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Mr. Javed Rmn.zan Sheikh


State ,of Maharashtra '& Ors,


OF 20110


.. Petitioner

. _ Respondents

Sr. Partieu lars , No.

?ag,e Nos-


,0 i. Syn.o,ps,,is

02. Memo of Public Interest Litigaticn,

03. EXH,IB:E'F I:A'

Copy of tl:u~ false Affida:vit dated 2008.


1 'Ith .",,~.- __ .It.

.. n.l~l,;.u. "~.'."""" " .. ' .•


,04. EXB,IBI'T ~B'

CQPYO! the Guarantee Bond.


Copy ,Qlfthe Certificate.

''06. EXHIBIT'D'

COPY' of the letter-dated 04.03.2008.

I 07. E,XHIEI:ET ~lB,>

Co,py of 'the ,order dated 05.06.2()08.

oa. I EXHIBIT ~F,'

Copy of the letter dated 11.03 .. 2008.


Copy of the letter da:t.ed 12.11.2009.

I 1,0.. I' EXHIBIT 'H>' .. ' _

Copy of the t?P~Y 23.11.2:009.


Copy (If the Commencem.en't Ce:rlifica.te obtain.ed for construction of Vedas Familv Resta:ut:a!ll t and Elrnhmas Regeni¢,y. ~

I 11.


I .



COpy oftbe AppticatilQt.i. dared 14.12.2009.


COpy of the Certificate dated IO,1(}6.:20,QS.

lS.XH1B,IT' ~,K.'

Copy ofthc noti,oe da.ted 17m Mareh 1991.



Copy of th,e p:roopeny card.




COPY' of the order dated 22.05.2006.

i'"/ .r~

. i' :9"'- 1-1

I: ,....-1

"_ , ,


EXHIB!lI1' ~N' ~

Copy ,of the Occupation ' dated 27,09.2007.




Copy- of the Deeelopment Agl'le-emen,t dated lSi:i~ day ofApl~il :2005.




Copy of the Bower of Atforney dated

1 S.04.2'005,

:2 5. ,EXHIBIT ·W·

Copy of the Wrl'tt'en Stat:ement dated., 1.:2 t

12.0:1..20 10,. .~ 13 +


EXlJ1Bl';r' ~O·

Copy of tl'lc dared 20.100_2007.



Copy of the letter dated 23.11.'2009.


CoPY' of the letter dated 14.03.2009.

,EXBIBI'l' 'T~

O;n>y of tbe, letter ;run~tlll annexures da;t~d ] .



Co,py of the Mortgag,e Deed dated





Copy of the' requ ·st metter sent by ,SlOt. R.:=hma Munk Shaikh.



I Copy er the Co,mp~run.t letter dated. 31~'l M'm::ch 2009.



C:Op~y of the letter dated 31-05.,,20018.

29. EXHm:IT <A.A'

Copy of the letter dated 22nd July 2008.

The Respondent r43 ...-- I ~


. Copy of true letter dated !I.S.0S.2009. tEo .~ ~ G"""}

3.1. : EXHIBIT ~CC'

Copy of the

. 31.03.'2009"

Call. plain t

letter dated

32. EXHHUT."D.D'

Copy of the reply dated 06.11.2008.

33. EXHllUT ~EE>

Copy of the order dated 26th August 2009.



Copie:s of the .1eUer to call urgent meeting

and Complaint ag~nst vedl .. a;s.. Family J £q .1 / .

Restaura.J!.J.1!: and Brahrnas Regency da ted . __) .".-- b t_,

2·5.03,2009 and 30.03.2Q09,respective1y.' 1




Copy of the letter dated :







Mr. Javed Ramzan SheIkh


.. Petitioner

State of Maharashtra & Ors,

.. Respondents





The Petitioner is a Corporator of Pimpri-Chinchwad

Mahanagar Palika, The Respondent No. 1 is the Sta.te of

Maharashtra, through Ministry of Urban Development

The Respondent No. :2 is the State Exercise Department,

Pune; The Respondent No.3 is Commissioner, Pimpri-


Chinchwad Mahanagar Palika, The Respondent Nos. 4

and 5 are the Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas

Regency. The Respondent No. 6 is the District Collector,

Pimpri and Respondent No. 7 is the Commissioner of

Police, Pune,

That people of the area mainly women agitating against

liquor shop Nilesh Beer Shoppe, Amrut Wine Shop,

, therefore, Respondent Nos ... 2; 3andt 7 took action against

the abcvesaid shops. Therefore, people of the area got

annoyed, shocked. and surprised when they hear that

Vedas Familj: Restaurant and Brahma Regency obtained


permission under FL-m of Bombay Prohibition .A.ct, _ •• ey immediately approached the; Petitioner as he is the Corporator of the area. The Petitioner also got shocked and surprised that Vedas Family Restaurant an d Brahm a. Regency got permission under FL-HI of Bombay Prohibition Act, which is near to religious place that. is Shri

I Vardhaman J run Shra wak S angh Sthana:kwasi.

That the Assistant Police Commissioner given letter to Mrs. Vidya Ulhaa Shetty stating. that th e Registration Certificate for Vedas Family Restaurant, Survey No. 47, Plot No. 58, C. '" .S. ~ f 0-264 :Is sanctioned .•

That tile Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency and the Vedas Family Restaurant and Permit Room is near I to prohibited area as the same is near to Shri Vardhaman Jain Shrawak Sangh Sthanakwasi, Akurdi, Pune,

I That there were Shri V srdh am an Jain Shra wak San gb Sthanakwasi, which is established on 18.12.198:0 at Survey No.4? Plot Nos. 9. The said religious plece was existence since long back


That the Syndicate·Bank, Chinchwad Branch 1 Pu __ e -

I 411019j indemnify to Mrs. Vidhya Ulhaa Shetty of Vedas Family Restaurant, Akurdi, Pune - 411 035 in respect of breach of any provisions ofthe Prohibition Act.


That the Inspector of Shop & Establishment Act; issued a Certificate under Shop and Establishment Act to Vedas i Restaurarrtat Survey No. 47, Plot No. 58, C.T . .3, No.4.2M.

os. 06. .. 2008

That the District Collector, Pune issued pentl.18SlQn 10

Hotel Vedas Family Restaurant under Form FL-3 bearing

No;U/20G8j2346 FL-m-


The Medical Officer, Pirnpri-Chinchwad Nagarpalika issued •

Grade 'A' Certificate to Vedas Family Restaurant as per

their Application.


That one Mrs .. Reshrna Munir Shaikh made Complaint to

State Excise Department that how they given permiasion

to Vedas Family Restaurant & Brahmas Regency near to

23.11.2'009 I The Respondent NQ- 2 given flimsy reply to Smt. Reshma

Munir Shaikh that Jain Sthanak: is not a temple and at no

occasion there performing any spirituel programme and

also admitted that direct distance between Vedas


,That after perusing: the records, which is received by

Petitioner from said Mrs. Reshma MUllir Shaikh th e

Petitioner found. that the Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 are

making false represen tation and 0 Main permission from

concerned authorities as the said Vedas Family Restaurant

and Brahmas Regency constructed on Plot No. 56,. which

is belonged to State Government and Pimpri-Chinchwad

Mahanagar Palika had no power to allot the same plo t to


1'hG!lPIot No. 56 is reserved for Shopping Center for public

purpose. The Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 had fun knowledge

I ,_, -

about the Plot No. 56 that the same i,s belonged to State'

Government and there is no I'0ssloility to give permission

to Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency.

Therefore, the Respondellt Nos, 4 and 5: played fraud Oller

people of Pimpri-Chinchwad Mahan.gar Paliks and

'I constructed the building by Lotus Construction Company on Survey No.4?, Plot No. 56 and fraudulently obtained all

permission, by Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 on Survey No. 47,

Plot No. S,8.

I 22 . .05.2006

That Survey No. 471, Plot No, 56 ,of viUag,e Akurdi, Taluka

,Havili~ District - Pune i~a1rtla:dy reseeved for Shopping


Centre" mean.s, one is non-agricultural land but, it is really

land bearing Survey No, 471, Plot No, .. 5~i.,

I That Srnt, - Jayshree Sharad Shah made a De1,'el,opment ,Agreement 'With Mjs. Lotus Co'pstroctior[} ComJJlany

A:p'ril 200S. ..


That there wer,e no any dOCll ments or nexu.srelatin.g to the

23 .11. 2009 'I That the Respond~1:t No. 2\VlO,te a letter to Bmt. Reshma

~ un!: ~:r"'rokb '"-"' __ - me Brah:mllS .Reg:e. cy and -edas

by Smt.. Ja.yshree Sb~d. Shah through. her Power Q,f

Permit Room is 76 meters away from Jain Sthan8Lk and Jain Sthanak is not a Temple, But Pimpri-Chinchwad Mahanagar Palika, Akurdi Vibhal Karyalaya given proper

information to Petitioner stating that in Jam Sthanak there

is worship place admeasuring 55x15 i.e. 825 square feet.


That the real surprise is that Execu tive Engineer of Pim pri-

112.0'1..2010 That Srnt. Reshma MUD!!" Shaikh given her Written Statement to the Appeal Branch. The Appeal Branch has

Cbinchwad Mahanagar Palika states that 44 meter

distance from Ja1.."'1l Sthanak and Brahmas Regency is not

proper but, some distance is direct distance from Brahmas

Regency and -Jain Sthanak and he also annexed theplan,

which dearly shows the distance from Brahmas Regency and Vedas Restaurant in. 44 meters.

not given any reply till today. Therefore} Smt .. Reshma

Munir Shaikh also sent a. request letter to the Appeal

Branch, but not reply is given tin today ..

That after perusing an papers; the Petitioner filed

complaint to District Collector; Pune on 3.1 st March 2009, I

questioning: that whether any action has taken again st

Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency, - who

obtained. permission under the BombayProhibition Act;

1949 for licence for the sale of Vedas Family Restaurant

and Brahrnas Regency of Imported Foreign Liquor [Portab].ej and Indian Made Foreign Liquor (portable), for

whieh excise au ty has. been paid at special rates ..

I That theBespondent NO~. 7 M:"ODe a letter to Respondent


to. Vedas Family Restaurant. At th e time of givin g letter to

NO', 2 that after proper enquiry there is no any question of

giving permission under FL-m of Bombay Prohibition Act

Respondent No.2, the Respondent No.7 not considered

that the people and women of the area agitating against

Arnrut Wine Shop, Nilesh Beer Bar and Country Liquor

Shop resulting the above-said sh cps are closed,

That the Petitioner also wrote a letter to Respondent No.2

for getting information relating to permission under FL-HI

granted to Vedaa Family Restaurant. The Respondent No.

'2 given false reply to the abovesaid letter without peru. sing

the fact: stating that the Government Gazette dated

30.06.2003 is not applicable to Vedas Family Restaurant

as the said Gazette states that for FL-II1 the permission is

required from Women Organization of area as the Dew

I Government Gazette dated 25tll March 2008, there is 110


question to take permission from Wwnen Organization

but, in present. matter the Vedas Family Restaurant

demanding permission on 15.03.2008. Therefore, the

Government Gazette dated 30th .June 2.003, is applicable

and Government Gazette dated 25 .. 03.:2008 is not


That the Petitioner bas also made a Complaint to :::,~

Superintendent of State Excise, Pune District re(rclesli::g:~

take action again st the Hotel Vedas Family Restaurar;; =-=-::

Brah TIl as Regency on 3~ .. 03 _ 20 09 by giving a;] :: "'~ s ~

That the District Collector without perusing aU facts and

documents relating permission under FL-HI given by

Excise Department to Vedas Family Restaurant and

Brahmas Regency (ejecting the Application of Petitioner

stating that the permission given to the abovesaid Hotels

are proper by Superintendent of State Excise.

I Shri Vardhaman Jain Shrawak Sangh also wrote letter to

'Pragati Mahila Vikas Mandal. stating that they taken


proper action against Liquor Shop.

.26.08 .. 2009

That the Petitioner field Appeal No. 244 of 2009 before the

Commissioner of State Excise, Maharashtra State, M urn bai

on 18.08.2009. The said Appeal is not decided on merits

but, only decided on point of delay though delay

Condonation Application is Civil and therefore, the. illegal

permission granted by the Respondent No .. 2, which is

given by flouting the provisions of law and a false

document is still remain continued to do unlawful ad of

Respondent No.2. The order of Appeal is don bt as

Petitioner shows F'L-3 Licence Holder.

That after obtaining permission under FL- IH of Bombay

Prohibition Act by Vedas Family Res tau ran t and Brahmas

Regency> the people of Akurdi area got annoyed as they

already agitated fOT closing Liquor Shop of the area i.e.

Amrut Wine Shop, Nilesh Beer Shop and Country Liquor

Shop and Respondents taken action against the said shop

and all abovcsaid Hotels and Shops dosed due to action by

people, But after that immediately the Respondent No.2

given all perrmssron under FL-III 0: Bombay Prohibition

Act, 1949 to. Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrnas

Regency, an Application proceeded on 15.03 . .2008 by


That due to abovesaid rsct of Respondents the people of


area stopped performing worship at Shri

Vardhaman J run Shra wak Sangh Sthenakwasi, Aku rdi,

Pune and they made Complaint to the Petitioner as he is

the Corpcrator of the area. NI me women of that area

complained to' Petitioner, The Jain People not performing

I chatur-rnass worship in the above said religious place as

the liquor permit is given nearby the worship place ..

The Petitioner approached. to the Pimpri-Chinchwad

. .

Mahanagar Palika and also raised questions regarding the

abovesaid matters in Mahapaliak House} but nobody has

taken action again st Vedas Farn 11y Restauran t an d

Brahmas Regency, but the Respondents are not ready 1.0

rectify their illegalaction but, everybody tried to shielding

. .

Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency and also

wrote letter to Commissioner ofPimpri-Cninchwad

Mahanagar Palika,

That due to abovesaid act of Petitioner, the Respondents

got annoyed and they started to harass me Petitioner 3.._'1.d

by hands of Police Departmen t, they taken extemment

proceedings under Section 56 of tile Bombay Pnlice _';_c,

.~ -----

as the Respondent Nos, 4 and 5 started selling liquor

I The Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 in order to swallow the plot of land at Survey No, 47> Plot No. S6 made all documents

for permission under Shop and Establishment Act, Excise

Act, Collector Permission on Survey NQ, 47, Plot No. 58,

which is already acquired for road widening. The

Respondent Nos. :2 and 3 also hand in glow with the

I Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 given permission illegally to

Respondent. Nos. 4 and 5-

That the people of Akurdi made grievances to the Petitioner

under the name and style as Vedas Family Restaurant [U1d

Brahmas Regen cy.

The Petitioner requested. to the

Commissioner and also requested to the Commissioner -

Pimpri-Chinehwad Mahanagar Palika, but nobody has

ready toO take any action against the abovesaid Rcsp.ondent

Nos .. 4 and 5.

That the Respondent No, 3 admitted that Vedas Family

Restaurant and Brahmas Regency, which. is established in .

Lotus Court. is mega! as they changing in sanction plan

without permission of Respondent No, 3-


L The Respondents ought to have seen. that the Respondent Nos- 4

and 5 have taken permission to sen liqn or as per Ft.-HI. of Born bay

Prohibition Act, 1949 on Survey No. 47; Plot No. S8 and. the Lotus

Caunbu.:ildingt where '\ ,edasFamilyRestanrant and Brahrnas

Reg"'~g is. constructed on Surv-ey No- 47, Plot No, 56-

11. The Respondent No. :3 fu lyaware that SUf'li'e_" ~ ~o- 47. _ ~ t -;0. -~ :'! admeasuring 14256 square feel out of mat only 8S0 S-[J:U8! emet ~s is allegedly shown to be in the name of Sharad Bhogila' Sha:.: means balance land admeasuring 13406 belor .gs to G vemmec; but, Respondent No, 3giv,en permission for Survey _ 0_ 47 Plot _; _ 56 to the Respondent as 14256 square meters.

Ill, The Respondent No.3 himselfgiven permission to. construction of Lotus Court Building on Survey No- 47j Plot No, 56, means he knows fully that on which plot Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency stood but he wiUfu.Uy and knowingly given other permission to abovesaid Vedas Family Restaurant and. Brahmas Regency on Survey No. 47.. plot No. 58 which is already acquired for road widening.

iv. The Respondent Nos. '2 and 3 require to take stern action against the Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 after' giving an details of fabricated documents which are produced before them. by Respondent Nos. 4 and 5.

v. The Respondents should have taken action the Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 but, they took action against the Petitioner by way of externing the Petitioner under Bombay Police Act, J 951, instead of Respondent Nos. 4 and S,

VI. The Respondent ought to, have seen that after allowing to sell liquor in Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency, which is ill the Lotus Court building, the worshippers stopped their worship :n

reli gious place at

Shri Vardhaman Jain Shrawak Sangh

Sthanakwasi, Akurdi.

vii. The Petitioner obtained all the documents from Respondent office

under Right to Information Act and at the time of filing Complaint

by Petitioner against Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 annexed all

documents which he obtamed from Respondent Nos. 2 and 3, then

also Responden t Nos. 2 and 3· not taken any action again st the

Respondent Nos, 4- and 5., means it is clearly shown that the

Respondent Nos .. 2 and. 3 hand in glows with Respondent Nos .. 4

and 5 swallowed. the reserved. land of Government for disturbing: the

peace of people of Akurdi, Pune area,

L Constitu tien of India

]I. Bombay Tenancy and Agricurtural Land Act, 194fS.

iii, Bombay Prohibition Act.


2006 (5) .BOM C.R 910


Dated. this ds,y of March 2010.

Advocate for the Petitioner




OF .2010


In the rna.tter of Ar'ticle .226 of the

Constitution of India;


In the matter' of Article 12~ il4, 19,

21 and 22 of the Constitution of


Mr. Javed Rarnzan Sheikh

Age 39 years, residing at Hasaripapa

Chawl, Vitthalwadj, Akurdi

Prine - 4 11 005.

'J P ..

: .. . etitioner


L State of Malaara.ah tra

Through Ministry of Urban


2. Office of State Excise Department Pune at 14-A, Sadhcu Vaswani Marg Station Road~ Pune 411 00 L

3, The Cornmisaioner

Pimpri Chirichwad Mahanagar

Paljlca, Pirnpri, Pune - 411 018.

4_ M/s_ Vedas Family Restaurant Lotus Court, Plot No. 56

C.T.S. No. 4264., Survey No. 47 )

Opposite Bajaj Auto

Near Akurdi Post Office

Vivek Nagar, Akurdi;Pune )

Through its Owner »

Sou, Vidya Ulhas Shetty

Residing at ! 24~ Plot N 0.380 Pradhakararr Nigadi, Pune-411 044. )

5. Br'ahrnas Regency

Lotus Court, Plot No. 56

C.T.S ... No .. 4264, Survey No .. 47

Oppoeite=- Bajaj Auto Near Akurdi Post Office Vivek Nagar, Aku:rdi, Purie Through its owner

Ulhas Shetty~ reaidirig at

Sector 24} Plot No .. 380 Pradhikaran Nigadi Pune-4! 1044 )

~"d Santosh Karnawat

Residing at 109, Apurva G,arden

Sector 24, Plot No. 82 + 84t Nagadi]

Purie - 411 044.

6, District Collector, Pune

(Revenue Branch) at Collector Office


7. Commissioner of Police

C,.P. Office Building

Pune - 411 001.

}." Respondents








1. The Petitioner is the citizen of India and a

Corporator of Pimpri-Chmchwad Mah an agar

Palika, domiciled in the. State of Maharaahtra,

r-esiding at the abovemen Honed. address,

entitled to exhaust all rights guaranteed under

the Constitution of India, The Respcnden t No.


- ~ :_-~ ~Lal[;e ofaharash ira, through Ministry

-:~rb&il Development, The Respondent No. 2

is the State Exercise Department, Pune. The

Respondent No. 3 is· Commissioner" Pirnpri-

Chinchwad Mahanagar Palika, The Respondent

Nos. 4 and 5 are the Vedas Family Restaurant

and Brahmas Regency. The Respondent No _ 6

rs the District Collector ~ Pimpri and

Responden t No. 7 is the Comrniasicner of Police,



The Petitioner respectfully further states that


people of the area mainly women agitating

against liquor shop Nilesh Beer Shoppe, Amr ut

Wine Shop, 'therefore, Respondent Nos. 2 ,3 and

7 took action against the abovesaid ahops

Therefore, people of the area got annoyed,

shocked and surprised when they hear- that

Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrna Regency

obtained permission under FL-IIJ of Bombay

Prohibition Act, they immediately approached

the Petitioner as, he is the Corporator of the


The Petitioner also got shocked and

surprised that Vedas Family Restaurant and

Brahma Regency got permisaicn urrder F'l.vIll of

B I mbav Prohibition Act,

wh ich is near to


~ligiOU" place that is Shri .Jain

Shrawak Sangh Sthariakwasi. Therefore, the

Petitioner immediately upplied under Right to

Information Act and after perusing the papers

he got following information.

3. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas

Regency situated in one building as Vedas

Family Restaurant is on ground floor and

Brahmas Regency is on 1st Floot to third floor.

The said PermitRoom is near to prohibited ar'ea

as the same is neal" to Shd Vardharnan .Jain

Shrawak Sangh Sthanakwas.i~ Akurdi, Purie.

3. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

there were Shri Vardbaman J run. Shr awak

Sangh Stb.artakwaai, which is established on

1K.12.1980 at Survey No. 47 Plot No s. '9.. The

said religirrus place was exietence since long


Tax started from 1992 by i-

Chirichwad Municipal Corporation, One Mrs.

Vidya. Sbetty applied for permission. rn

respect of M / s. Vedas Family Restaurant. At

the time of Application she prepared Affidavit

s:mtingthat 'her Vedas Fru-nily Reataurarrt




\tu d N' B ··ld-- ,.. C

81 I ate -. at __ ew .U.l . l:ng~, Lo tu.s ' •... curt, Survey

No. 47, Plot No_ S8, Vivek Nagar, Akurdi. The

said Restaurant is 75 rueter s distance from

National Highway and same is not near to

religious place, Educational Institution or near

to S.T. Bus Stop. Hereto annexed and marked

as EXHIBIT 'A~ is the copy of the said false

Affidavit dated 11 th March 2008.

S. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the Syndicate Bank, Chirichwad Branch, Pune-

411019, indemnify to Mrs. Vidhya Ulhas Shetty

of Vedas Family Restauzant, Akurdi, Pune - 411

035 in respect of breach of any provisions of the

Prohibition Act. Hereto annexed and marked as

EXHIBIT 'B ~ is. the copy of the said Guarantee

Bond ..

6. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the Inspector of Shop & Establishment Act,

issued. a Certificate under



Establishment Act on 2:0. 12.2007 to Vedas

Family Restaurant at Survey No. 47, Plot No.

58" C .. l'.S. No. 4264.

Hereto annexed and

marked as EXHIBIT 'C; is the copy of the said




~he Petitioner respectfully further states that the Assistant Police Commissioner given letter

to Mrs. Vidya Ufhas Shetty 'On 04.03.2008

stating that the Regiatratiori Certificate for Vedas FamiJ!yR,estaurant, Survey No .. 47, Plot No. 58~ C.T.B .. No. 4264 is sanctioned. Hereto annexed and marked ,as ,EXHIBIT ~D~ is the copy of the said letter dated 04 .. 03.20008.

8. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the District Collector, Pane issued permission to Hotel Vedas Family Restaurant under Form FL3

bearing No. 11/2008/2346 FL-IIU.


annexed and marked as EXHIB;IT 'E' is the copy of the said order dated 05.,06.2008.

9. The Petitioner respectfully further states that




Pimpri -Chinohwad

Nagarpalika issued Grade 'A' Certificate to Vedas Family Restaurant on I 1.03 . .2008 as per

their Application dated. 11.03.2008.


annexed and marked. as EXHIBIT 'F' is the

copy of the said letter dated 11..03.2008.

10.. The Petitioner respectfully further states that one Mrs. Reshma Munir Shaikh made







Restaurant & Brahmas Regency near to

religious place .J ain Sthanak. and demanding afl

papers under Right to Information Act. Hereto

annexed and marked as ,EXHIBIT ~G~ is the

copy of the said letter dated 12.]_ 1 .. .2009.

11. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the Respondent No. 2 given flimsy reply to, Sm t.

Reshrna Munir Shaikh that Jain Sthanak is not

a temple and at no occasion there performing

any sph-itualprogramme and also admitted that

direct distance between Vedas Restaurant and

Bramhas Regency is 44 meters and by footway

the same is more than 76 meters"


annexed and marked as EXHIBIT ~H.' is the

copy of the said reply dated .23, .. 11.2009.

12. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

after perusing the records, which is received by

Petitioner from said Mrs. Reshrria M.unir Shaikh

the Petitioner found that the Respondent Nos. 4

and S are making false representation and

o tain permiseion from concerned authorities



lhiCh is belonged to State Government and Pimpri-Chinchwad Mahanagar Palika had no power to allot the same plot to anybody.

13,. The Petitioner respectfully further states that the Plot No. 56 is reserved for Shopping Cerrter for public purpose. The Respondent Nos .. 4 and 5 had ful! knowledge about the Plot No. 56 the same is belonged to State Gover-nment and there is no possibility to give permission to Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency. Therefore 1 the Respondent Nos .. 4 and S played fraud over people of Pimpri-Chinch wad Ma.h.angar Palika and con.str-ucted the building by Lotus Construction Company on Survey No. 4 7 ~ Plot No. 56 and fraudulently obtained all permission by Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 en. Survey No.4 7 ~ 'plot No. 58. Hereto annexed and marked as-EXHIBIT '1' is the copy of the





construction of Vedas Family Restaur-ant and 8rahmas Regency. Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT ~J~ is the; copy of the Certificate dated. 10,.05.2005. \

· 4. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the Btrilder Shri Sarito sh Karriavat, constructed

the building through the owner .Jayaahree

Sharad Shah, who obtained Ownership

Certificate by bogus documents. The Survey

No, 47 Plot No. 56 belongs to Government

admeaeurrng 14256 squ.are meters. As the said

land. originally belongs to Motilal Salaraj Talada

in the year 1960 by way of conveyancebo

conveyance came to po sseeeion in the year

19650. Tulshirad Vyas Ram Vallabh Gcerika

prepared only 850 square feet and balance land

remained with G-overnment i.e. 13406 square

feet but. by false Suit between .R.V", Goenka and

Town Transport in respect only one Gurrth a,

Sharad Bhogilal Shah succeeded R.V. Goenka

in respect of only 850 square m.eter s as the

office of District Inspector of Land Record issued

notice on Sunday I.e. 17th March 1991 ~ to

Sb arad Bhogilal Shah stating that as per Application dated 12.03.1991 hebe remained

present in the office of Dtstnict Inspector of Land

Record on 21.03.199 L Hereto annexed and

marked as,EXHIBIT 'K" is the copy of the said

notice dated 17th M.aI1ch ~ 991.. And b'V 01 . -e= _ ~


District Inspector of Land Records the land

shown in the name of Late Sharad Bhogilal

Shah adrneaauring 14256 square meter instead

of 850 square feet.. Hereto annexed 8111d marked

as EXHIBIT '1/ is the copy of the said property

card ..

15. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the Survey No. 47, Plot No. 56 of village Akurdi,

Taluka Havili, Dis'trict - Pune IS already

reserved for Shopping Centre,.rneans one rs

non-agricultural land but, it is really surprised

that the Collector, Pune (Revenue Branch)

issued non-agricultural order on 22 . .05.2006 in

respect of land bearing Survey No. 47 ,Plot NQ.

S6. Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT

':M' is the copy elf the said order dated


16. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

Smt, .Jayashree Shar'ad Sha.h. on. beh.alf of Lotus

Construction Company's Partner M:r. San th oah

Karanavat constructed building for Vedas

Family Restauran t and Brahrnas Regency on

Plot No. 56 admcaaurmg 14256 square feet and

also constructed shops which is clearly illeg~

1·' _."ii

instruction by riabbing Government land and

accordingly~ th.e Pimpri- Chinchwad Mahanagar

Palika issued Occupation Certificate: without

verifyin.g abovesaid fact on 27.09.2007, Her-eto

annexed and. marked as EXHIBIT 'Nj is the

copy of the said Occupation Certificate dated

27 .09 ~2007 .

17. The Petitioner respectfully further states that







Development Agreement with M/s_ Lotus

Construction Company through its Partner Mr.

Santosh V Karnavat, the Developers vide

Development Agreement dated 15th day of April

2005. Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT

'0' is the copy of the said Development

Agreement dated JI. 5th day of April 2005. That

Smt. J ayshree Shared Shah also executed

Power of Attorney in favour of Mj s , Lotus

Corratrxrctiorr Company through its Partner Mr.

Santosh V" Karriavat on 15th day of April 2 00 5.

Hereto annexed and rnarked asEXHIBIT'P~ is

the copy of the said Power of Attorney dated 15.04 ... 2005\


18. ~ ,_,e Petitioner respectfully further states that there were no any documents or nexus relating' to the transfer of abovesaid establishment which is constructed by Smt. .Jayshree Sharad Shah. through her Power of Attorney Holder Mr. Santosh Karnavat to Smt. Vidhya Shetty or Ulhas Shetty. There is only name was shown in the Permission Certificate under Bombay Shop and Eatabhshmen tAct" 1948 in Form D as Joint owner Ulhas Shetty and Santosh B.


Hereto annexed and. marked as

EXHIBIT '0' is the copy of the said Certificate dated 20.10.2007.

19. The Petitioner respectfully further- states that the Respondent No. 2 wrote a letter to Smt.. Reshma Munir Shaikh on 23.11.2009 that th.e Brahmas Regency arid Vedas Permit Room is 76 meters away from Jain Sthariak and Jain Sthanak is not a Temple. Hereto annexed and marked asE~IBIT 'R' is the copy of the said letter dated But Pimpri-Chrnchwad Mahariagar Palika, Akurdi Vibhal Karyalaya given proper inform ation to Petitioner stating that in Jain there is worship place admeasuring S5x15 I.e, 8250 square feet. Heret


armexedarid marked as EXHIBIT '8' is: the copv

of the said letter dated 14.03 . .2 009.

20.. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

the real surprise is that Executive Engineer of

Pimpri-Chmchwad Mah ariagar Palika states

that 44 meter distance from Jain Sthan ak and

Brahmas Regency is not proper but, some

distance is direct distance from Brahmas

Regency and Jain Sthanak and he also annexed

the plan, which clearly shows the distance from

Brahmas Regency and Vedas Restaurant in 44


Hereto armexed and marked as

EXHIBIT 'T' is the copy of the sajdletter <

alongwith annexures dated 18.11.2009.

21. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

Mrs. Vidya Ulhas Shetty mortgaged property of

Lotus Court for Credit Facility of Lotus Credit

by Registered Mortgage Deed dated 19 .. 06.2007.

Without signature of Bank Officer how the

Registrar registered the Purchase Deed. Hereto

annexed and marked as EXHIBIT 'U' is the

copy of the said Mortgage Deed dated 19.06 .. 2007.\



22.. The Petitioner respectfully further states th at

Smt. Reshrna Munir Shaikh made an

Application to Resporrderit No.2 'under Right to

Information Act, in respect of permission

granted to Vedas Family Restaurant and

Brahm as Regency on 14.12.2009.


annexed and marked as EXHIBIT 'V" is the

[ - . _. - .

copy of the said Application dated 14.12.2009.

23.. The Petitioner reepectfully further states mat

Smt. Reshrna Mu.nir Shaikh given her Written·

Statement to the Appeal Branch on

Hereto. annexed and marked as EXHIBIT 'W; is

the copy of the said Written Statement dated

12.01 .. 2010. The. Appeal Branch has not given

any reply till today, Therefore; Smt. Reshrna

Munir Shaikh also sent a. request letter to the

Appeal Branch, but not reply is given till today.

Hereto armexed and marked as EXHmIT 'X} is

the copy of the said request letter- sent by 8m 1.

Reshma Muni:r 8haikh ..

24. The Petitioner respectfully further states that

af ... · er perusing all papecs, the Petitioner flIed





Restaurant and Brahmas Regency,tvho obtained permission under the Born bay Prohibition, Act, 1949 for licence for the sale of Vedas Family Restaurantand Brahrnaa Regency of Imported Foreign Liquor (portable) and Indian Made Foreign Liquor {Portable)" for which excise duty has been paid at special rates. Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT ~Y' is the copy of the said Com plaint letter dated 31 at March 2009.

25. The Petitioner respectfully further states that me Respondent N'D. 7 wrote a letter to Respondent No. 2 that after proper enquiry there is no any question of giving permission under FL-HI of Bombay Prohibition Act to Vedas Family Restaurant. At the time of giving letter to Respondent No.2; the Respondent No.7 not considered that the people and women. of the area. agitating against Wine Shop} Nile sh Beer Bar and Country Liquor Shop resulting the abovesaid shops are closed. Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT ~Z' is the copy of the said letter dated 31.05 .. 2008. \

26. \he Petitioner respectfully further slates that the Petitioner also WTD1i:,e a letter to Respondent No, 2 for getting information relating to permissacn und,er FL.-HI granted to Vedas

Family Restaurant.

Hereto annexed and

marked as, :EXHIBIT'AA' is the copy of the letter dated 22nd July 2008. The Res,pondent No. :2 gjven false reply to the abovesaid Letter without perusing the fact stating that the Go'vlern:mlent 'Gazette dated 30 .. 06.'20'0'3 IS not .applicable to Vedas Family Restaurant as the said. Gazette states that for FL=]U the permission is required from. Women Organization of area . as the new G,overnment Oazette dated ,25th March 2008l, there is rre question to take permission '[rom Wo'm'en Organizaticn but) in present matter 'the Vedas Family Restaurant demanding

Tber,efore~ the

Governm .. ent Gazette dated 30th .June2003~ is applicable and Government Gazette dated 25,.0$ .. 2008 is not applicable. Hereto annexed and marked as EXRIB:]('T ~B~ is the copy ofthe aaid letter dated 15.05 .. 20.09 ..


Superintendent of State Excise? Pun e District

requesting to take action against the Hotel

Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency

on 31.03.2009 by giving all details as per the

Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949. Hereto annexed

and. marked as EXHIBIT "CC; is the cOPY' of the

said Complaint letter dated 3 1.03.2009.

26., The Petitioner respectfully further states that

'the District Collector without perusing all facts

and documents relating permission under FL-IH

given by Excise Department to Vedas Family

Restaurant and. Br' Regency rejecting, the

Application of Petitioner stating that the

permission given to the abovesaid Hotels are

proper by Superintendent of State Excise,

Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT 'DD) is

the copy of the said reply dated 06 -11.2008.

27. Shri Vardbaman Jain Shrawak Sangh also

wrote letter to Pragati Mahila Vikas Marrd al

stating that they taken proper action against

Liquor Shop. Hereto annexed and marked as

EXHIBIT ~EE~ is the copy of the letter dated

18.04,.2008.' ,


Petitioner respectfully further states mat


the Petitioner field Appeal No. .244 of 200

before the Commissioner of State Excise,

Maharashtra State, Mum bai on 18.08 .. 2009.

The said Appeal is not decided on merits but;

only decided on point of delay though delay

Condonation Application is Civil and therefore;


illegal permission


by the

Respondent No.2; which is given by flouting the

provisions of law and a false document is still

remain continued. to do unlawfuiact of

Respondent No.2. The order of Appeal is doubt

as Petitioner shows FL-3 Licence Holder. Hereto

annexed and marked as EXHIBI'T 'FF' is the

copy of the order dated 26th August 2009 ..

29. The Petitioner respectfully further states and

submits that after obtaining permission under

FL-liT of Bombay Prohibition Act by Vedas

Family Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency, the

people of Akurdl area got annoyed as they

already agitated for closing Liquor- Shop of the

area r.e. Amrut Wine Shop, Nilesh Beer Shop

and Country Liquor Sho,p and Respondents

~ction by people. But after that immediately the

Respondent No. 2 given all perrrriasion under

FL,..H] of Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 to Vedas

Family Restaurant and Brahrrias. Regency 1 an

Application proceeded on 15.03.2008 by


30. The Petitioner respectfully further states and

submits that due to abovesaid act of

Responderts the people of Akr'udtvarea stopped performing worship at Shri V ardharnan Jain

Shrawak Sangh Strianakwasi, Akurdi, Pune and

they made Complaint to the Petitioner as he .is

the Corporator of the area. AU the women of

that area complained to Petitioner. The Jain

People not performing chatur-mass worship in

the above said religious place as the liquor

permit is given nearby the worship place.

31. The Petitioner respectfully further- states that

the Petitioner approached to the Pirnp'ri-

Chinchwad Mahariagar Palika and also raised

questions regarding the abovesaid matters in

Mahapaliak House, but nobody has taken

action against Vedas Family Restaurant and

Brahmas Regency, but the Respondents are u\

..... j






,everybody tried to shielding Vedas Family

Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency and also

wrote letter to' Co mrniasiorier of Pimpri-

Chinch wad. Mahanagar Palika, Even. Pen tiorier




Pim pri-Chinch wad

Municipal Corporation, House of receive order

from Chamber of Horr'ble President of India,

behalf of proper necessary action should be

taken in. certain matter ..

Hereto annexed and

marked as EXHIBIT ~GG" [COLL.Y) are the

copies of the said Jetter to can urgent meeting

and Complaint against the abcvesaid Vedas

Family Restaurant and. Brabmas Regency dated

25 .. 03.2009 and 30.03.2009, respectively.

32 + The Petitioner respectfully further states that

due to abovesaid act of Petitioner, the

Responden te got annoyed and they started to

harass the Petitioner+and by harids of Police

Department, they taken externmen tproceedirigs

under Section 56 of the Bombay Police Act,

I 951. A Writ Petition is filed by the Petitioner

agarnst thesarne in this Hon'ble couct\

\e Petitioner respectfully further


states and

submits that the Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 in

order to swallow the plot of land at Survey No ..

4 7 ~ Plot No. 56 made aU documents for

perrnisaion under Shop and Establishment Act,

Exci se Act) Collector Permission on Strrvey No.

4-7 ~ Plot No. 58, which is already acquired for

road widening. The Respondent Nos. 2 and 3

also hand in glow with the Respondent Nos. 4

and 5 given permission illegally to Respondent

Nos. 4 and 5.

34- The Petitioner respectfully further states flxat

the people of Akurdi made grievances to the


Petitioner as the Respondent Nos. 4 and 5

started selling liquor under the name and style

as Vedas Family Restaurant arid Brahrnas


The Petitioner requested to the

Commiesiorrer and also requested to the

Commissioner - Pimpri-ChinchwadMahanagar

Palika, but nobody has ready to take any action

against the abovesald Respondent Nos. 4 and 5.

Thereafter, the Petitioner also raised voice in the

}he Petitioner respectfully

submits thatilie


Respondent No" 3 admitted that Vedas Family Resraur'anr and Brahrnas Regency, which is established 111 Lotus Court 1S illegal as they changing in sanction plan without permisaicn of Respondent No.3. Hereto annexed and marked as EXHIBIT '.HII' is the copy of the said letter dated 18.02.2009.

'30.. 'The 1letlhoner respecUu\ly iU"fther states- and. submits that the Respondent Nos.2arld 3 should have required to take action against Responderrt Nos, 4. and 5,. but they had taken action against Petitioner instead of Respondent Nos, ·4 and 5. 'Therefore, the Petitioner is approaching this Hon'ble Court under Article 226 of the Constitution of India and in its extraordinary jurisdiction by way of filing the present Public Interest Litigation on the following, amongst other, grounds which are without prejudice to each other:


a. That the act of the Respondent Nos. 1 ~2 and 3 for not taking action against the Respondenr Nos. 4 and 5 ;S illegalarl\

'nla.~...y1Jl and not maintainable in eyes of Iaw ..

b.. The an of Re s.p on dent Nos. 1, .2 and 3 for not taking any action urider the Bombay Prohibition. Act is arbitrary and capr iciotte.

c. The act of .Respondent Nos. I, 2 and 3 for not taking action agairrst Respondent Nos. 4 and S is unconstitutional and against the principles of natural justice.

dL The Respondents should have taken action the Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 but, they took action the Petitioner by way of exterriing the Petitioner under- Bombay Police Act, 1951, instead of Respondent Nos. 4 and S.,

e. The Respondent ought to have seen that alter allowing to sen liquor in Vedas Family Restaurant and Br'ahrn as Regency> which is In the Lotus Court b'ui'ldirig, the worshippers stopped their worship 11'1 religious place at Shit Vardhaman Jain Shrawak Sangh Sth.ariakwaai, AkUrd\


L 1'beResponde.nts ought to have seen that

the Respondent Nos .. 4 and S have taken.

permission to sen liquor as per FL-UI of

Born ba.y Prohibition Act, 1949 ori Survey

No. 47, Plot No. 58 and the Lotus Co'urt

building, where Vedas Family Restaur-ant

and Brahmas Regency is constructed on

Survey No. 47~ Plot NOo. 56 ..

g. The Respondent No. 3 issued all

perrniesion for construction ofbuHding of

Lotus Court on Survey .No. 4?, Plot No. 56

though they have knowledge that said plot

is belonged to Government and reserved

for Shopping Centre.

h. The Respondent No. 3 fiJllyaware: that

Survey No. 47" Plot No. 56 is admeasuring

14256 square feet out of that

onlv 850

. -'

square meters is allegedly shown to be in

the name. of Sh.arad Bhogilal Shah means

balance land admeasuring 13406 belongs.

to Governmentbut~ Respondent No.3

given permission for Sun7'ey No. 47 Plot

No. S6 to the Respondent as 14256 square


Respondent No ..


himself grven

permission to construction of Lotus Court

Building on Survey No. 47, Plot No. 56,

means he knows fully that 'on which plot

Vedas Family Restaurant. and Brahmas

Regency stood but he willfully and

knowingly given otb er permission to

abovesaid Vedas Family Restaurant and

Brahrnas Regency on Survey No, 47, plot

No. 58 which is already acquired fer road


J. The Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 relying upon

the false Affidavit given by Respondent No.

