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Annotated Bibliography

Doak, J. Melissa (2009). "Intimate homicide victims, by gender, 1976-2005." Child

Abuse and Domestic Violence. Detroit: Gale.
This is only a graph that shows how many women and men have been killed by their
partner. This graph ranges from 1976 to 2005. Surprisingly as the years pass by the
homicides decrease instead of increasing. With all this violence in the modern world youd
think there would be a significant increase in homicides, but maybe because of all the new
laws and technology the homicides decrease instead. This chart helps to show how serious
of a problem domestic violence is and how we should do something about it to prevent it.
Kanable, Rebecca. (2013). "Police Officers Can Prevent Repeat Abuse by Directing
Victims to Available Services." Family Violence. Ed. Dedria Bryfonski. Detroit:
Greenhaven Press.
This article is about how Police officers can prevent abuse by telling victims where to go to
get help. According to Kanable in this article, Police officers had previously responded to a
call where a homicide took place and did nothing about it the first time. This article is
important because it tells you how many victims actually seek for help to try and end the
cycle of violence. With the statistics from this article you can show people how not too
many victims actually report domestic violence due to fear of worsening things.
Opposing Viewpoints in Context (2015). "Domestic Violence." Opposing Viewpoints
Online Collection. Detroit: Gale.
This article talks about the different types of Domestic Violence, the Causes and Effects of
Domestic violence and the Laws and Public Policies against domestic violence. This article

also gives you a brief definition of what domestic violence is. I picked this article because it
gives various statistics, definitions and lets you know how common domestic violence is in
the U.S and how the government and authorities take care of domestic violence. This article
will be helpful and is relevant because like mentioned before it gives you an idea of how
serious domestic violence is by giving statistics of how many people suffer from it, and
how they suffer from it.
SAVE: Stop Abusive and Violent Environments. (2013). "Domestic Violence Programs Are
Ineffective and Sometimes Harmful." Family Violence. Ed.

Dedria Bryfonski.

Detroit: Greenhaven Press.

This article contains a variety of information, ranging from how Domestic violence
programs are pretty much ineffective. The article contains statistics of how domestic
violence has dropped or rise. One of the most interesting paragraphs of this article is where
it talks about men being the victims of domestic violence. The paragraph talks about how
men are not taken as seriously as women when they go and seek help as it is very rare to
see men being the victims of domestic violence. This is a very interesting topic because it
makes others realize that its not only women the ones that suffer from domestic violence,
and how they are not helped as much as women. This is relevant and useful for me because
I can focus not only on women but men too and talk about how men are not taken as
seriously as women when it comes to domestic violence.

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