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Maria I.


Classroom Management Plan

I believe that through a safe, enriching and positive environment my students will
be able to learn. This will be achieved through the use and implementation of my
classroom management plan.
1. Basic Procedures:
Entering the classroom:
o Students will walk into the classroom quietly.
o Take out their folders and any other necessary materials from
their backpacks.
o Place these items inside their desk.
o Put their backpack up into their assigned cubby.
o Take out any papers/ homework that needs to be turned in and
place them by my desk in a box labeled Check me.
o Student will also pick up the daily review from my desk in
another box labeled Daily Review.
o The student will then go back to his/her desk and begin their
daily review.
o If finished early they can read quietly in their seat.
Leaving the classroom:
o Students will be passed out homework (if assigned) to place in
their folders.
o Student will pack up and get their backpacks by tables.
o Student will return to their seats and wait for further
Going to the bathroom:
o Students will line up into two lines one boy and the other girl.
o They will enter the restroom by groups of 2-3.
o Those who do not need to go will move to the end of the line.
o Those who finish will also move to the end.
Walking in the hallway:
o Students will walk in a single file line.
o Quietly
o Hands to themselves.
While in class:
o Students are to work quietly when doing independent work.
o When working in groups/ partners; students should talk softly to
each other.
o If they need to pick up materials, they should walk and pick up
what they need and return to their desks.
o When moving to the carpet area, students should walk by tables
and sit on the floor, hands to themselves.
2. Classroom Rules:

1. Use appropriate Volumes when speaking.

2. Participate
3. Treat others and the classroom with care.
The rules will be established by going over the rules, proving
examples, modeling, posting the rules, and teaching appropriate
3. Plan for Preventing Behavior Problems:
To prevent behavior problems I will make sure to cover the areas that lead to
behavior problems, such as transitions, time and expectations. The transitions will
be quick by making sure the classroom layout does not disrupt the flow of the
students. This will be done by making sure materials are accessible, there is enough
space to move, and that my desk faces the students. Time needs to be covered
completely and in a predictable manner in order to prevent disruption of learning.
This can be done by planning and having back up plans. I will plan what will happen
every day and what materials will be needed to have minimal time wasted. And last
but not least, I will not expect my students to know my expectations. I will teach my
students my expectations of them in the hallway, when entering, when dismissed,
when working in class etc. All these will be taught the first week of school and
enforced since then.
4. Dealing with disruptions:
When establishing rules and expectations, I will also cover the positive
and negative consequences that follow. If a student disrupts my class I
Use proximity/Visually (point to the rules)/verbally warn the
student to stop the negative behavior.
Display zero tolerance by instantly correcting the behavior as
soon as it occurs.
Give the student an infraction/mark on their behavior chart if it
occurs again.
If it continues place the student in time out and explain why
they are in time out.
If it still occurs call parent.
Hold conference with student and parent
Office referral.

6. Approach for Communicating/Involving Parents:

Send biweekly newsletter of class updates and events.
Call parents the first two weeks of school to let them know who I am
and about the class.
Get updated contact information with preferred form of communication
and times they are available.
Try to be flexible with parent conference schedules.
Communicate with parents about how their student is doing once a
month through call, email or letter.

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