4's owner i.e. Vidya Ufhas Shetty for


of FL-UI



_. ,."i"

Prohibition Act.

k. The Respondent Nos. '2 and 3 require to

take stem. action against the Respondent

Nos. 4 and Safter giving aJI details of

fabricated documents which are produced

before them by Respondent Nos. 4 and 5.

1. The Petitioner obtained all the documents

from Respondent office under Right to

Information Act an d at the time of flli,\





Resporiden t Nos. 4 and 5 annexed all

documents which he obtained from

Respondent Nos. 2 and 3~ then also

Respondent Nos. .2 and 3 not taken any

action. against the Respondent Nos. 4 and

5, means it is clearly shown that the

Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 hand in glows

with Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 swallowed

the reserved. land of Government for

disturbing the peace of people of Akurdi,

Pune area.

m. The Respondent No. 2gjven permission of"

FL-nI - 'under Bombay Prohibition Act





Respondent Nos. 4 and 5.. But when the

Petitioner filed Complaint against the

Resporident Nos. -4 and 5 with all

documents pertaining to. the subject

matter, the Respondent No. 2 required to

obtain perrrris.sion of FL.-HI unde:r Bombay

Prohibition Act, 1949.

· Plot No. 58, which is already acquired for

road widening ..

The Respondent No. 3

knowing that Lotus Court constructed on

Survey No .. 47, Plot No. 56,. which is

reserved tor Shopping, on which building

Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrnas

- .

Regency is con structed. A t the time of

filing of Complaint agamst the Respondent

Nos. 4 and 5 Petitioner produced all

documents which he obtained under Right

to Information Act.

The Respondents

required to take action against the

Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 by way of

initiating inquiry against the permission






Respondent No. 4

and 5 in order to

restore the peace of people of Akurdi,


o, The Reeporrdenr while giving permission of

FL-UI, under Born bay Prohibition Act,

Respondents considered false report of

Police Department and not considered that

women of the area agitating against selling

of liquor ~d. me£iefore,. Amrut Wine Sh.op,

\eeleSh Beer Shop and Country

Shop dose then why same criteria DOL applicable to Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency.

37. Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, the Petitioner request, to this Honble Court that be pleased to issue a Writ of Mandamus or a Writ III the nature of Mandamus or any other appropriate Writ~ Order or Direction or Order to Respondent Nos .. 2 and 3. to cancel the permission granted by them to Vedas Family Restaurant and. Brahmas Regency of FL-H] under Bombay Prohibition Act in order to restore peace of people in the area of AkurdiPune.

38.. 'Considering the facts and circumstances of the case, the Petitioner request to this Hon.ble Court that be pleased to issue a Writ of Mandamus or a Writ in the name of Mandarrrus or any other appropl"iateWrit1 Order or Direction to Respondent Nos. 2 to 6> declare the structure of Lotus Court, which constructed on. reserved place for Shopping Center at Survey No.. 47) Plot No. 56 m which 'building

\tabliShrnent of Vedas Family Restaurant .and

Brahmas Regency IS situated is illegal and

remove the same by incurring expenses of

Vedas. Family Restaurant and Brahrnas Regency

and also impose heave fine ..

,39. Cunsidering the facts and circurns tances of the

case, this Honble Court be pleased to issue a

Writ of Mandamus or a Writ in the nature of

Mandamus or any other appropriate Writ, Order

or Directions thereby directing the office of

Respondent Nos. 2, 3" 6 and 7 to punish the

officer who granted permisaion on Survey No.

47~ Plot No. 56, which is reserved plot and also

helping to grant permission of FL-III under

Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 to Vedas Family

Restaurant and Brahmas Regency.

40., The Petitioner respectfully sub.mits that the

Petitioner filed present Petition in order to

prohibit illegal act of Respondent Nos. 2 and 7.

preventing grabbing of Governrnent land which

is kept reserved for Shopping Centre for public

purpose. The Respondent Nos. 2 and 7 allowing

illegal eo,nstruction of Lotus Court were Vedas

Restaurant and. Brahm as RegeI.lcy "

S:::::lla!ed.~ _-he edas Family Restaurant taking

an permission on Plot No. sa of Survey No .. 47>

which is already in use for road widening but,

owners of the Vedas Family Restaurant and

Br' Regency in all per-mission on Plot No.

58 of Survey No. 47 and in realty construction

of Lotus Court is ~tanding on Survey.No. 56 of

Survey No _ 47 means the Government land is

grabbed by owners of Vedas Family Restaurant

and Brahmas Regency, with the belp of

Respondent Nos. 2an.d 7, therefore, the present

Petition is Public Interest Litigation which is

filed for abovesaid grabbing of land by owners of

Respondent Nos. 4 and 5 with the help of

Respondent Nos. 2 and 7.

41. The cause of action arose in Pune District,

herice, this Hori'ble Court has jurisdiction to try

and entertain the present Petition.

42. The Petitioner craves leave to. add, amend or

alter any of the aforesaid grounds with the

permission of this Hon'ble Court.

43,. The Petitioner respectfully submits that no

other petition or application is. pending in the

-:: ~!.d' o. Hen "bIe Supreme .

\ourt of India in respect of the present subject matter, except the present Public Interest Litigation.

44. The Petitioner has not received any Caveat Notice till today.

45. The Petitioner has pajd Court fees of Rs.250 /- to this Public Interest Litigation,

46. The Petitioners therefore; prays that:

a. This Hori'ble Court that be pleased to issue a Writ of Mandamus or a W.rit in the riature of Mandamus or any other appropriate Writ, Order Or Direction OT' Order to Respondent Nos. 2 and 3 to' cancel the perrnis siorr granted 'by them to Vedas Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency of FL·yHI under Bombay Prohibition Act in. order to restore peace of people in the area oJ Akurdi-Pune;

b. T.his Hon'ble Court that be pleased to issue a Writ of Mandamus Or a Writ in the name of Mandam,us or any other appropriate Writ, Order or Direction to Respondent Nos. 2 to 6, declare thest:ructure of Lotus Court, which censtructed on reserved place for Sbopping Ce::::.~ ~ S~~"""'q No,. 47. Plot N(l'. 56 in which

\.taurant and Brahmas Regency is situated

is illegal and remove the same by incurring

expenses of Vedas Family Restaurant and

Brahmas Regency andalso impose heavy firie;

c. This Hon'ble Court be pleased to issue a Writ

of Mandamus or a Writ in the nature of

Mandamus or any other appropriate Writ,

Order or Directions ther-eby directing the office

of Respondent. Nos. 2j 3, 6 and 7 to punish

the officer who granted permission on Survey

No. 47" Plot No . .56, which is reserved plot and

also helping to. grant permission of FL-HI

under Bombay Prohibition Act, 1949 to Vedas

Family Restaurant and Brahmas Regency;

d. Any other appropriate order as this Hori'ble

Court may deem fit,


Dated th.t-~ of March, 2010 .... ~

(Vijay Gharat) Advocate for the Petitioner




Mr. Javed' Ramzan Sheikh,

th e Peti tio n er

abovenamed do hereby declare on solemn affirmation

that whatever is stated in paragraph- No. 1 to 35} B7

to 45 are the facts of the case and paragraph Nos. 3 6

contains my legal submissions and paragraph No .. 46

contains my hum ble prayer which are true and

correct to the best of my knowledge and helief.

SOlemnl.'yaffirmed at Mum.bai 'Y'\ .:4

This g_:l- day of March, 2010.

» )

Identified by me,

r" l A·· ,

c?<h - ...

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_ .~O ~rl!:lll ~~~(a~!:I cf~diq . • { h~rdn:l~ ~~~ -illS, 'Iii!::' He.s. ~{!,O(),'~():o-t. ( R~ll'~~~

{)!f n~~i ~lemi~ .

f~~!J"C;~~tl'~~~,'IJr~, ~vw, ~r.:',~~:D!¢tl';~ ~Im M!~!l1f:.:1.~:~ h::l.V~~ :8fMI~t! ~r'~81~~l~ I~ ,:i rnl~ ~o ~j~~~ UJ,lM H::. M'!lrllg>'llfO-r~ll,Ql,l"foW~f'" co1l ~ 1~IUi~ dMcl

M O<rt;€llg.¢O (rol.1.1 I~'.l~ ~ h¢~yU,~nS1r.;,r • WI1'J)~f(y ~)S~ri~,~ {S h,,~)~

OJ! 'R.cs~~lIJru1~ UfiW) j'ldllil., .

. 1'11~~_ Ire, 'ilCi1',ll(GO 1> f)~ ~~"4iU,11:_'lt!. rl,o()r A'\(IJ'll. Pllt'S • .,if, (]iI!~~ !!.dIn. :I~n~ 11lS.S1 ~.,. mIt$,

Ir~rk,', hlg '~~~,',,~J~, lim," .;)b,',~, \1E 8'M ~ ~, ' m~j_''li_','-,'i(l

!" l.ou~l,il:: C&~;l'" '~u!~l~d:ill Ph~1 HlI. 56, ,oUl (If

, t'l!o.Q2.(j4 ~t; "'i.,.~kIlla.,~ar. vm~m~ A~l!l'di. rUil~el<md 1[jj~~~\JJal~Y ~$e[i~d ,~di,i'ldlul,r,,1~":rc~lfl'd~r WrrLWI!'I (llv!~llj~'rt~r ~l~~kd 'tl~ $ail:' f'lr' ~tr-'1}'Uu:.1l of tli~ ~m~,lui!115; so

f1i !h~ f~l,C Qr l4.5~J% :fJ~t ~itn~ll:I' h~~r~~ ii~",~(ii~ll~ JI):,mh l'UI; \villi

in l:;,~]iSh.l~I";l:ik!n gi:l!f~~ 4\1,J»J)OOI. 10 IlcO'll(;ct!i.()n~ ;l~, ~, ~I!lle" h ~o~~\&O;r to t~~ M~)i'!!~:Q8iI~~

or th(t ~~~v~nc~/~ ~'f"I1~~,j l)~ !!):';'Tj\Q\OiM::. aID"!.\~ ~O' '~S~~l!I~' ,Q!~h b;i!.,!~~C 'Q~mlii"~i'i~ i(~I~:~

'I'h~ Mm1 ~~!l,()I'mon"O\,I'I,T 1~1~I,t~~!i '!'!,1jklll~\'I.:.r ~~1£'S :~m.iic~l.Il~ ~lh1

I "

" '", 1-,li~,t,EI3Y OOVru-4r\wrs ''''1111 .AS: POtU]:"S ;


II1tlrl~ill!lo!}li1 will ~Q! ${I, hh~ ,.'$: 'II~ MIli'IWI'~"':: ~n(~ 1.~()Il I ',";i,W,~uc"mll~' Of d,l;tfg~ Lh~' l\!~' pru:l, o,"~or.,~~dh,~i!.!!~ ~~~: Ci!IJili~n~ ~fII

Mf~!1~Nli~. ,i~n~ !h~ MU~~IllN1l)C ~Im~; ~I~

!'uo ,C,~~~~[ wi L' [lUI ~~si ~~ir!~, ~~~~ r~:!stJ~ 11',4'01:







.. _ r .--_.- __

.... --- ...

. .t. Tliil [h~ Mo,ng<l:ijof 1m] II1~ irnercst by IIW.lllhlr

p:.lY rnerus =1$ til;LY be by Ihe M(ll'l!l.!lg~~ from lime tu

I.i 1l.1C in ~,jd i t;~~'l~ 10 the 1."'''.II''ITI~ll!$ p,!~~'Crj b<:>t~ by eh~ MaH!l~~c~~

] - Th~~ ~.hc' t-,,~m~iIlasor ll~Y ["{:~~~I:~rI ¥ ~IJ ~~Jt~~"

] Il~LI ranee pr~lli U m, rests ~nu dues r~y~b!e ,0 the G0V~:L"IlJ'll~lil {'II' L(lC~ I A tltalOri~ie;.~ lelll~1 (l!! the ~~icil prcm i S~~.

,I" . -n,tat [h~,' ,M'OI'tg.l,~O r '?i 1.1, b~. 1:)~mm8~ I'~, Ij~bk for !"(,:P:liJl]'~I,ll L1f I!n: M0r1~~~1 ,~ deb! III $plle QI ~ht S<':o:am!y 1:1 'I'~Ft by thl S d~e,1.

