannot tie their knot, help them tie their knot.
If a student is having a hard time getting their disk spinning, stand behind them and
hold their wrists to help with the rhythm.
Teacher Will:

Students Will:

1) High five. Stack you materials to make

a perfect plate when I say go. After your
materials are stacked, come to the rug.
2) Once all students are at the rug, have
some students (pre-selected) share their
3) Pull sticks or call on students during a
class discussion asking the following
4) So both tops and zoomers have a
motion. How are tops and zoomers the
same? (both of them spin)
5) How do you start the motion of tops and
zoomers? (tops are put into motion by
pushing the straw around. Zoomers are

1) High Five.
2) Put manipulatives on their desks and
come to the rug.
3) Expert scientists will share their
4) Participate in class discussion.
5) Listen to teacher directions.
6) Repeat directions back to teacher.
7) Go to desks and experiment with
cardboard pieces and string to make
bring home zoomers.

Assignment 6:1
put into motion by pulling on the string.
Both need a force to start.)
6) How can you change the spinning
motion of a zoomer? (you can speed up
a zoomer by pulling on the string with
more force)
Co-Teaching Strategy
One teach/one observe TC is teaching and mentor is observing.
Differentiation Strategy
If a certain student is not participating in the class discussion, call their name.
For the challenging questions, call on higher students
Teacher Will:

Students Will:

1) Tell the students, You are going to get to

experiment more with zoomers, but with
some different materials. Youre going to
get a cardboard circle or square and a
piece of string. Youre going to make
another zoomer. This time I want you to
pay special attention to the motion of
the zoomers. How is it the same as a top
and how is it different? Think about the
motion YOU have to do to get the motion
started. How can you change the
2) Have students repeat directions back to
3) Dismiss by shirt color.
4) Have students work on making their
cardboard zoomers.


Academic Feedback:
How is the motion of this zoomer the same
as the motion of the top?
How is the motion of your zoomer different
than the motion of your top?

Listen to new challenge

Repeat directions back to teacher.
Work on their bring home zoomers.
Pay special attention to the motion of
the zoomers. Answer questions: How
is it the same as a top and how is it
different? Think about the motion
YOU have to do to get the motion
started. How can you change the

Assignment 6:1
What did you have to do to make the
zoomer move?
How can you change the motion of the

Co-Teaching Strategy
One teach, one observe TC is roving the classroom, watching students and observing
student progress and collaboration. Mentor teacher is observing.
Teacher Will:

Students Will:

1) After students have successfully

constructed their take home zoomers,
instruct students to put their remaining
materials back on the plate and have
the getter return the materials to the
materials station.
2) Invite students to the rug based on
shirt color.
3) Have students share with their partner
what the learned during the science
activity. Then call on students to tell
what they learned.
4) How is the motion of this zoomer the
same as the motion of the top? (they
both spin)
5) What did you have to do to make the
zoomer move? (pushing and pulling)
6) How can you change the motion of
the zoomer? (you can speed up the
zoomer by pulling on the string with
more force)
7) Now its time to write in our science
journals. I want you to write 2
sentences of similarities between tops
and spinners. When you are done draw
a scientific image.
8) Write, Today in science I learned that
tops and zoomers are similar because
they both spin. I also noticed that to
start the motion of tops and zoomers, I

1) Getters will bring back the supplies to

the materials station.
2) All will go to rug.
3) Students will share with a partner what
they learned.
4) Watch teacher modeling of science
5) Go back to desks and write one
sentence about what they learned and
one question they still have.
6) Participate in a mix, pair, share
physical activity.

Assignment 6:1
need to push or pull. Draw: a zoomer.
9) Ask students what they have to write
about (2 similarities)
10) Write directions on board and have
students go to their desks to write and
11) Tell students, I will be looking for
an exemplar journal entry to share with
the class.
12) Set the timer for 5 minutes and rove
the room as students write journal
13) After the students have written in
their journals, have them return to the
rug. Tell students, We are going to do
a mix, pair, share where you will mix
around for 1 minute, walking around
the classroom. After the minute is over,
you will pair up with a partner. You will
each share your journal entry with that
partner, one at a time. As you mix,
hold your book close to your heart.
Model holding book close to heart.
14) Have a student repeat directions
back to you.
15) Let students mix for a minute,
holding their notebooks close to their
heart. Walk around and monitor to
make sure students arent getting out
of hand.
16) After a minute, have student A talk
for 30 seconds and then have partner
B talk for 30 seconds.
17) When mix, pair, share is complete,
have students return their notebooks
to their desks.

Assignment 6:1
The physical activity breaks completed in the second grade class took place during a
science lesson where the students learned about the motion of zoomers. The lesson began and
concluded with academic physical activities. Both activities were Kagen structures, where
students mixed around for a minute to get them up and moving. Both structures were successful
and an effective way to get kids to move while utilizing instructional time. The remainder of this
reflection will focus on the second physical activity, which was recorded and can be accessed at
this link:
The highlight of the physical activity is that students were able to mix around for a
minute without any incidents occurring. The students were safe and followed the expectations of
walking around, not touching each other with their voices off, holding their journals to their
chests. They also followed the expectations of the timed sharing, each talking for 30 seconds
about what they wrote in their journal. Next time a mix, pair, share is incorporated into a lesson,
the teacher will be more firm in keeping the noise level down when students pair up. The
students were a bit noisy after they had paired up, as some of them began their discussion
directly. The expectation not to talk until the teacher says to, will be explicitly made next time.
Aside from students beginning to speak before the teacher said go, the students were
very well behaved and on task during the physical activity break. The mentor teacher said that
the students were well behaved and the teacher candidate did a good job roving the classroom to
make sure students were staying focused, both during the mix around and the sharing.
In the next physical activity, the teacher candidate will also incorporate praise to specific
students, especially using students names. In the video, the TC can be heard saying names as a
form of correction, which did capture that specific students attention and redirect them.

