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Here are a few tips to get you off the hook

Develop insight: That is, develop the understanding that you are indeed hooked on to the wrong
thing. If you think that pornography is OK, then youll never develop your spiritual side, alas.

Develop motivation: Why do you want to get rid of your addiction? The best motivation is to do so
for the sake of Almighty God and His Beloved Prophet (peace be upon him).

Avoid the wrong situations: As much as humanly possible, avoid those situations where porn is
easily accessible, e.g. company with the wrong people, watching television, lone hours at the internet, etc.

Follow every bad act with a good one: Such as two nafl of prayers, or a sadaqa (charity).
Stay busy: An idle mind certainly is the devils workshop, so involve yourself in something

Say the five prayers: Be staunch on the five obligatory prayers. If you dont pray them, then start
NOW. Do it, no matter how hard it is for you. Even if you have to shower before every prayer. Try to do
the fardh, sunnah, and naflrakats, all of them.

Say the tahajjud prayer: No kidding here. Not only say thetahajjud prayer, but also spend some
time crying before the Lord. If you cant cry, then make a crying face (no kidding again). Such
remembrance deep in the middle of the night will break the spell of the nafs and will work wonders for
your overall personality.

Keep nafl fasts: Remember that fasting is one of the strongest ways to keep the sexual urges at
bay. Fast on a daily basis in Ramadhan. In the other months, you may consider fasting every alternate day
or every Monday or any other schedule that suits you. (However, fasting on a daily basis has been
recommended against in months other than Ramadhan.)

Keep company with the Awliya (Friends of God) and theSulaha (Pious People): At the very
least, avoid company with people who will detract you.

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