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Taylor Scruggs

Management Plan
Part 1: Reflection
As a beginning teacher, I hope to run a classroom with a safe, pleasant
and stimulating atmosphere so that learning is enjoyable and effective. To
achieve this, I will teach with an authoritative style. To create a classroom
that is conductive to learning and is comfortable to students, I will allow for
collaboration between my students, while remaining in control. I want them
to be comfortable with the other students, as well as me, so that there can
be meaningful discussions and interactions. Talking will be commonplace in
my classroom, along with group work. I want to encourage all students to
participate in class so that they can learn from each other as well as me.
Students can share power with me in the processes of planning activities,
decision-making in classroom affairs, and creating a pleasant atmosphere. In
return, my authority as teacher will be reinforced through a more studentcentered teaching approach that produces a stimulating classroom
environment with better behavior and learning. I believe if students feel they
are involved in the workings of the classroom, they will be more motivated to
engage in the class. I will understand the needs of my students and that
each of them adds value to the classroom. Praise will be an important part of
my classroom, as I believe that students should get recognition for their
contributions to the class.
The ideal physical space for learning in my classroom will be designed
to motivate students to work effectively. This will be demonstrated by
students seated at several group tables. There will be approximately four
students at each table. This layout will foster community and collaborative
learning between peers. This social contact among students will increase
students knowledge, confidence, and skills in building relationships. These
groups will also be beneficial, as students will work with those sitting at their
table for lab assignments and group projects. The spacing of these tables will
allow me to easily walk around the classroom and facilitate learning by
checking in on each group of students. The teacher desk will be in the front
corner of the room, so it is not the focal point of the classroom but still allows
a space where I can view what is going on from this space. A computer will
be located in the same area to allow me to record attendance and grades,
and access resources that I would like to present to the class. There will be
two boards, one at the front of the classroom and one on a sidewall. This will
allow students to see the information provided during a lesson no matter
where they are seated. My classroom will contain areas that present student
work, so they know that I am proud of their contributions and that the
classroom is a space for them and not just the teacher. Natural lighting will
come from windows and posters and other visually stimulating items will be
placed along the walls to provide a welcoming and inviting space.

A crucial part of classroom management is being organized and having

systems in place so that students are aware of what is expected from them
on a daily basis. Clear classroom guidelines can minimize confusion and
ensure orderly interaction among peers and therefore minimize the loss of
valuable teaching time. One procedure that I will implement into my
classroom is having an agenda on the board each day so that students know
what they will be doing and what will be expected of them. A system that I
will use to help manage paper is that each student will have a science
notebook. This is where they will record notes and collect data for lab
experiments. Any writing assignments will be recorded in these notebooks,
whether it is a lab write-up or a short reflection. By doing this, students will
not have a bunch of papers or assignments that could potentially get lost or
destroyed. Students will also be expected to have a 3-ring binder, which will
contain any articles or handouts that they are given. Trays will be placed at
the front of the classroom for students to turn in assignments. Extra
handouts and assignments will be placed in a folder at the front of the class
for students that miss a class due to an excused absence. Another system
that will manage paper in my classroom is to have an online classroom
where assignments are posted and students can submit them online. If a
student does not have access to a computer, then they will be provided with
a paper copy. Having an online classroom allows students to be updated with
what is happening, and could be beneficial to students that are absent as
they can see what they missed and be prepared when they return. Systems
that will assist in managing time include expecting students to be seated
with their notebooks out by the time the bell rings at the beginning of class. I
will write what students are expected to do at the beginning of the period on
the board each day, so there is no wasted time by students asking what they
are supposed to do. This could be having them answering a question in their
notebook or turning in their homework assignment. Another system that I
will use so time is not wasted is to use a seating chart to take attendance by
noticing who is gone instead of doing roll call. Also, I will teach my students
early in the year how to transition quickly to ensure that time is not wasted
moving from one activity to another. A final system that I will have in place
to manage time is to distribute papers while I am giving instructions, so that
there is not a pause in the instruction. Systems that will assist in managing
classroom routines includes procedures for students entering the classroom,
getting into groups, going to the restroom, passing in papers, and preparing
for dismissal. When students enter my classroom, I will greet them and then
they will go to their assigned seat and begin the independent opening
activity that is written on the board. Students will come to expect this, and
will begin learning and thinking as soon as the class begins. When students
are asked to work in groups, then they will work with those at their table.
This allows for students to already be seated and to easily begin any group
assignment. The seating chart will be changed several times throughout the
course, based on observed student interactions, to ensure that students get
opportunities to work with and get to know their peers. A routine for going to

