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Differentiating Colors

Growing up I use to look in the mirror and try to visualize all my components,that was the only
way to understand why certain people or groups passed judgement on me. I was the type to have
hair that was always cut low with deep dark waves with a line sharper than the razor itself. My
clothes were creased and pressed without a wrinkle in sight , deep dimples with a beautiful bright
smile and manors to accompany.So why am I, an adolescent, experiencing things differently from
others around me? When I walked into the store, all eyes were darted on me. rom the moment I
started to walk to the beverage aisle and to the candy aisle, I sensed a sensation that I was being
followed. Its as If they were my shadow and mimicked my every move. Eyes followed me around
in the store as if I was the only object in proximity. I was constantly being asked Can I help you
find something? or Whats taking you so long to make a selection ?. Although Im one of the
most frequent customers around and always present payment with a significant amount of cash on
hand. I gather all these injustice actions and way them with my statue , appearance and manner in
which I conduct myself. My mind realized that I was being perceived as a thief , troublesome ,
or any other stereotypes that played along because of the color of my skin,became a handicap
itself. . Racism is the most occurring issue that Ive struggled with. Not only because its common
everywhere but because its in an everlasting cycle of oppression, where you can come up with
options to momentarily cease it but youll never fully overcome it.Understanding the concept of
the complexity is complexity itself.
To better grasp racism as a concept I conducted a survey to gain insight. To open more
perspectives on the matter, I took my survey to facebook and made it more public to where my
friends could see it and I could have a broader intake from their responses. It is beneficial to
myself if those who were taking the survey could express their feelings and experiences with ease
from being anonymous. My survey was comprised of three questions: Have you ever experienced

racism before or Have you been a bystander of it? What type of situation or atmosphere made it
comprise ? What methods did you use to overcome it ?( if you ever had or have ) By doing this I
brushed up not only my occurences but I also was walking in someone elses shoes. Every time
Id go over a response, I could visualize the tale of the injustice like it was being afflicted upon
right in front of me . The negative and foul words cycled in my mind and made me cringe as if
they were being said directly to me. Its like watching the movie Roots and it's the scene where
Kunta(tobi) is being whipped. Although youre not physically there, mentally you are and every
lash that cracks his skin and makes him bleed makes me tense up and arch my back as if I just got
a blow. You'll find yourself saying ouch or oh! though you feel no physical pain.
Just as I thought every person that responded to my survey have experienced a form of racism
internally or externally. There was a precise theme among the responders, having encounters that didnt
have much differentials , though I was set forth to more horrific than others; hearing of petty encounters a
local stores , past history stuck teachers to bullying of mental and physical harm based of skin
complexion. Others that experienced it indirectly instead of directly talked more on the basis of hearing
African decedent being called nigger blacky to even a porch monkey to those of a lighter black
complexion or being ganged on for defending against the words. They even stated that the words or fist
being outlashed werent from random people but people they were friend to or even related to.
Like my complexity the others main problem didnt lie within the racism remark, gestures, etc but came
from trying to develop a solutions to the problem that been here since the day somes ancestors landed on
Plymouth rock. Making the What method methods did you apply to overcome? the toughest question
to answer considering 3 of the 7 answered it . One that stuck out with critical application to all was when
Sunny knight said I was deprived of a job promotion , that I well off deserved and needed because there
was an under qualified person of more physical attribute than I. I wasnt overlooked because my inability
to perform , I was a top sales rep with awards. I was overlooked because the person picking enjoys color
over quality but yet to overcome the prejudice supervisor who was later to be found unemployed, she

said she just kept doing what she was doing but with more ambition and eventually was given the spot
once the other failed at it. That was similar to other and I because to to momentarily resolve the problem I
kept my head high and continued to strive to show that it didnt affect me as much as they lead to be , it
actually was more motivation to the situation.
An everlasting complexity is the hardest the hardest to deal with because you'll always be encountering it.
So before you cast judgment without of having a technical reason why others are different or less of you
other than a higher level of melanin ,consider a time when you felt different because of someone's
judgment, or discrimination on you because you had a indifference that they felt was peculiar and deemed
you less than but try and see how you would fix a problem that you can't possible fix. Racism is the
world's strongest form of discrimination, it's what wealth to what families and to what success has been
built upon as if it's vital though it negatively affects many, I nor another person can cease it let alone
overcome its occurrences but united as one everyone that has experienced it directly or indirectly can
bring weight to the for now , world's biggest ever lasting complexity that will eventually be regarded
negatively by everyone once fully comes to light as if it already hasn't or problems will occur among the
oppressed again and again, history doesn't repeat that when tradition step in . Hope i've brought some
form of brighter meaning to the complexity and with that said Ii leave you with a quote from Anna Smith
Racism has been for everyone like a horrible, tragic car crash, and we've all been heavily sedated from it.
If we don't come into consciousness of this tragedy, there's going to be a violent awakening we don't
want. The question is, can we wake up?

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