), " THAI' 1I),!,S,',' 1"',J'!)",L'lg:,t,~c ~.'l!a,I',I, b,e, con,(iill.U,",.SCClll"LY [or the lillutll~'<l Sll.l~l of money r'l,(li excc~mll fuI, 4I)"OO;(1{)Qf· ill

;uilY one time , rid: i.ntc·resd dh(Jo!)l!QI) as- also .h~ eesis, ch!lrtc~ and ()~rCl~= ~h~~. 11,1)' become b:t (he M"rtll~&OtiB()tT(j"'t1" to Lhe i.njir[~JiJ~ee l"1j. (m ~DW ~.(;t:ollll1"l:;lcc(fulj~S opened or H} 1,).;. OpC;IWJ i,['I: Or e.l'tdi t {; i'! i bic.-; gr<mt~d thcll~:rrlC of I.l~~

MDnl):~~Tffk tower · !inl~: I~ ~jm~' ~llT l?r1I"¥ ~I.-.;ilil

'~'. . f o~ l.l~1I" .. n, ~~~. Cin,~, f.,'1l~ili, (ie,~'~O,' !~1~, JIl. ~mr,:;a{l.{Jr ~Iid $'~lch ooolJl~ll~ I.Si;:II.- Ii1IH 10 L'I: cOf}.~Nkf';d tel be closed f;}r 1l1~

~- - ,~i'P~SO::(, r thi !: ~e~~~rl,l,Y ;~L'l".d ~hi ~,: ~~u.rh,'j ,m~lllbC"!l t;.e CiJ'H~id~p~:o

.1 - .' ,IS ~~h~~!~t~d or ~h~c;Jmrs~di {If rcle~Sl~'(1 mcrdy hy reson !:I!

r ~ ,~i~ ,""id ~"ou lis ocln!;. broll~h ~Q credi~ M ~nJ' tilr!~~ or frr.lm

.:.u,. i 1'Ii~ 1(1 tll'n~_


I,!: _:" 6_ Thill !.hl:. ~ enden.c,! ,of 'Ih_e slX:urlLy hcn::by, ercaied llr"lfl

'l" 'Imlil reFill}'m':· l~, ,I)( Ihe H~(j.rtsagel3iHFLlnU. the MI},rtg~~ol' wi U

J:~t uruunxlaJl"; I; ,h.e.p r!I!SllreJi th~ ~~Jid p1"~mls~s' wi'[b '~Pflr()"~d rll~U!rmi~~ COh V~lly wi.h B~.~ ci!1JUSC Itnd pny flU prerni um OJ! ;"1~ JIl::;II!I!'~! ee J.~(}I.icy us ~litl wlitcn it becomes ~~w.e ni"lJ !t'1 i IJ~ ~~vo;ll~ ~lf~h~ M{J.J1.s.-t~()r IILi l'i[l8, ~Q (I~j 5)J) 01' pay I he pt"C"lni'lIm., ! he , .. ol.1~ie..'· wiH h~ erll[j.I'L~;1 ~0 (lQ ~j i)~~t I'!,)~ bound l~. by -, ~hjtins. the s~~~ prernl um to Borro""""I'~ ~ctmim ~rnd b ,rt'o!:lwlo\!'. if it i~ not ·~l{]Di~ by the mortg~flcc !11e 1l1or1g..1:!}iJl' ~hll I 1'1('11, r:il'i.~c Il'lly diSll'lI'l~,

Th01 il~ !iI~ CV 01 of Ihc 3;1 id premises beillH: ~~t[i)ye.r! or dl!!i:l!l~Ll by (j 'e,e::II'tllqunkc.or allY aCC¥erill. the MO~lgag(:e

win be 'J;;bttit!.t LO receive aIle ClDim under such

pol i.e)! to i 1\( ·~.dtldmHlf Ihe Mortgagel' and to appropria I e tl.\~ ~~1ErI~: r h· 't~y 1,il.w~L"{1 s tile I~{:r mbiifll>~~llel1l of I h~.

~~1f~X.111~·m\~s: 1\~I.!'rclt by ilvt U~;lL

11\~ MQ,rLS-t~!;.~ .' wll be ~m i~k.o:,l1to cause th~ ~,~ ld ~ir~rni~~ ~ ~,) 'he ~"0Il!.' ~~ rO\~'<'1 ,o'if ~1! I;-NIl~}' h{jl d~f I:br I,~LI i s~ii('l~ ,,, L j'illlk"_, ducx if :



.- ... ,," . '---1" --- _ .. _. -

I, 'n~.: M{'rC'Ii;:,~orrHorr(lw~r f.!lh ((I P'L .... illt~:.,","'1 ,\11 [~", 'IN:~~~li""i;: liliC' jl~t~~,

i, Tltoe M!lI~S-(II·/;Don·I).,"'·e~ ihllis L!\J pli)' JIll)' I'~(' il~S'.;1~ iillerlls ~I~' ,!hie lJiri 1,\~lp!1C: ~m~'ill~:i ~ f1ir

J. 'Ute Mmlij&.~t~li!:hm!'oOW\::~ !flr!S -'0 'l,lllY Iinc MMt,\'~&!'~ cl~t~~ (IV ~,,\~ pdft:l'~i.~~l!lf wheu it hceolln~~, dw~ ~ru~1 Jil"'}'iIM,1. -

<I. 1 il.~ ..... 1Q,n rwl!l.(JtiBOnt(l~¥Cl' CO\li:irm,Ll;!i bi7l;~cli, 'LllI' d~{~HI'1 it'll th~, '(!MCO!"'Ii.f~ v:ltd jl<:tfo~ml!ll~ at::il\)' nf'lhe 'I;:rm~ ;lml tl>n('i!j~I)~ OJ1 ~\/I.~t~h ~he el"(:dH I'll~i lily I~J\lnrJ~e is sr:lmii(d '[0

hi'~~1I. •

An ~Is" d:1..'l~ mall ~i';PCIlSe:.~ (:i.LllC'IIr!ding 'Ih~ G!.);U$ :)~ b~~w>;~(i A~~Drl'i~Ys ~ijd~n~I·~t) ,iIllC;lt;;.~{i by ~h~ MOr[fl,j~~~ ror RMJi~li()!l! ,lIlId fCf:livtlry of Ihe I~ce deblaOOlor illl~$1 ~h~U '~ll{L'i:d by (he M'}I~~,ll!"lI'! i3or"';, .... er, II!W be ~d(,I~~i to

~,' ,:J!!d ,$Ii"II! loon p .. "Lrl. ohh,e il1.m-tnfl~~ dcba.iII:.1:ll.!dinS C<!M nr!ll\lt ,{\. .. 01 n II~ i,~I~~leJ1j.

~'Q"", . ,

i U1" 'I'! I!(IY.IJllil'l[~ !11IL'tt~ 'L~y Ih¢ M01'g~@(w'BoITO ..... er h> lhe

I~:r: ·or!~¢ will \)e ~p:,p:roprinte:d; ul~nl~ Ih~ <»:SIS, d"JJJ&e~:t1t\ld '. ~I _ - I!S,. j f ~]iyiil~UI"i~di, 'j lite~st ih:rl may b~ filCH ~:lI~, ~Ii~ t[lil,:

', ...•.. '.>..... 1~le!! 1!W.~Ii'tJs;.hit princifllc ~\nn_


"'. I

~ . ",._. .

~_~! 1;;'_ = ~..-.~..- .'L~"~ •• .., " i i _ ='~ - ~I ••• = __ ._"'. ~ ~ ~I. n ~

_~ _"' •• .- ,iI!iio!ii!- ••• = ~. __ ,"., .. _,. _ ~;O; ~ ~ !"'~ = .• n "" •• ,., ••••• ~ .. ='


n~. 40,.0019(101. OSt.

To ,b~ Il~id by 60 etfll t~,t! tlrl.Qf!lh~~ ikl;!l.all'lll~nL~ of ~l~. W.II,w-- ttal~ "nnt':~SI: d. !.4.30% p. ,~.

_., ..... ""~ •• " •• .... ~ ~ ....... J.""_, __ ;OC •• ·,. ......... Id! .. -" ...... ~." ••••• ~---'§o."' •• " ....... -




rtF.{'t31- ~'l91

r~~ji-I5J 11~"

.",', ~~'j.(}l9

§..q!E;_Q.Y.I~!i !!


AI'I th;lt PLi:~~ Imd ,~lM~cl Qf,(Shili!p) Co.r~lme,rcja' U~lll ~Ll Gwniu.l ~lootiI:J~~ura1U HII!'t nifl],l. ahOi,li l)J..'~4 ~. U~I(l. (C1J1f'P;:~)" OJ\ Mc~z:tl'ii.Il,e. r/.uQI' <.'Idm .. ~~)l)I.11 9')'.1)! ~Il. 1111r',~. -lGlllid~n I\dij~ •• ;dJ\l111 I S5,.97 ~'" mfrs~ rU)(IO' sq. ft.).'" ,jI!lVki!~t lincil ildill.QbOt~t ~4.'14 ~(I' f1mg .. l1~ l.Hlildinll, ilamcd !'l-Ol\i~ CI)!il'r " ,~,j~:I.I·.'Wi:d l~~, Mm N£I . .56 (ud ~f S. Nirl>. ,q 1. (::'I'fl, No. 4:l (i,l, :I[

V ~ ... C~. '~iill,:ir. j'i~iuC~. A kurdi, ·1.~nl~l<'llf!.'Ii~t .'~i~1 U~I J,)UIl~ bo:'~ng ,:11111 IYlIlg wi:lhm !lti;, Illnll$ of Pllnpn ChIl1C]!~~"ld ,MUlLliciplll COrp!'lft."ildOl,l:lncl bii-undcc{! IilS fol'la~~ 1;),,11' ;


OJ'~ 0-& to,w4rd~ ~~l Oil '011" mw,(frd:s W¢sl, (}jj C!,~ IOIw11'dcS SQu~h 00' i'it wy,."Krds NO'r!h


CTS. M" d~.6i> 0: 42'11 . Roo~


rt4' IJ.-Vf!1'l'EsstwHEREor ~hc. M(lt1~~Ir' h:ls PUI ~js S,gl~~!urC, [(I {hi.s. Dw:l-aj;l~f il W\f!S n;'l'1d ,over find 4;xplil!ijl.ed to hiln 1n h:i::-; 'f'tmnc!dill' Ifl!1,~lJiI~ em lh~ !.'Iii)' and year ~1~il1~d)!}v~ fin'!

Wdllell, ~

, ,!

(MR.S. V i[)'{ J\ UUI .. \.'), S,Hi!.'IT'I:'~ MORTGAGOR


I. S~cnftlure 'N..,mc ,A(ldro5$

2. Sig\~m,ttl~ Nl;liI'l~ Ad(hC'~

.... _.-.i:'- .. ..",.....- or-






--__!------ -

A~~l{S '11'i!~!11 ·.I'lel {t /J.l';.!lS J-i:'JiUI'{I.j:S ~~lih'l",':i~~ (t'; " "

'''f;oH~o/-I'~~ ~~ttJi»$ 'Ii>'q. «l ""'P!lo'l ~uE!WAI!'!i·W

. QI,O rli,'lJr.p P;;»!Q~P ~~ul- s4);IIOHI :\l.

lpr~ ./tT.lj'FS:Sl;I If) ~H30Sl U'j

. '000", ,.,"',.,. ',,"'"'' , "",.W.! '''''',"::~b' ,,,,, ,::::::~:." 'm ~.'.;,:

. ua!l~'oo~o:t, Jlildp!I.!f1'j,<j pg'M'i~U!I{J !-I'~~!4' {

c ,;::)!'wit I~Xl~ 0)1(:\ wl'Il!"', ~Yr},! pllit l5'ul~ t>!.!lld '=lsIQ 'nQ-A~H I4ihl!;lJ.. ',IPJ·rl)j'lf1 ,'" /i1}11!" IJ()ti'~N ;,j'iY'!i\ :);i snv"O~ $:1.') r (i-'014 'S 1::0 lfiO S<S'f:)M :tcjhl IJ! ~lH1fIJ!) ~! t·· 1Jno:!S'n::iVj" 1;J1! ':;:fI'~1.I 'oSI>Vta ~i'1¢q~ "Ulp~ m>.J\l' OIl'W!lOi 7- ('::ij 'It>S

oo:lJ 'SMW '·os Oi"Sln )lloq~ 'Il.!p~. u;)'P.r~,;, '!iU:lW 'DS T~G;::)noql;l' 'IUlP'!!

