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Smith 1

Courtney Smith
Mrs. Hensel
English 4
October 13, 2015
Approximately eleven percent of children four to seventeen years of age (6.4 million)
have been diagnosed with ADHD as of 2011. Doctors find it hard to diagnose with kids with
ADHD, because its really hard to detect at a young age. ADHD cant be diagnosed till children
reach the age of four because thats when it becomes obvious. Some people may think that
ADHD is a joke and dont take it serious, but its a serious matter and shouldnt be messed with.
Kids with ADHD should get different accommodations when it comes to school because some
are slow workers and have a hard time keeping up with others.
Kids with ADHD tend to get picked on because they act different compared to other kids
around them. Kids that have ADHD have an IEP for school, and their parents have to go to a
meeting every year to discuss how they are doing. An IEP can help teachers and parents
understand what their child has and how they can help them improve. (Individualized education
programs). This helps Students take their time and not rush through assignments tests, quizzes,
and Projects. This helps makes things less stressful on the parents. Kids with ADHD also get
pulled out of class for test/quizzes because they have a hard time taking tests in big groups. Girls
that have ADHD are the worst when it comes to tests and quizzes because they wont get
anything done. They interrupt others working, Girls with this diagnostic tend to get less sleep
then everyone else. (ADHD: what parents need to know). Parents take ADHD very serious and
will do anything to make sure their kids do well throughout their life.

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Some parents are able to tell if their child has ADHD at a young age because sometimes
it can be easily detected. Some of the symptoms of ADHD is that kids dont pay attention to any
details given, gets distracted easily, has a hard time listening when spoken to and has trouble
staying organized. If any of your kids have these symptoms then go see a professional doctor
who can help you with ADHD. Doctors usually help parents understand why their child isnt
listening or is doing bad in school. ADHD makes it difficult for people to inhibit their
spontaneous responses (What is ADD/ADHD). Also, depending on how bad a kid has ADHD
some doctors give the parents a prescription to help keep their kid calm and focused during the
ADHD can be inherited through genes, brain injuries, and environmental factors. 90% of
kids who have ADHD inherit it from family whether its from the moms side of the family or the
dads side of the family. Sometimes kids could get if they have an injury to the brain from a sport
or if they got surgery as a little kid. Children who have suffered a brain injury may show some
behaviors similar to those of ADHD. (What is Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD, ADD)? If its inherited through genes then it could be easily detected for some kids and
makes it easier on their parents. Theres a bunch of way a child can get ADHD and doctors are
always diagnosing kids, teens and even adults with ADHD.
ADHD should be taken seriously and shouldnt be messed with. Some people think it
isnt a big deal but it actually is. If you think your child has ADHD go to the doctors to double
check. Kids with ADHD should have different accommodations then other kids.

Works Cited

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"Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)." NIMH RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2015.

Bailey, Ellen, and Rosalyn Carson-Dewitt. "Behavior Drugs & Children: An Overview." Points
Of View: Behavior Drugs & Children (2015): 1. Points of View Reference Center. Web.
21 Sept. 2015.
"Disciplining Your Child With Special Needs." KidsHealth - the Web's Most Visited Site about
Children's Health. Ed. Larissa Hirsch. The Nemours Foundation, 01 Sept. 2015. Web. 24 Sept.

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