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Professionalism and Understanding

Did not give a printed copy of the lesson plan until ten minutes into the
lesson, but a copy was sent by email less than 12 hours prior.
Planning for Learning
Why were the demonstration pieces in paper and not on PowerPoint? You
were asking the students a lot of questions, and giving the answers. Are
there ways you could have incorporated more responses from the students
into this activity? Some of the students knew the answer and had their
signs up so you would call on them, but you didnt. You allowed for group
responses, but didnt enforce it. The students could have been
encouraged to give greater response as a group. How can you do that?
Implementing and Managing
The usual opening greeting is given.
Was this the first time you had met this class? You introduced yourself as
if you had never seen these students before. Didnt you see them last
Had signs with names to give out to the students as a management
This is a good way to take attendance and for management.
Reviewed the rule of the signs. Good voice volume.
Opened with asking an opening question in Arabic, with a response given
in Arabic. This was followed by asking for the same response in English.
First the day and then the date.
Asked what the students did for the weekend?
A puzzle maze with letters that are put together to make the title of the
lesson for the day was given into the groups. You grouped the students by
number and put the extra student into another group. How might this
have been better arranged? As soon as she noticed that one group had
six, she moved the extra student into the group that only had four.
One student from each group was chosen as a representative.
The carpet area was really small. Was this intentional? The carpet is what
the school had. Some of the students left their signs before coming to the
carpet area. How could you ensure they knew they should bring it with
them before going to the area? Will ask when they move by group if they
have their signs.
You were giving the rules of the carpet area.
You told them with the paper demonstration then you were demonstrating
on the teachers computer. A lot of the time you were giving the
instructions again. This was an excellent opportunity to include the
student input. Why did you choose not to ask the students what they
would or should do? Didnt consider it. But might choose to do so in order
to discover what to do and explore.
After the demonstration you chose one student to come up and
demonstrate on the teachers computer. However, you only had the one
student assist. Could you have had her do the orientation and allowed

another student to assist with the header and footer? Why did you choose
not to? To save the time.
You then had more paper. These were handouts. You showed the students
and then handed the papers out to students one at a time. This meant
that one group had the papers well before the next group did. Was this a
competition at all? What kinds of problems can this method of handing
out papers cause? They already knew the instructions, they were just
meant to have the paper to help them.
The front screen ended up with nothing on it. Why? Not sure. Then you
had the worksheet activity on the board. This is an interesting method of
keeping the class on task. Do you think it worked well or not? Why did
you choose this method? All of the lesson steps were in the powerpoint to
make sure that nothing was forgotten. Thought it went well. Will likely
use it again.
The bell rang as students were working. You had the students give
attention. You asked final questions. Interestingly, you chose the same
student you had chosen three times before. How can you ensure you use
a variety of students rather than the same ones each time? Not many
students raise their hands to answer. Did ask the class why it was always
this student. Will try in future to choose a different student in each group
each time. You had students close the programs, but they didnt all do so.
Then you dismissed groups.
Was there a better way to do this in the future? Next time will try to finish
before the class end and let them leave the class. You had them leave
their signs on the computer. Is there any other way to do this that might
work better? Dont want to lose time.
Did you feel that the lesson went well? What kind of timing issues did you
notice? What can be done about these issues?
Will you have this class again?

Monitoring and Assessment

Groups were given time to work on the maze and then you checked,
monitoring to ensure that they were doing the work. Did you make it to
every group? Checked the answers of all groups and saw what they did.
Then asked the students what it was. Giving gentle prompting to the
students with physical gestures to ensure they would follow the rules of
raising the signs. Then elicited information from the students to get the
students to answer. The first student you chose for an answer was
absolutely silent and you had to choose another student to help her. Why
did the student respond this way? Perhaps her personality made her quiet.
She did raise her name though, so that is why she was chosen.
Then they had to find the learning objectives hidden around the room to
demonstrate what the students would be learning today. Then the
students were asked to say it back in English and Arabic, but this was not
consistent. Why? Wasnt sure of English level.
When you were assisting one of the groups, three of the groups finished

and were waiting to show you that they had finished it. How can this
cause problems with competition style completion of activities? She asked
them to raise their names and when she saw the finished group first, they
were chosen. Maybe the first group to finish might not be seen. Needs to
consider how to prevent that from happening.
Students were then meant to use the directions on the handout to create
their PowerPoint example. Then it was time to move around and monitor
the students as they move through the steps.
You were attempting to get their attention and used the clapping method.
Did you think this went well? Why?/why not? Some of the students didnt
respond because they were busy. Maybe in future will try another method,
such as a bell.
A student had to leave the class (I assume for the bathroom) is there a
particular policy for this action in this school? No policy. But during
observation, the students used this same method.

Summayas response- Felt the lesson went well. Did follow the steps of
the plan. Felt she didnt use the English a lot and wasnt sure what their
level is so she felt it could be better. Felt that each stage was good and
the timing was correct. Felt the students were engaged and active.
Maybe having an extra activity might have been good. Felt that the
monitoring strategies were effective because Sumayya noticed some of
the students were shy because it was the first time she had met them.
Maybe with the class management at the end of the class might be better.

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