JOOII ~l.!lu!l.rU'.1"l + ~a;;I;e;)) 's..,:1.I.l '1)$ .tj1't;Si! In.oq~ 'UJp.~ II~'H ~~~:J'I1~'seU 1;.'>61} pUIlCl;O. Ill) l!Y(l !QJ~"WWO;) JoflU!l5!~1.I<:I~ !,;uMru6 )0 W'dS {~


~ ..

lI'Ofll:;:>IJI.·::)~r.l' p'!J~ tItir;:Alp JOlj:.QYI'~:Imx~ '9 w(q!lJ.Jnf '~IJ~l.1!dln.WI IS(lS!W[vdl ,,000"1 JO l)~bll;)JI:1'd

(''i!'d %O,'H All uilS<!.jd) '.\1."0' % oS't + ll'1J {~rlJo ~~d ,wod' .~J1:ti) -/,(lOO'Q(l'O~'$Ql

:.M(lj~;'Ot~IlILt p;l·uonUB'w S'tlo~Hr~ao pU'I;! "Su:rJ!~: &\j;l 110 ,nQ.~ OJ !11~I,JJ &UIM0!lOJ ~,ti' P~'U{)!l~Iii'!S~[i ~Uij\l' ~~p~t!m rr:J!.. [JJJO~ilJ! ,til ~st>a~' am <+M

'~H1:>'I;IJlHH),l) .10): UOP~:lo!ld~i;t .II'lO"l. :l:'h"l1 'wtPI1W

'C]'€O he> ~ itiHid iP.Jf!~~ I);)IIf) u,"~ CQIO"i I [!Ir.!~ 'dOO ~<?i\5,~ I'i }ja" 1/\ ':j.. rtQJ HI:lG<l ·.I.J:l0ltS S'24.l11 I1A Pit' '!iJtl

,!.¢()t':;.o" z» : ~1iI(I . £Olt't:!;;:FJaH:;'IN'tfSJ,:AO\l':{cH"QNi'WI~

I ~~~rn~~=~~=~~ro~.3~~~n~~D_~kqgE~~~b"~~.c~~~~~=e

['''1)1;1' j Q,'.t-l-H-t;;t: {'y~tl ) 1:'l,Ltl:1rl:<;; { :;l. } 9QS\~"'V.c:~ ·Q·WI"'J. (IIO ;n' : ;! ;>.lfld J?~M'I::>!iJl"'::> 'p .. , ~'o:tll l>Ul1ld-!g:q·w['j·~ ,'lrlln.n ~p\:fMI~tl, ';:;0\1:.

" i'I n d HO NVl:IIll Q'I1 '1H;) 11 If.i\!:l

l ~ungQln:J~p~s




".j .. - .• -.- ~- .... ----. - - I __ , •..... _.... . .... __ •. __ .


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~1J.Jie R HIH1 S !& c~ ~ Oi 'rIQl:iSJ

1, rn!) l~rm ioon ill"Ca~O wil! )j~ 1~I~M<:,t;l ~r«WCJlj!ly.

~:, .f.<;Oi"'D;J!1QQuI Ilro'j)<!rtyl{'YrfliW~ &. !ix'=U""~J~"Ui:PIllMt ;;!Hll\Jed ro tJliil fl!l.n,i.;: be od<:!QuClllely· Insured for .rmlwket \(E1~U~ 1l1')1I111~, ,!I,lr ri!:k,s <lI'iQ wfth.

~r1JUS(~. • -

J. ·'liyporrl«.~,~.l1 w S~ndl'''~~:S~'lk!'.. fj'oo,r:;:! sh~Jj t-.e. dJc.l).I .. ~·,oo ~ r.

Orfle~{F<l':to.ry pr{!.mJseS ~I;' ~i>cmf'liet!tJ)I!lCe;s·.

4. t~o1tliJ,~g{l of tliie !lI"O.peJty silall' ~ ~'r"eiI:~ a~ p.<!'( ttl,,,. I{l;<;lal cl>inlon. ',.:'i\':en, {) B~'rlk's Pllll ~,r Ai:;l:,.cc~~.

~. 'The .am 01" Ifl9"n;)-;:~ !i"t;lpUI~tE<;! '1$ :;ubj,"-(:I: ·to, N!lIn.()(J :os ~nd. when there i. ~hM~{1, in atlni"l('$ PLil ()j' as p<lr R61 dj(~tl'~e= OJ' .... h"',!\ t.l},~o. Is: ~h~no'! lq

~r~i{ mtlln'.) ,dIJO:rt:e.J,, '. by die, fl<=ii'!!{ Of S.UCh "ther ShU'i;lIl,·.OI"I w>!!rntntin9 1:I'1.,r1',· fl,<lf>1(. 'IX! chano~ ~Q mt-Q of Jnt:c;.l"'G5t·.

6, ~~nk ~'ll~ .ti1el eMJIlMte the b<xlh Qf~cr.ount'> QI o--,~ fim" ~n9 bw i1dll!ll] 'Illl:, J~,SIl'Q~t.&t1 rrom u me to t:J rne bY,' ~ e ,cfficers of til '" !)·<.!f1k <loI'H! J o,~ (I,uts"fd'", OOns!Jlml1~ OIlia ttl,} aXJJ'''i'i$·C~ 'mcu~fU1 Ilv ,[I,e, Ubl:lk in ;;;his ~Qrd :=;I'iMi be eeme by tne FllrFb'J.

,. AI,I oth er terms, a,I,1:! l;oliltHt!ons app!it;.fI bJ,:;; LO~ u ~h {'\'~ of ,Il,dv~~~ ces ~ ..

~~till'l~Ilb.:IG, tQ tIl<:l f~,"liI't.y n.ow·~lInctlon.e.~.

PI'B~~ note mRit TJH'l ~OO...-.e ~i~lJICI:!"1'I rs ''r'dthO'lJ~ ~rej'Udl.;:~ ~) me ·~onk'$ .Ii9M ' c(>l'\ccl .. ~olIIH.I'Il'1 ~It(hr Uw ,~:lmQo ;lit .a.h)' ~ma WilthOtJ~ ~~~j(ln.I!'!·o llny l'l~SO l!Il!I~'t:soo'\!er," es jj·ritl whOlljj. th-o 6-(lnk deems it n~~~~f)'.

_;". I

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, ··H=i:l. r(i~·"lr.::l 11Yfl·· 'I ,.~ .. : :-.~.;';i·,,:·.-'.~~~.':.i':'~i'" ~_i"'~~'i'-:.'", :' .... :;.~:., ~~I

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iliq,,'- "1.. -<l1I:a ~~ ORB ~·m ~ ~ '~;non.

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SHA: !til: li4B: sr

T~e' City' Survey Offi ccr , P;I !mP'l" '] Chi Iilchl<l<!io "

,Pirnpri ,

PlJr,IE - 411 ,018.

Sub~ C1ty SII:rvel! fllh",as_tcfltrj!"

Ref: Plot Ro:,.56 , So I' lI'ev _No JiL.__vn 1!,S!l i\kurd I" fi.lJi';~',: lS.

A \',' '-~ ; .. ~ :: t"!"";' 1.t:'t·, ;c~ :"':'(~/.f

please Hnd e c(:l"tHiM -copy of Sale Oem; Pl1o,t 110. 56, SUl'vey ",0.17. '\I'il l;Qge 1lk.!.JI'cli ~ JilLlilce 41! 035,

T hi!. 'Ii!' purclla,sed t h es a 1 d p rO[,fe J'ty •

'!o.t.lar£ tMre,fotl;! i'"t'H:tUCi.stacl to e,(\,ter m_y Mfll!;! il1l the 'iI'opert;.card of the said pl"ope'rty.

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R~~rl:1') Hon. DI~iilcnal CQmmi$.Sl,t:mer PI.IQ'H!'.!j. C:h:cul'a.r NO. MH·21 ~!!Jd I Gen~,ral' Aft J 77':) l 0.1: ~'I'fld?'?gI.i'oo."t

2) Applkatlon data.d 30109/200.5 ,IPJ'o;m-$ml_J:aY~IU99 &:1,3J:ad s:,,;th.

th !"OOgh, (P AH)3h'ri .. sarHo,sh Kamav:at

3) The 8,pplk:nnt I :appililcantshas prodUOO!d fM,lImnlfty SoI1~ & AffiCla\,'H. <IS presetil;l eo

~!il H~ .. i;}J,vi$lOnal, C<lm.mlssicfI&f pu'n~'$ oCl'J:CUlar tlt22!912003._ Sbtin.a tha I h.9 has rim bre.achDd ilil'lY of the coo.dltW:r>5-orproVi$lotts-of all [aW"s~a:rd1nSl ~nd'. m:~tHl(_

. ,., -

Collactoraht Pun·a

(R IIv&tl'lN3' Branch} N'·o,_PRHlNAlSA!3 53/2005_ Pun II ·1. D a ~I) 1'2.1 C'5/.20 CJ;S


The, fafild oompd~d III S,No_A1.C.T.S.No.A264.S .. P.5S. 01 YiUagl!:' " TaF - M!!vell. DI~;.punG" 'IOta! mel!SI.InM 1324;; !:lgloilg to Smt.Jav:s;.h.~~·· Shatad Sha.h . ~~row.;.h.,tPAH)Sh".am~ Kanuam of P'tdil10 .lI,nd~. has appUad tnat Non·Ar:I''ulI,ml !;)3Pllissioo m.y bUI g~-'b 'hlm~"lCi LlsB an area1320ib43.sq.Mtr. of tt-.,&said !.md for !h~ } WO!'h".grlct.Tltu~IPtl~ ,o>f 'Oommerdill ,

~n Piln:lce ot the lXi,wano: ¥',ustad ,Ii'! hlm uJ$ 44 ot lJ'ia M.LA.C.1956thG CoHil,el0l, PlIlrq·e f:s plGla:sed to ,~t m. 'N',A.:Pennl:atlol1 fOtconsmrcUon of CommefiClill br.mding lin ail ~f~ m~SlJrlng!1324=43&' ..• S;,NQ,47.C.T.S.No.42tl4.S.P.6S,of YiHiI.flQ .AJwtdi,Tl!';1 - HaVoelf " 0;$,:PUres,in tavc:l,I,r 01 Slnfl.Ja~1li6 S!''tltlUd Shah.

SU;bj-acl to the follow~fla ccndi~ol'l!l.

1. The' sran~,'o1' p&nniS$ilon ahall subjt:lct 1.0 th~ pro,vII$tOfiot tho Coda ar.d rules mMs

~~em I)Wld.e,r~" .

2. fbat tho grante.' shilll iU'M ttillllltidIQog'&U",U with UHl' bulldJng and / or structu nil ti'w'f~n, only ~QJi 1h'& purpo.' tor rmlCih tn"" ~'al1d is p~:r.mm9d 'Ie be: :uso an d:malJ not usa i!, o,r @ny part ol tll6 JaM or building ttl.raen fer .any ,Ql:1ila,r piUJ:pOSIiI l'iI'tIhout tha otltal~jng UH'~ P,[OIwoU's 1H1,~tten p9rmli5Sion to tlIat ailed: ~hli leo:I.J&c!or, Pun!;!. For this Pl:irpo:m the use of a building

sM n be decided tt~Q use e,f la:nd, -

4 3. That lillil N:.A.uQ4I i. d!Ulmod to, havil bOQrI -startBd from 11'1,[1 dale 0·( till,s orc!iflr,

~- That ~19 g~alilhU! IbaII b. kb~ 'o.r taldnil t.rl, 45o:Uhe, Mah .. L.RCodlO .. Hl&6 Ilnd rules made tb9r~nd6r.jLIUu:w!lc8d..hth& has·oomm.nced 'Ihe N.A.Il'se·p'nOl to lsstl9 a thIs order.

'j • - - - - . - ,5-. _. That -gmMN ~.t;]I ~ni'd; fJ1~· b'IlrHdlingdrtdIY.· ~.n ;'~aneD WH!'i tnt! p13n~


'$3.r.e:II(lr.ecdl b,y th=, !'I!:::::~I1'ChI~~w8id Mumclpal Corpomtlofl undar Ills No.SP/AAlJrdl!6J,?OOe;,

Dt. 1 0106/2005, aod' net mala any ,eiddlUon or &I$Qlrali:or:ls, wtthotrt preYioos PGrmT~O!1 of th~ <?Impir-Chlnehwad MunlclPld CorporaHon Auth.-olillhi,a:.

6. That .th&~t&&- &hall·pay th N.A. A~lienlirr~ 01 the tand at ti"ll) il<l:t& bi Commerdal R!I.~ .. 9aJl81 Gq'.mfr. from thA data oj' 1h$ comrn,ElfiCemilflt of th'S N.A. US II' of i.h 1:1 la,nd fur the putp(l$8 lor wnlch u.. pal:'t'i1$a$loi:l Is gmnlad applicable tQ the area. [I} th,Q eva,n.t I;)f an¥. ~llY chaoge.Jn ~be US$ of *he ~udl tbe. HI.A. AAe'Mm!lOl shan b.e na<bl,~ 10 be lovi€l'rj ;!l' th; ,cJH:le-fen~ 'f.ate. irtsspactlv9 (If tha (81et tho guarantoo pedQd of the H'.A. ~m&nl already [levied is ye\ to iw fi:l:Ead_

7. 'll'lal·the, .N.A. ~ent shall be gUl!Jra.nta~d for tM penod onding 31' st JOly zoos ~t!er wni-l;;i'I il shaJ'~ be Ilab~a to mvJ$lon M thfJ '!BVjud .ralEt, If a,FlY

7(01.) ~::';at lh,~ n'.8 .P.ermiS$ion h. 'gtan:led subject to Jhe provision 01 U_L_C_Act ~~·176_



fbl iha, JlnI CiFi!:me'i9' r"a,$ CfV(;.1t.ed ~ ;am', o~ As.SU127fo = 'Il ,fim;; ::"!L~":' ~~

.l.i!l.a.~rs,tar'lino l'I.a.tlS'Il 'without P9ID:!,l,uioo' to, GO'iIt. VI(!ilchalle.rl N.o.60. dt,1.~'.

8. ''rh~ 'N.A. 1!'M'It$UNffi6nt.1"s>ot·Rs;"30001:'·;ha$-lbe-ajlil!C~~~_;:l:- ;1 d _I - ~. - '

&;;O . ...,~">411S,9$:2.dl.1i~.

~. - 1"I'Iat 'tt\.e, ~. and N.AA monUC<nGd in thhi; 1D1"der ,anlidl; =nad ,1iiIl!l:_ . ,.l;lae~'8)d tn accordOln<:1I1 "",nh the !l.ctuaJ Ilrea ,foun·d 011 ml~:B.:s;urin.!iI ,he': rn:!

