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Chart Rounds Verification Form*


Date: _________________________


How many cases were discussed? ________________________________

What is one thing you learned during chart rounds?

It was interesting to see the doctors discuss different cases. Not all doctors were in
agreement on how to treat each patient. They would debate different aspects of the
treatments. There wasn't necessarily a right or a wrong way to treat the patients, but
the doctors had different ideas on how they would treat the patients.

What is one thing you already knew that was discussed at chart rounds
I already knew the pathology and staging because I was reading about the patients
before chart rounds. This allowed me to have a better understanding about the
discussions occurring during chart rounds.

Digitally signed by Alysia Bang

Date: 2015.12.02 06:43:53 -07'00'
Student Signature: ______________________________________________________________

*Form to be filled out and uploaded into your efolio to document up to 3 CE credits (1 credit per
form) for attending chart rounds at your site. You do NOT have to fill out this form for every
chart rounds you attend; only do so if you plan to use a chart rounds meeting towards the 12 CE
credits you must obtain througout your 9 months of clinical training.

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