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I strongly believe that I have surpassed any expectations and all goals I had prior to
taking HD 364, Community as a Context for Development. Going in to this course I believed I
had a pretty good understanding of the definition of community, after all I lived in several and
had been a part of one for many years. I understood the dynamics of different communities
around me, who had membership in certain communities and what different communities where
made up of or had to offer. Within the first hour into the first class meeting I was made aware of
many things I had ignored due to lack of information or simple cognizance. I left class that
meeting conscious and with a new way of seeing communities around me. Through this course I
was able to examine my development and those of others with identifiers of race, gender, class,
sexual orientation, ability and other social identifiers. I am now knowledgeable of my affiliation
to communities due to choice, birth and/or lack of agency.
This course added tremendously to my knowledge of community. I was able to grow
greatly through class discussions, sharing life experiences, community visits and in person
panels. Without any of these experiences I would not have been as successful as I was being that
I did not have opportunities to learn first-hand from a variety of individuals with such wisdom
and knowledge of things I lack in experience. I gained empathy with a diverse understanding of
life and its impact on individuals and their community. I acquired much knowledge from course
literature as well. All books chosen for this course were appropriate and useful to everyones
growth. Reading the course literature gave me an opportunity for in depth analysis of a wide
population and their theories for successful community building.
Being able to see community under a different lens after this course I am better able to
appreciate all of the new tools I have gained.Because I was placed in difficult situations where I
did question myself, my morals, my upbringing, my family and community I feel I acquired new
HD 497 Capstone | C. Franklin 1


techniques to understanding individuals in different communities. Some of these difficult
situations were uncomfortable for me but truly needed in order to grow awareness of others
around me including myself. All of the uncomfortable moments I experienced during this course
have guided me to becoming a better community member wherever I have membership.
Due to my openness to new ideas and theories I was able to learn from this course and all
within its radius. I know I have personally grown since taking Community as a Context for
Development and feel I engaged in all class topics during class. I contributed to class discussion
in a meaningful and respectful manner to the audience. I shared my thoughts, ideas, theories and
personal experiences with communities I belong to and with those I lack membership in openly
and truthful. I made sure I was sensitive to fellow peers when listening and paying attention to
their contributions in class discussions. Others in class helped my growth through their
contributions by being open to my questions of curiosity and clarification. Their willingness to
clarify concepts I perceived made it successful for me to become an ally to their community
without necessarily belonging to the community.
One concept that keeps stimulating my thinking even after this course was over is how
easily it is for someone to loose membership in one community and forced to belong to another
with just a matter of an unplanned or foreseen life event. Also how hard it is for someone to try
to move from one community to a better one due to cultural membership, socio economic status,
educational background or ongoing life events. I am aware of how people with agency force
those who do not have agency to certain communities, regions in neighborhoods, schools and/or
business without being questioned or very little resistance. It is easy to judge someones
association with a community without knowing the reason for their membership in it. I was made
aware of this concept thanks to the panel by Keith Blackwells group which was an eye opener.
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The difference between charity and social justice is also another concept that stimulates
my thinking. I liked how easily the instructor explained that charity is something we only do
once and how social justice is ongoing. This concept is one I shared with my own children and
family. My children, all under the age of nine, have become curious about the homeless
community and after explaining the difference between charity and social justice they have all
come up with a plan for change. Throughout the week we purchase food and items for personal
care which we find on special at our local store and once a week we make zip lock bags of
goodies for the homeless as a family. Im proud to share that my children anxiously hand out
these bags out the car to needed individuals and take turns doing so.
I learned plenty about myself through risk taking, reflections, course writing, class discussions
and visiting different communities. I felt a connection with all of the communities we visited
during this course and found out how I had membership with them all. I learned that I had a
personal connection with The Homeless Community, Homeboy Industries, The Japanese
American Community and the LGBTQ Community either through someone I know who belongs
to those communities or myself by being an ally of them. Whether my membership to these
communities is by choice or life events I learned that they are all a part of me which have
influenced my development and have helped shape my understanding of others.
All of the tools gained through this course are valuable to my future career while working
in different communities. I have a greater sense of different communities; I can empathize with
more individuals and be sensitive to their needs. I strongly feel I am a great candidate to
advocate for communities in need and work towards a positive change for them. Now that I have
a better understanding of how to build successful communities I can implement the ideas and
share them with those around me.
HD 497 Capstone | C. Franklin 3

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