~~,~:m.~fit. .

oQ, 7h,H tho l.'Ir<Jo._ ~a.!1 be· boUrH~ to. ex.ewte a,Mnae!. 1:1:1 IClmli ·a.s ,"ov'ldedi in Sc:ilL~

n_; :N V app.aflc8,C(1? the. M&!'J.LR. (,~ve.::sIen of u.' ,c'J kmd g.tl1 NA ,~~MI~~ Ru'ra S~'. '~~'m~dvi:"la U~Q rain s,1o! the ~itiml'$ of thl. order wit1i1'i;n s, 1).9ri,od ,c.1 'Ol!:llil maf'ilthi. fwm Ie d i!i~e t .-:;g:..,..,~mtll'lcame,nt ,Cit th\'l N..A .U~ QI' tt1lei' ~nd,

1 t, a) G,onVel'SaJtlofl 'r,ax Rs. ,32S'8t).,.OO,), and AdY. n.,a.. 3. or '!its.. !'6:596-oo'j 'on\i'ii~ 'IQ ; Qn~ ~r ('lB8 bean c;redl1~ by ~llB ·awIbJl~ \l'fd6 ctm:Ilan No,.BO. dt.1SiOSI2DOO..

1;)} H lh~ .Qtiil'lt&e cootrl!l.Vena9 a,nv -of tho' ,oond:ltlol'l rn~:ntion~d 10 this o,rd~i:' and those in Ihs' ~"'.iH;.QIfi, tM cO/loctor ma.y with 'Pl"&jll~ioe 1:0 aM to Ulo 'OUi,g1 penally to Wl'Ii~ 'he may' lIatlJe ,lilTid,!'H, Jon,!) i;m:lvf:>ion 0' ti;e; cod(l. OOntlliu9 U'u~said 'land J Plot In, lha occupall,olil O'~ ~tl'ii a~o!jcanl: O,!'1I ~:t,.1'l e.n1 0' su ~ fm 0 and a.~ss.1:lilllt all h& may dinK:t.

¢) NOt'o\-'i,tl'lslC:nolnll :a.rl"rlhjl'l~ oonl:e,]ned in cl:ai.l~~b) above 11 shatll be lawfUlI lot I:hll' Col:l~et()r. doolract n~9 Nmovat or a.ll:om.llon of any' bu:nQ1liig or lItm~ra ill·~;.do; Usa contrary ~o Che Dro,vjStoi)& 9r ~hl$ ~rant wn:,I'j~n It tIm.'fl,1)d In that bohall bv Ilhe CoIIQC~DF a.JrId O<n Such 0:Omovai alte;l'al:io~ ':not being carn~ ·GUt Wflhln th8SpAC1iflGd p.rfod.h!~ RJarYCIlU$& tho "me to be t:'4J.,rtlec out and reCO\l9'rth'~ cest (It cardl1il1 out th'lI' s:amlillrom 'Ill,. ~tali1ItEle a'llar:resrs 'of Land ~~,;)nU(Ol.

d} The oraflt. o,~ lh~a ptlrmiS9i<lFlis sU,blm:'! ~o fihe ttrovlsion or an\!' 'Mhat taWs the tlm,e bel"" r. r~;"C$ and that may t)'fI applJic;l;ble to thlD mewnt oiltlOr 'acts or the (:a$Q 8'4. the atI:mb3y T(,!li'laf1c'Y and AQricttltural Act. HI46 ,

.~ 2,) An cI WI'i (l r,es;!O mQ, .l1I pp,ncant herB In &!JIHOIHBG n.a, ap,p]I,CQflpn along with afl'ldavir &. i;~@mnit\' bond il1l /DfitGCTl·bll'd form. ·.IInd fumier 'l!'leQ.pi1)l:lcsm l:IastJ!Ildertaklilnto Sllrseto b::~~m n 1'I'y ~o the G,ovt by tald affidavU and IndamR'ltybOnd. HaIrr faha· InkliTr'lsUonls tran$p([md

~r.- ~~Iil' zaid e.H'[i(Ja.vHEl.nd! Indllmnity bonc!.the' applicant will . ble ,for ponal aod eMir a~i()n:

~~o;,,'r nHeva,nl h.W'S In tOI'e'4J'. )\rid 1!Jtfh-&r 11 ~ourrld 'Q'Uiill:y 0 ncon.d.

v'v I .

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• ,-.~ '.- - _, -._. :,(J, ~ ,- .CoJI'Q<cto1: •• P.ilhe.


- i


Sm~.Ja,Vs,h'Ba. Sh,arn.d Sl'iS.h.

throu gil •. {PAH},Sfm.&mos.'l Kama-vat. Kohlhco,r Arcad,a. TJ:lk RO~d.NioadI;;Ptln9.

Co P:/ ~ 0 I:h@ T ~.M$dda r. k:'IVOj,I! ,along ·Witt'!(ho ~S>Q. papol'5 t.n 001')8 file ,fo,r .informatfon and "~.;;e~N .,ellen.

2l~ f-!le is r<Kl:UB's:t&d tlo taGI .s;t.os. to Jc:e.eo ttl. I1H1C9'$.SllfY note fnT.FJV ahd V and VlUa\:le ;:!~r'71 NoJV" t>LA,Nol£l DCXlI(, ~oe:l1~ m9 r~\f'erv of I;na n .. II.a. a,nOor:lil1tl',asanad Elx9culad.-II ~~ occupants !Day mUSJU~r '"tlrWly m~kt~n;ro-tm '1M DIs:trf tns;plictor ofL,and RB,,;Ord scco:oinol~' alone wil.h ,!'Ie s.a.~.x:>n.a .o,~n,$ '9X'!,.,ct from ADoord of RltI' " .. In ,'DSI)~C'I ;of thre land ~!.';~slion. H the g."; 1-",aJ;, ~~.'W N .. A Y$Ii betOlr'fJi gran,t of tillS: ; Si' tJna.y 8;h:ou,ild1c:s~.lbmli;t .":'ica-s~..a fV 0 rOI:;):>~ ~ Ulli ..:l.;S oj tr.~ " .•. ~ .~. C '1 9&5

CODY to ~he T.I.Lj~. H~~aI:OIl'l lllll"/Jd neOS'$SIif'\l SJction.


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.. hny or the Firs; Part

Mls Lotus Construction Cmnpail)' A l~g ~stered P 8iJ1 n ershi p nrm Tegi:~n::ri,;::d Under provision of Indian Partnership Act I <}SJ. hnvi 11g, ; I':::. office ,H < Lotus Residency' > Sector No,2A Nlgdi, l"tme 41 J 044,

Mr. Santosh Vi.ttb~ld:ls Knrl!lawa!

Age - 33, Occ. - Business

RC!ilding, at: l nt), 'Aptlfvi( Garden", Sedor No. :~!~; .Plot. No. 82+84. }:jigdi, PI.H"lt 41 1044,

.,. Hereinafter called and referred as "HIE .DEVEi.-OPERS·

l wh ion expression shall un] ess 1[ be .repugnru:lt tothe COTI[ext Or mean in ~ thereof shall mean and include the firm. its partners, their hescs, successors

.-.:: ='R~- -- -----~~- -

2. Ms. S~ja~ Sban~d Sh~hA g_e - ],0 yrs, Occ. -. iJ:m.!.rle:::i:::

Rc.~id;ng At:· 531), Centre S(rtel,P~we Cnlllp .. Puu~ -t[ 1 (WI.

[which oM],!rcssinn shall u ill ess it be l'epugn< to !ht context or Il)('"<lrling. th(;,;ll:~of Sh<lll mean and inclr'ude his/her/their h{}irs successors in inreresi. uustees, c xec mo rs, :ad rni n istrators <!(C,]

... P~rly (I f the Third 1\!l1

Whereas the Property in S. No, 47, Plot No. 56, crs No, 426<l; u~wl admeasurmg about 024.43 Sq MI..I's. along !,.I,,'!lh the structure sl~'.:mdiBg on, hereinafter 10 be referred <IS 'Said .Proocl'ry' lying & siarated <It

And whereas the late Mr .. Shame! Bhogibh!1Ji Shilh purcbased «The ~~Ld Property' vide sale Deed No,6638 Dated 0510.21199 L The sale deed was executed <IS per court order in the court of T-lon'bleclvil Judge Senior Division P·lINE <It PUNE Mise, Application No. 197fl99! IN SPI.Darkh'l$L No. 23401'198& & IN Specia] Civil Sujt No ', 293 of HiSS.

And whereas 'The said Property' has been transferredln the. name and possessed by "The O w mer";

And whereas "The Owner and The Consenting Party" are the. Jegal heirs of 1<I~e S.nri.Sharad Bhogihhai Shall"


AND WHEREAS the Developers approached "The Owner with proposal of acquiring ~he Development Rights in respect or the said properly, and· ,~).ffcrccl Rs. 50,,00,] 01 t: t Rupees Fifty Lllc O'lC 1iundn~d and One Only] lurnp-surn f.!Jr the area admeasuring 1324.43 Sg, Mtrs. or (h~ s. 1'10.47., Plot Nt), 56, CTS No. 4264 for ~he entire property.

AND 'NHFJtLAS the offer 0[' "The Oevdup'::n~;" being the best ssiole offer ~~ per the prevailing market rate, "The Owner accepted the 1(: and agreed ~O grant [be. Development Rights of the said Property icl\':is more particularly described in the Schedule wri!l~n hereunder) to Developers Cot the aforesaid consideration.

/\ND VlHERE.AS the p,-uties heretoare desirous 0]' recordlng t.he aforesuid terms and conditions in respect of the Development Agreement between "The OWMr and tbe Developers inthe manner he1reillafwf appearing.


1. The Owner hereby agrees. to lran.sFer lh~ said ;)['Qpe[ty on AS IS. AND WE-r€f{E ~S BAS S I.! '!;; exclusive Development Rights of the aforesaid Pr~ ~~~ S. ~_.:i- P.o: ~ £I 56. CTS No. 4~;6A lying and sltuatcd ill ~:A__'- :- •• ci:r~: Tal. - H2.veh~ wh ch is morepartieularly

0/./0' , 2:; , '

] _ o.grl:lc to ~I cqu L re the Development ~R ights i n respect of the said property J rom "The Owner as per the tenm:i:I.ndc:o nditkHll!:; ~i1:>Qrporaled ] n Lh ese



2, In consideration of "The Ownerpermitting (he Developers to JeVd{1[) the said property] the Developers has agreed to pay Rs. 50.00,1 0]/- r Rs. !~'dly L<.:c One Hundred and One Only] lump-sum (or the area admea:;LJrin~\

!124A3 Sq M~f~alongwith the Sl,~*~~.1A~~~~~'~j'e{)n of the S, No.'<J7,

Plat Ne. 56, CTS No. 4264 fOT th~,~;pr._ .. J' P.:rpUO'~\i:S,';"-.,~,---.----~~

'V " '. '~ , (,> , , ,.~, -'f -5 cf'6

~'ilt~~ ~:,,-- ,~dt\~~\ ~-" ,:~- CJ~f!/ ~ c'"

Payment Sd1edt!ic- "Ul,'X, ,*,--. ~t,~ ;3:;' t., __ ";~-~?~'i _.J____, lJ:l

..-~~ ~'/ i i ~OO'L)

*,' ;~/ l." ':_

'E%;;YJi;W1MrB.1~:J1~~ ernent, th e Deve iopers

Paid by pay order No_ 0{)2206 dated 71~' Feb OS. Dr~~WH


on Mahesh Sa:hakari Bank Vd, C;hi nehwad. B ranch.

Paid' by pay order No_ 00:;;231 dUl~d :23!~ !vf¥ 05, DH.i'vVrt on Mahesh Sahakari Bank Ltd. Chinchwad, Branch.

Rs, 34,00,1011- Will be paid at the tlll'lC of Rt':gj~,tt'aHml of' Devclopmeut Agreement on 15~h April 20[)S_

R$. 5 ,OO.OOO/~ Win be paid a~ the time 0 f possession of the property s: h tin ding or igtnal document of"H'b'~ pmpf:!ty

[Rs. 'Fifty Lac one htmdred one only I Tota!

A.m(l~H1t of Cmwide.ration

The Party of lhe FimL l)an _. "The Owner", he:r~t'y acknowledges the part/Fnll consideration subject ro reeiization oi ~he cheque: ,-1$. deseribed above and agree the payrn cal s(;h~,du le as ~ hI) ve ",} r the bnl anc t': coasideratlon. The payment ,m the stipuieted time is the essence. of the



.. -~- -~ ....... --- ---- .. -- ...... ~----~--

2A -0) '~The Owner h Ol;~

control n:btllU!g (0 her tide to the ~<Ild pr<npcrq;, ,ill-;"d th~ Developer hereby nd::r1ow]edget; lh~ JfelCi!iplS·dh'l,!~nr fr~)'n tbE; Owner !lIIo. f~lIctbejl actWlow1ed~es th:lJt the said eepies tI.a've been veriRed by the' n,veiloprr to us smi:s:r.'l-C::tkm nguiust :\he ori ginn ls thereo [ wll kh m:e in PQ~st::SS:iO!1 of U1e OWIH~.l·.