Assignment 6:1
However, names should be incorporated into praise as well and that will be implemented into the
next physical activity.
The main adjustment made from session 6s assignment is that the high-fiving component
was removed from the physical activity. In session 6s physical activity, the students participated
in a Kagen structure but during the mix around, students were to high five each other. However,
the high fiving got out of hand and the students were too high energy. In this physical activity,
the high fives were eliminated and the mix around went much more smoothly. Session 7s
physical activity was successful and will definitely be implemented into future lessons.

PPE 310 Evaluation Rubric for Modification of a Lesson Plan

Integration of
Standards and
Content (PIC)
Activities and

Exemplary (5)
Instructional plans include:

All learning objectives and state

content standards are explicitly
communicated and not altered
with the integration of physical
activity. (S&O-TAP)
Lesson activities include
integration of physical activity
component in at least two parts
of the lesson plan
Integration of the physical
activity component does not
detract from the academic
Teacher regularly implements a
variety of subject-specific
instructional strategies to
enhance student content
knowledge. (TCK-TAP)
Activities and materials include:

Proficient (3)
Instructional plans include:

Most learning objectives and state

content standards are
communicated and are only
slightly altered with the
integration of physical activity.
Lesson activities include
integration of a physical activity
component in at least one part of
the lesson plan
Integration of the physical activity
component slightly detracts from
the academic content
Teacher sometimes implements
subject-specific instructional
strategies to enhance student
content knowledge. (TCK-TAP)
Presentation of content most of the
time includes (In Video as well):


Assignment 6:1
Score: x1

for safety &
and for
children with
special needs


Plans (IP)


o Sometimes activities are

game-like, involve
simulations, require creating
products, and demand selfdirection and selfmonitoring.
Presentation of content always
includes (In Video as well):
o Concise communication of
expectations for student
performance of the physical
o Modeling by the teacher to
demonstrate his or her
performance expectations.
Safety issues for integrating
physical activity are well thought
out and described in the lesson
as well as demonstrated in the
Classroom management
techniques are clearly defined
and demonstrated in the Video
Instructional plan include: (IP)
o Evidence that plan is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests
of all learners and;
o Evidence that the plan
provides regular
opportunities to
accommodate individual
student include
one modification to
accommodate students
with cognitive disabilities
and one for students with
physical disabilities
Teacher creates learning
opportunities where all students
can experience success. (ExpTAP)
The classroom is arranged to
promote individual and group

o Concise communication of
expectations for student
performance of the physical
activity component.
o Modeling by the teacher to
demonstrate his or her
performance expectations.

Safety issues for integrating

physical activity are somewhat
thought out and described in the
lesson as well as demonstrated in
the Video
Classroom management
techniques are somewhat defined
and demonstrated in the Video
Instructional plan include: (IP)
o Evidence that plan is
appropriate for the age,
knowledge, and interests
of most learners and;
o Evidence that the plan
provides some
opportunities to
accommodate individual
student needs, to include
one modification to
accommodate students
with cognitive disabilities
or one for students with
physical disabilities
Teacher creates learning
opportunities where most students
can experience success. (ExpTAP)
The classroom is arranged to
promote individual and group

Assignment 6:1
learning. (Env-TAP)

Video of

Video presentation of content includes:




learning. (Env-TAP)

Video presentation most of the time includes:

visuals that establish: purpose of the

lesson, preview the organization of the
lesson, and include internal lesson
submitted to YouTube Unlisted or
another secure option agreed with your
examples, illustrations, analogies, and
labels for new concepts
modeling by the teacher to demonstrate
his/her performance expectations
concise communication
logical sequencing and segmenting
all essential information
no irrelevant, confusing, or nonessential information

Self-reflection was well thought out

and included at least 6 specific
examples from the teaching experience
on: (a) what went particularly well, (b)
what you will change next time, and
(c) the feedback you received from
your mentor teacher; (d) managing
classroom behavior, (e) teacher
movement, (f) response latency,
(g) using student names, and (i)
providing positive praise
Self-reflection was the appropriate
length (1-2 pages), in APA and in third
Rubric was attached at the end
Title page was used
Appropriate highlighting was used

Video p

visuals that establish: purpose of the

lesson, preview the organization of the
lesson, and include internal summaries of
the lesson
examples, illustrations, analogies, and
labels for new concepts and ideas
modeling by the teacher to demonstrate
his/her performance expectations
submitted to YouTube Unlisted or
another secure option agreed upon and
shared with your instructor
logical sequencing and segmenting
all essential information
no irrelevant, confusing, or non-essential

Self-reflection was somewhat thought out

and included 4-5 specific examples from
the teaching experience on: (a) what went
particularly well, (b) what you will
change next time, and (c) the feedback
you received from your mentor teacher;
(d) managing classroom behavior, (e)
teacher movement, (f) response latency,
(g) using student names, and (i)
providing positive praise
Self-reflection was the appropriate length
for the assignment (1-2 pages)
Not in third person
Rubric was attached but not at end
Highlighting was not correct

Assignment 6:1

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