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A note from the

Immigration is a huge current event for the United States. The sad part is that Latinos
seem to be the center of attention by false accusations. Some Latinos leave their home with
heartache of leaving their families behind or putting their familys lives in danger to cross the
border in search for a better life opportunity. We decided to choose immigration because we are
tied to immigrants one way or another in this country. Immigrants still come to America for the
same reason people first migrated here in the 15th century in search of the American Dream.
The United States currently has 11 million undocumented immigrants but not all of them
are Mexican. In the state of Utah alone, there was an estimated 57,546 undocumented
immigrants in 2013. 11 million people, who are here to accomplish a dream and a brighter future
for their families and themselves, Immigrants struggle to get to America and it is not as easy as
we think. Some of us interviewed immigrants in this country so we could get personal first hand
experiences. We also kept their identities protected to avoid exposure of harm or harassment in
any way.
Throughout our group research, and peer reviews we realized that this is an extremely
sensitive topic and people might get offended with certain verbiage. We tried avoided using
biases on our research. We looked into different sources to make or topic more credible. We
avoided writing about our personal thoughts and assumptions in hopes to help peers understand
of the struggles immigrants face every day.

Works Cited
"Estimates of the Unauthorized Population for States." Estimates of the
Unauthorized Population for States. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Dec. 2015.

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