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Isaacson, Walter. Steve Jobs. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2011. Print.

Walter Isaacson is an American writer and journalist. He is the president of

the Aspen Institute and the chairman of CNN. He has written multiple novels
including Benjamin Franklin, Henry Kissinger, and Albert Einstein.
This is a primary source: This book capitalizes on a story of a man who went
out on his own and created one of the worlds biggest electronic companies.
This book is broke down into forty two chapters spanning on Steve Jobs life
and career. It goes into details about the losses and triumphs he faced
throughout his life. This book is a bibliography. There is no made up plot in a
bibliography like a fantasy novel or movie. These type of book can be used in
schools to educate or even for parents trying to teach their children what
happens when you mind to something you want to do and never give up.
This book relates to my topic because it is an example of what happens
sometimes when you break out of the norm and try to do something
different. This can be used as an example when going over the positives of
Anticonformity when comparing the two sides of my argument.
The ideas presented in this text are extremely uncommon. Not many people
break out of the norm in the way Steve Jobs did. The people that do are often
very unsuccessful. However, it worked for him making an amazing story. Not
many texts are like this one because of how uncommon these success
stories are. This uncommonness can be used to an advantage in an essay.
This is a very good example to use when preaching the positives of being
different compared to being the same. There is zero personal opinion in
this book since it is a bibliography. This is specifically what happened in the
life of Steve Jobs. This is intended for any audience that is interested in
learning more about Steve Jobs. This book helped me understand that while
conforming is the easy way through life, some people realize that at times,
you need to go your own way if you feel it is necessary.

"Conformity vs. Individuality - Brainwashing & Majority Rules." Conformity vs.

Individuality - Brainwashing & Majority Rules. N.p., n.d. Web. 28 Oct. 2015.
Solomon Asch was a Polish psychologist and pioneer in social psychology.
He mostly known for his social experiments demonstrating the influence a
group opinion can have on a person.
This is a secondary source: Written on a website about an experiment tested
out many years ago. Also known as the Asch Paradigm, this experiment
involved people looking at certain things and comparing object properties to
others. The trick was, everyone except the subject was told to say an
incorrect answer and see if the subject would conform to the wrong opinion
since everyone said it. Most of the time it did happen. These experiments
This will help me with my topic because it shows how easy you can conform
without even realizing it. Just because everyone else is doing something, it
naturally makes you want to be involved. This will help me picking the right
people to do my process (need strong minded people)
Compared to my other sources, this is completely different. Everything is a
story or a research. This is a hands on experiment. Using this in an essay
would include preaching how easy is it to conform to something just because
everyone else said or did it. This isnt personalized by the author but by the
people in the experiment. Their opinions were tested and changed
depending on their reaction to the experiment. This article is generalized. It
did not go into specific detail on every subject that was involved. This was
intended for any audience that is interested on social experiments. This
definitely helped me understand my topic more because it made me realize
how simple it is to conform to something.

Cialdini, Robert B. "Social Influence: Compliance and Conformity." N.P., 11

July 2004. Web. 27 Oct. 2015.
Robert Beno Cialdini is a well renowned professor of psychology and
marketing at Arizona State University. He has written multiple novels about
social sciences and psychology.
This is a Secondary Source: This source covers recent developments in the
social influence literature, focusing primarily on compliance and conformity
research published between 1997 and 2002. This research shows how people
are motivated to achieve their goals in the most effective and rewarding way
possible. The researcher breaks up conformity as a whole into multiple
sections spanning from Goal of Affiliation to things like FOOT IN THE DOOR
TECHNIQUE. Each topic is accompanied by an introduction, an explanation
of the idea, and a solution
This relates to my topic because this gives me an idea on why certain people
conform to ideas that others conform to. The many ideas stated in this
research provides me with many examples of people conforming to
something that I can use for my research.
The ideas presented are a lot different compared to other things that I have read. What
is interesting about this source is how he breaks it all down into basically a science. In a
way, his ideas are almost cold hard facts. In an essay, I could use these almost facts
when arguing either side of my topic. This is a purely academically supported research.
There is a complete lack of personal opinion as he states the outcomes of other people
and not himself. As you read, it is clear that this is a research analysis for the eyes of
professors and scholars. This text helped me because it gives me almost scientific proof
about how some people conform to things regardless of if it is right or not.

H, Christina. "5 Reasons Why Anticonformity Is Worse Than Conformity."

Cracked. N.P., 7 Dec. 2010. Web. 19 Oct. 2015.
This article explains 5 reasons why being a non-conformist can actually be a
bad thing. The author goes into detail about how when you try to rebel
against things, you are actually conforming to the people that are also
rebelling. Its an interesting concept that not many people shed light on.
This relates to my topic because while people will think that not conforming
is good, this might open people up to the idea of conformity making the
process actually successful.
Christina H is a blogger that has been a member of since 2004.
This is a general internet source: This article is a blog post targeting people
that spend their time trying so hard to be the opposite of the masses and
what they do.
This article focuses on my topic in multiple ways in which I will use for my project. My
plan consists of people exploring both conformity and non-conformity. However, some
people will prefer one side during the process. Looking at this, hopefully this will help
some people realize that there is more to it than just their side. While this is only 5
ideas, this sheds light on the idea that conformity and non-conformity can actually be
more similar than you think. Which can really get you thinking about agreeing with the
side you are against when starting the process. This article really helped me and the
ideas used I will also use when starting my project.

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