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Penjelasan proses pembuatan aseton dari isopropil alkohol dengan proses

dehidrogenasi. Reaksi yang terjadi adalah :

(CH3) 2CO(l) + H2(g)

Dengan kondisi operasi, Suhu : 350 oC, dan tekanan 1 atm, bahan baku isopropanol
kemurnian 88% sebanyak 272439,033 ton/tahun , hasil Aseton kemurnian 99,5% sebanyak
231048,936 ton/tahun, serta hidrogen sebanyak 9272,3079 ton/tahun, dan air sebanyak









51183,2700ton/tahun, serta listrik sebesar 400 kW. Jumlah pekerja 285 orang, luas tanah 30
Ha, dan pabrik didirikan di Cilegon, Banten. fixed capital sebesar $21.672.096,93 + Rp
12.858.831.770,49 dan working capital sebesar $2.245.924.606,24 + Rp 2.292.754.968,35.
BEP sebesar 56,35 %, SDP sebesar 23,42 %, POT selama 4,12 tahun, ROI sebesar
14,29% dan DCFRR sebesar 15,76%.
Pabrik ini masih dalam kategori pantas untuk dibangun, karena masih dalam standard,
dan dapat dipelajari lebih lanjut.
Explanation about the process of Acetone from Isopropyl alcohol is use
dehidrogenation process, the reaction is :

(CH3) 2CO(l) + H2(g)

With the operation condition is, Themperature : 350 oC, and pressure : 1 atm, the raw
material is

272439,033 ton/year isopropanol with puritiy about 88%, the product is

231048,936 ton/year with putrity about 99,5%, and 9272,3079 ton/year of hydrogen. And for
water to absorbtion is 533053,6116 ton/year. For utility we need 51183,2700 ton/year of
water and also 400 kW electricity. Total worker are 285 people, land area is 30 Ha, dan the
factory will build in Cilegon, Banten. fixed capital is

$21.672.096,93 + Rp

12.858.831.770,49 dan working capital is $2.245.924.606,24 + Rp 2.292.754.968,35.

56,35 % of BEP, 23,42 % of SDP, POT for 4,12 years, 14,29% of ROI and 15,76% for

This factory is in category that can be build, because the value of economics is in
standard, so this factory can be learn furthermore.

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