the restroom is that students will be allowed to go one at a time, and able to
go simply by taking the pass. They will not need to ask to leave to go to the
restroom, but expected to go only during appropriate times so that it is not a
distraction to the class. Passing in papers will occur in a way that will be
quick and efficient. Students will form a stack of papers at their table and
then the stack of papers will be passed to the front corner table that is closed
to the teacher desk, where I will collect them all. Having students form a pile
and pass from table to table prevents students from all getting up at one
time, which would require time and be distracting. A final routine that will be
in place in my classroom will be how students prepare for dismissal. Students
will remain at their desks until the bell rings, to ensure that there is not a
crowd at the door and that each moment of valuable class time is used
Classroom management is an import part of being a teacher, as it sets
the tone for the learning environment. Effective classroom management
establishes order in the classroom while increasing meaningful academic
learning. In my classroom, I hope to facilitate social growth while providing
my students with opportunities to engage with their peers and be in control
of their learning. Classroom management strategies can aid in increasing
student success and promote active learning and student involvement. and
these are the aspects that I hope to implement into my future classroom.

Biology Syllabus
Instructor: Ms. Taylor Scruggs
Class Overview: Biology is a science course designed to introduce
students to the basic fundamentals of biology-the study of life.
Students will learn biological concepts, proper lab techniques and
science procedures through a variety of inquiry labs, hands-on
activities, mini-lectures, videos, group work, quizzes, tests and other
instructional activities. These activities will incorporate cellular biology,
genetics, DNA technology, evolution, and ecology to assist students in
their understanding of biological themes.
Classroom Rules and Expectations:
Be prompt and prepared. This means in your seat when the bell
Complete all assignments with quality work
Treat others with dignity and respect
Participate in class discussions and work with team members on
group assignments.
Electronic devices need to be put away during class time to avoid
Clean up your lab area and put all materials away at the end of
each period.
Safety is very important in this class so inappropriate behavior
will not be tolerated

Consequences: If any of the above expectations are not met, then it

will result in a conversation to determine what can be done to prevent
any future problems. If the expectation that is not met is attendance or
quality work, then this will result in loss of points on assignments. If
electronic devices are being used during class, then they will be taken
away until the end of the class period.
Grading: Grades will be based on an accumulation of assignments,
quizzes, exams, projects etc. that are used to check for understanding.
Letter grades are as follows: 100-90% = A, 89-80% = B, 79-70% = C,
69-60% = D, Below 60% = F. Grades will be weighted based on the
following categories:
15% Assignments
20% Projects
25% Labs
30% Tests and Quizzes
10% Participation
Homework: Assignments will be assigned each day, and anything that
is not completed during the time allotted in class will be assigned as
homework. To get full credit, homework assignments must have quality
work and be turned in at the beginning of the class period when due.
When a student misses class with an excused absence, they are to turn
in previously assigned homework on the day of their return. Students
that have an excused absence will have one school day per absence to
complete the assignment on their own time.
Tests/Quizzes: An exam will conclude each term, or 9-week period.
Exams will be composed of multiple choice, fill-in, and short answer
questions. At least one short quiz will be given for each unit that is
covered. Both exams and quizzes will be closed book and closed note.
If a student has an excused absence on a day when there is an exam
or quiz, then they must make an appointment with me to make it up
within two days of returning to school. If an exam or quiz is missed due
to an unexcused absence then there will not be the opportunity to
make this up. Test corrections are allowed to gain partial points on
missed questions for exams only. To gain points, students must meet
with me and discuss what they missed, discussing the correct answer
to what they missed and why that is the correct answer to demonstrate
an understanding of the content.
Absences: Attendance is crucial to succeeding in this course.
Students that have an excused absence will have one school day per

absence to complete the assignment on their own time. Students are

responsible for getting the materials needed for any missed
assignment by talking to peers or making an appointment with me.
Unexcused absences result in no points being earned for any
assignments given that day.
Tardies: It is expected that you are in your seat and ready to learn
when the bell rings at the start of class. If you receive more than two
unexcused tardies, then you will be expected to meet with me during a
lunch period to discuss any further action. Students that miss a quiz
due to an unexcused tardy will not be able to make those points up.
Participation: Participation is a necessary part of engaging in the
learning environment. Students are expected to contribute to class
discussions, answer questions to the best of their ability when called
on, and contribute to group assignments and projects. Participation
points will be given based on these criteria as observed by me, as well
as peer evaluations given for group projects/presentations.

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