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Today was Monday the 9th of November and we had a talk on

volunteering for charity organisations. The charity was called hope, This
charity was mainly based in Calcutta and they helped young kids from
the slums to the streets . They helped kids stop overdosing on drugs,
avoid being kidnapped of the streets and also helped them avoid abuse
of all aspects. A boy from my year called Gabriel went to Calcutta over
the mid -term break for 4 days as a volunteer. He told us about the type
of living conditions he saw over there and also the problems faced by
the volunteers. He was told a story about people breaking into the hope
hospital and stealing the children. This was one of the many problems
faced by the volunteers.
The second part of the talk was for a charity called Indreni they mainly
operate in Katmandu which is located in Nepal. This charity also mainly
help homeless children by providing housing and sending them to
school. These children are faced with a big problem getting to school as
they have to fit 200 kids on a 52 seater bus. Most of the kids are
orphans but some of them know their parents. Mia Mcarthy went over at
mid-term and was told a very interesting story about a boy who was
saved by his friend. This boy couldn't swim and was drowning in the
flooded rivers of Katmandu, suddenly his friend saw him reached out
and pulled him from the river and its vicious currents. This is a
remarkable act from such a brave child. Overall I found the talk to be
very interesting and inspiring. The talk got me thinking about going over
to please like Calcutta and Katmandu to help the people of these

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