Of) The- P(,;vcloper herf:0Y dt:daj~l that ~t' h2S ~ri()t,to the eHC~L~16Ll ~y ll'ir.!se presents c;ws.;;d doe verificali:on of th tiUe f·f the OW1i{'T in, to, and upon the ~ai,J prnpc;ty to be :made-, and has: satisfied it.~dr UH\'l tho riue or the Owner te thee 2r.I~d property 1S nnb1ell'lFished clear and in3d,eta;bl~ m~d the Develepcrs tl'~reby agree and declare th(d 'they shall not hereafter be enrnled

I' 'l~ermi~te;(ll<ll'<lise ~IJily query; claim or demMd in :~e~;pl~C] of u](:: title of the

~,) For th,c pmp'lISe of mekl-ng p<lyII'!len~ of the l)~'dllJH.l1i) or." the ~JfI:;:jd.:ril1iOil p~~y3blc herelJndcl:" lP ~h~ Owner, lhe I)~\'eloper is rcquln~:.ll 11,\ 'Clv~lil ul' a Ican from ,jU, HRI.'tku,b"::l. The Developers have assureo thC:! OW1}~r.

such IlJo;f:ur:,l~l(i'~ rlL)rm~i'l.g a pll'Jtt of lfIl; lu<<1Isis on whi!d. tnt: Owner hus en~~n~d i nlO lh i~ A~r~e~Iri(:nl \~,;.tlil the O>tveklj)cr,\:. d)<lJ~ ~h,e, loan i:trl'lOlIlU wi J J be ~lu~ctk~:r);cdand disbmr!$,ed <lnd ~hlJ:I~h~ Oe:'i;'~]opers ~l:l\lH mf1,k~ PJ,~yrn,em ~o' l~te O'wll~r uflhe ins-laUmcm or lUI. 34J}(~.HHI= rrhirly 1-'01.01" Lakhs nn,,: hl:Db;:jnc'd one ~H'Ily <~nly'! (m or bef(}r~ 151~' A.prLL 200S, 110,<1 th~t !he failure of The Dcvdoji!;.T (I) make the paYille:n:l Kl the Owner or !b'~.: said ~1!!!mlUI.. of R.,,~l4,On. i () 1 1- rrhhivl' our Lukhs one. nl:.illhlr~d OW~- ,or-Iy Oll~y ~m or bcJore rht) I_Sjll; di'l:~ of April 2.005, shall i~o f:.lCJ.o ~«eli),l lhc: te:rmitimlOJ~ of lh.i::figr'~tnim'l wW~ no fu rthc[ (:It Ol~~ii:: I' act or deed on , he. p:'I rt o r 'H~>; ,,( liw pllllit]""~ h~.rem reQuri~'i..·d W, effect S"I!:!Cll tcrmi'nOi~iol£'l_ Pr(whJod lh:d the Owm::i iuay ~ 11 her sole Itl !:sc.~~e.~k~J l., t h,t::re:~ rle:r re .... l .. ' e th'~ J' .1.p-c.c.Ln'.l.l'ilb~' nG:r.:,e~~lt i tL~ fro:ll the Developer 'the above rnenrioned a:molJnt oi ::.:>. 34,00, [0 if· [T!"!LL"!.) Four Lukbs one hUIi(lf\e{jj one only Oniy] be-inS 'tbc ::~_.OH.i in.~1.almCfi!. ('I ~' .. t.:on~ld,er:,i[jM ~ogc!.her :",;tn :;w;;h interesr @ 18% p.;1 .: : ,::t ~ruly b2J"~ cccr, ~

" ~


'4 FOlJt' Lakhs one hundred one on!~y" ~ ... ~. 1l£li4-.==:r-

B, The Owner shall _~irnuJ taneous with the receipt of tn~ ~lbo;.'~mentioned amount of p,:;, 34,OO,J 01/- [Thirty Four La .. khs one hundred one only Only] being the second instalment 0[' the eo['~>idel.'a{ion: deliver to rhc I )e;vcJoper the pcssessi on M the sa id property.

3. []rcm the p<1.ym~n~ of the above mentioned <ljr.~;'1lm of Rs. 3r.1 ,00, J 01/[Thirty four Lt:;,j)i" nne hundred one only Only 1 hei',g rhesecond insm lmcnt o i' ~J~,c (; onsi d~ r~L~ ion \ . .,. j' ~ hi n ~h" ~c ft od m i pulated ~I b .;" l' ! h ~ ;)~, n~ l~}p::r~~ ~h:~!l

~;wnd authorised and empowered :

To survey the. tand and to get it admeasured ~',-C'iTl City Survey orfii,;~T i OfJi·;:e of the DILR or concerned authority and to, obtj~n

G_ To prep,trl!..lne layout of the entire land including amalgamated lands and to gel the same duly approved li-om lhe Collector, Tm\l~~ PbnniLlg Dcpt., pelVIC or any otherconcerned sanction authority.

d. "I',) pJ'cpnr~~ building plan/s, submit the same for it's sanction to PCMC or other concerned a.utno.ity either iu his na{IH," or in the name of the

owner ..

e. To make additions, modifications, and alterations in the said bui ldlng plan/s ,~arlctioncd/pel'mitted by PCMC as Devrlcpers may deernflt.

f, To apply Urban Land [Ceiling & regulation] Act and to obtain necessary NOCIOrciers uls S( 4) <Ii tbe cost <;ad expenses of "The neve] 0 per ",

h. To. am! lu cum(l'lc"ctl. C<lIfl'y ou~ and t."Ofnpku~ rhc l uiJding P!I!\jC..:-I:)l tiT. h is eost and r!sk's as per the sancHoncd pblf'./s.

To. i!pply fO:;)J;'i,o oht .. in Comp,klion e~j{i(;:rlrcls. Pm1: Ct}I'lrlctt~'ri Ccrlific>:'l(:ts l'~ru,tli ,PCMC.

Yo appklf to MSEB, f(lif ~llppl,y of E]e(:lri~i~y_ and obl..<!it: Gk;;:~r~c~iy lvlclcn; in Ihe: nome Ur(Cll(::lnl,;fl~ purehasers,

To ~,pply on PCMC ~nd ~~bu.ijn w;~M,$.r COfl)lIe~liofl lb. liotlSln:!..:I;!.,.\i:l t.!.· b.rijdilllgOJ~ \MeU as SUrJP~Y of wa(er for [en!;m(:r~~ purcbasers,


'to draim1gu .pcrJ:'fli~~oill'l rmd aU od~il:i' p~rml:>~ioi'l:.isanctlon:s ere. r'(':(.!u.I~tcd fi,;~' eITe.cti vdy'l:iAS the ~3,id ()wIl,['!l"'Ship s'C~ I:!m dil,

'" 'rh~ Owner agrees, assures !!tncico,venoots. ',v.idi !he Dtvc~{j!po;!-r$ lhaT she wm at t h~ of .[)e",e.loper r-el'l~r ®in ne~ss:1I'ry eo-eperetion , ~S::;~3tWlC~ for the ah('lW;: I"efe'n:e.u purpeses whenever caUe(' upon re do so, Tli6 J:kVdl}PC. s agr\:':~1i and a:S,(j:lIT$,S the Owner lhJt they wi.H C:a!~'Ir'}' (lut ll¥; C flMtfLllClian as per sa(~:onoo plaIl!J,~" ~r.d t" case I)f bll:'''ctn, of same, De,ve]of!~rs =-h~!! be liable to all oom~e~'\lle~ces firis; rig out of s arne wit hom ;my _ ference tothe Owner. The Dl;lvelope!'S hereb,Y IntlemnU:y &, agree lh~a tMY shall keep the, O\vner inde.m.nificd safe &. hannle.s:s ag~inst on d3im~ 11 ::Im~3~. cost, el~1 h,d may arise ou~ of ~tl!e 'b;n~t'loh ('f ~f!Jy law Or lerm 0 r ,my

._-,... ... - - _ .. _- ---,.._ ------ .-----"'~--.-- .. - .. --


( __ u[

-~- --. -- _._. - ._- . - - .. -.-- .

, "" ...


6_ 'rh~ Owner has assured the Developers Ihat she i~ ~.11· ~iCLLJJl, vacant and peaceful possession or Ehis property and is cfl!lllk,u to entrust the $aid Iwnpc:rty 1.0 the Developers fo, comrnencing, carrying l)\Jl and ~~)Tl~p1.dlng Ih(~ development j eonsuucticn of the buildlog project as per the terms and

:;<A{]i~ions or (i~i~ ,i\,t, <1.nd the Developers 11. .. -ve vt'·fi l~",d :li~d round such assurances '~mde by the Ow~~cr 1:.0 be tnJ.~ and ~;OL'r{~CL

The D~vdol}efs. agree that the construction vl().;.:-kwi.ll be started after ~:,~: sanction or the plan and. wit! be completed flt the convenience uf the ~k-,·tloper." fn')n: sanction of Ihe p.lans fromPC1vlC ;md hand OV¢r possession '~' tho PI."_ '" Commerci.! l,l"i'i< to the prospecti v<' P" rchasers


~ l~' Jbe ()wnc,~ has aSf.lIfNJ_ the Developersth~~, srJc 1S~bSohltClY SC~1_~d

~)~. possessed ot and etne,WlSC well and sufficiently entitled 10 the saLd If! IpN'tY and ~hc said property is free from al! !mcumbmnoes,· claims

i ... ~_ /.

'F'5:. ltm:md's whatsoever in nature and that she 11<:13 marketable l;tlc [0 the :".~lid

prop-t::rty W [rant. ret, deal with and dispose off the S;\>"N~ and (hat she has fl{)t trauslerrcd or encumbered or agreed to transfer ()rcnCllmDer tlte ~aid P]~OpCfl}' neither she same is subjecr matter or [In}, Cr)nl't proceedings, or that the same Ls not underany attachment of <my COlW: 0f any other authority, !\(If:the said land has been acquired requisitioned Or reserved. The Developer h1l,~ verified .').nd caused to be verified ~l their comple-c sutisfiction all such assurances made by the O .... .ner and found the same to be true and C;QITect wild that the Owner has dean and rnarkctable t~lle lo the said property.


8- The Owner hereby agrees U1.:11. the De'Vekp~m ton their own 'H·~ cnt'ideJ to advertise lhe said building project and to enter in t« Agreement/s with' the intending purchasers subject to andwlth ~<he knowledge of this agreement and at the risk and C6~[8 of rkvd(lp(::,~ and on principal to


? The OWner h ereby agrees and a ffirrns and co 'J CJ1~H.HS and uri dertakes w terms of this agreement i!jnd subject to the De:::.'lei.oper:s fulfdl;ng 'th~ covenants on their pnrt reserved in this Llgre.¢ment. to transfer, assign, <!:nd

c,nnvcy the right, ~~ tk and interest in the said property free from any encumbrances I·d''.<l~$o~:\'er in nature to the Developers or h'~$ nominee/a

; !';. h~ the event;)i the Deve,lope,~ deciding 10 [:(\[111 the Associacion/s and ur !1oGicty!i~s and after having made paymen~ W rh~ owner of all the amount ,)1' the consideration payable hereunder, instructs lhe D"'>'li~,I' lo transfer and

~i;lgrll.he s1Liuprorer~y!,Q such body ljnrli\lid\!~ls, ,h~ owner shall fir the com;

~, ... ;lcve.lOPcr .. do .so the 0'1.\.. '~er further agr~e.s .~Il;'lt 'in such ev~n~Uali~Y. ' ~}.le ~' r .shed! CQ- operate wlth the Developers. I he D't,v,dop~rs will bear (he

",I If - , f·[,\. -: •. J' 1 b

'*'. '.;,' .ri'· the rormauon 0 It te Associanon, society/res as tIC case rnay oc. '

'~~ I~'"

~ ;tI



*~/ 'The Ovm:::;- has delivered to the Developers copies of the Title Deeds,

~l;,:.t!mcnt~ nnd p.tpt:fS relating to the said property <H,iilabl~ with herand ihe Developer' h~rcby acknowledges the receipt thereof from the Owner and further acknowledges that the said copies have: been verified by ~ht; Ui,;'ldor.'c['~ to their satisfaction ugain~l the orig.ill~ds. ioe.feof which are in possession of the Owner, The Owner shall deliver le the Developers the said

. (lri;ginol TitlE: Deeds, documents anJil p'n~jc.r::; n,;:l~~i~l~~ ~l~ the ~m;J pwpcny ;:r .. ailable with her alter receipt from the Developers or the entire amount o f eousideration payable hereunder, Should the Developers Or ihe.i~' Bankers ut any reasonable time hereafter wish to inspect the- said Title Deeds, documents andpapers rc;]:ning to ane said property available with the Owner, then the Owner shall ~JI'm~ such inspection at the ofr~u: of the Owner ..

- ,

property would be made available in Yi~,'.W or the dw'nge in the hui lding I"!:'~"datjrn;s, (he. the De ... "dopers shall after p:"'!yml:lI" \.1) I.'n!;\ owner ofthc

'---------- ... --------.~-------

! J.. The shall he entitled to appoint hi:, own Ar::hitectl"i; R.C.C

. ,

specialis[s and other ()o~iSult<l!Ots, in v,'riling and in {i ':. and to pay {he.ll' fees

nl',) charges if required.; !he; Owner shall sign l'eq"i..1i~ik Ieucr of appointment

, - ,

it: Iavcur of such i\rcl~iJects, R-C.C. Specialist, and Of other Consultants


1~;·;:'wWI;'.d thai the Devclcpera alone shall be li'ilble or responsible for


ll:lym(!llt of 1.11.0 profes:s!6n.~] fees and charges. of such persons and the (hvnr=:r

finance Irom a,ny nn,mdal institutions for the dcvelcpmenl of the property by rnortguging their Oe.';'~lO:IJment. rights in, to, or upon [he: said land and afS'l~ t() gi ve no objection to the prospective pur~aser:-> ttl raise the loan trom any r-l!l;ln6~ll inSI i~uti,urt1; rot: thG purchase of the flat in 111(: proposed building. However the Developers ~hnH keep the Owner lndemnitled against the I·~nbjd'ity. The 1wthori ly hereby is gr:antl.;d for mot1.I~a.gii~U such property is subject to tr'G condition that the mortgagee agrees that i~ shall heve uo right [0 recover the princlpal .amount aclvi;"inc~cl On the b;Js~:; of stich InQrlgagc or any flmounl of interest or costs in relation thereto, f~yjm rhc Ownu_

Anda mungkin juga menyukai