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EDUC 531-001

Term 3 Lesson Plan


The content that will be learned in this lesson is how to work through word
problems, particularly subtraction words problems. Students will extend their
understanding of subtraction word problems by connecting actions to symbols and
understanding how operations are expressed through words. Understanding
operations through words will challenge students to look at word problems closely
so that they do not just utilize the sequence of events in the word problem, or
certain phrases in the word problem to identify what operation is needed to solve it,
but to begin to understand how mathematic operations can be expressed verbally.
Students who have trouble reading or thinking in terms of subtraction may have
difficulty with this lesson. This lesson will help students develop number sense
strategies so that they can understand whether relationships and actions in a
problem require addition or subtraction, and be able to recall or use number facts to
derive new number facts.


Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:10 PM

I will start my lesson off by asking why this lesson is important. After hearing

Comment [1]: How will this support the

mathematical goals of the lesson? Is it just a
motivator or does it have a purpose?

responses from students and pointing highlighting good aspects of their responses, I
will then give them my own scripted response Knowing how to solve word

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:06 PM

Deleted: For my hook, I will show my students
Math word Problems in Real Life on YouTube to
show them the purpose of the lesson, w

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:06 PM

Deleted: hich is that k

problems is important because there are many aspects of our daily lives that
essentially ask us to apply math in certain situations in the exact same ways that we
do with word problems. Being able to solve word problems will help you be better
able to apply math in real life situations. I will then go on to establish the norms for
the lesson, which will be that silence is expected, and that I understand that they
will have questions, so I will allow time after each task for students to signal that

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:07 PM

Deleted: would to solve a

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:08 PM

Deleted: I anticipate that many of my students
will have questions so

Ross James 12/12/2015 9:02 AM

Deleted: For the problems I work through I will
model how to utilize physical objects to assist me
in solving the problem.

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:10 PM

they have a question by quietly raising their hand. I will first present the before


problem in the lesson plan to my students and ask them the following questions:

Comment [2]: This sounds like you showing

them how to do it, rather than engaging them in
thinking about the problem situation. If you show
them how to do it, they will be mimicking you
instead of thinking and problem solving. Instead
of modeling, try posing the problem and then
asking them questions, such as What is
happening in this problem? Is the result going to
get bigger or smaller? How do you know?

What is happening in this problem? Do we think the result will be bigger or smaller
than the 25 sheets of paper? What operation needed to solve this problem and how

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:11 PM

do we know this for sure?. Why? What number sentence would I write? After

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:12 PM

discussing these question, I will ask students what they think the correct answer to

Comment [3]: Asking if there are any questions

is generally not a great talk movestudents are
unlikely to answer yes.

the problem is before I share it with them and use the logic they gave to me to justify
why it is right. I will then ask students to partner up and try to solve the two word
problems on the lesson plan with their partner. I will provide a number of linking
cubes to each pair of students to help them solve the problem if they feel they are

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:10 PM

Deleted: model how to solve a separate word
problem, and then ask if the students have any
questions before I work through one with them

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:16 PM

Deleted: I will then ask if there are any more
question before I give them their own set of
objects, and a set of word problems to work
through individually. I will have them do this for
about 10 minutes.

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:17 PM

needed. I will tell students that they should ask the following questions for each

Deleted: this

problem: What is this problem asking me to do and how do I know? Will the answer

Deleted: them

to this problem be bigger or smaller than any of the numbers in this problem? What

Deleted: compare answers and solution with

another student

operation do I need to perform to find the answer to this problem? After allowing
students with some time to work, we will all come back to our seats to recap, and
discuss what we learned, what strategies we used to figure out what the problem is
asking them to do, what things helped them determine the size of the problems

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:17 PM

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:17 PM

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:12 PM

Comment [4]: Shouldnt it be focused on how
they solve the problemjustifying their solution?

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:30 PM

Deleted: The discourse among students at this
time will be what worked and why. They will do
this for 3 minutes, and then go find a different
student to partner with to discuss their solutions
and methods with.

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:32 PM

Deleted: this

potential answer in comparison to the numbers in the problems, and how did the
students determine what operations were needed to solve the problems?


Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:13 PM

Comment [5]: Focus your discussion around
the important mathematics

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:33 PM

Deleted: what we thought was
affectiveeffective, what was not affectiveeffective,
and if there are still any residual questions.

In my field work placement we are now beginning a Unit that involves subtraction
problems so I feel that working on subtraction word problems is something that is
currently relevant to my students learning. In previous classes I saw my teacher use
word problems as a warm up activity at the beginning of math class, and we both
saw that they struggled with these problems immensely. The majority of our

Ross James 12/12/2015 11:55 AM

Deleted: were

students did not know what to do with these problems, how to discern which
operations to use, or which quantities were relevant in solving these problems. I
have noticed that many of my students are excellent visual learners and love to
work with objects, so I thought that having my students use linking cubes as tools to

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:37 PM

help them solve these problems would be a great way to help them begin to develop

Deleted: objects

mental images of the quantities they are working with within these word problems...


Comment [6]: Ok, so you are having them

model the problem

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:37 PM

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:14 PM

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:14 PM

Comment [7]: Discuss what? Can you be more

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:37 PM

Deleted: great way to help accommodate their

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:39 PM

Deleted: I have noticed that pair and shares
work decently in our class so I am hoping that
having them discuss their problems will help
further their learning process

Goal / Objectives

In this lesson students will develop strategies that will help them solve word
problems involving subtraction.

PA Core Standards
Generate and analyze patterns using one rule: Numeric Patterns Word Problems

Common Core Mathematical Practices
Operations and Algebraic Thinking: Use four operations with whole numbers to
solve problems.

Solve multistep word problems posed with whole numbers and having whole-
number answers using the four operations, including problems in which remainders
must be interpreted. Represent these problems using equations with a letter
standing for the unknown quantity. Assess the reasonableness of answers using
mental computation and estimation strategies including rounding.

Here you need standardsboth content (PA Core Standards) and process (Common
Core Mathematical Practices)

Material and Preparation
I will bring six print outs of the problems they will work through, and a dry erase
marker to work through two problems before students start their individual work.

Classroom Arrangement and Management Issues
I will use the library space to teach this lesson. I will have my students sit at a table
in front of me. There will be six students and three students will sit on each side of

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:20 PM

Comment [8]: Im not sure what this means?
Do you mean that the focus will be on making
sense of the problem situation?

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:43 PM

Deleted: Students will begin to learn how to
solve a word problem involving subtraction.

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:41 PM

Deleted: be exposed to number sense

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:42 PM


Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:20 PM

Comment [9]: What other strategies might
they use? Use the framework to help you think
this through.

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:42 PM

Deleted: allow them to understand whether
relationships and actions in a problem require
addition or subtraction, and recall or use number
facts to derive new number facts

Ross James 11/18/2015 10:43 PM

Deleted: .

Ross James 12/12/2015 11:56 AM

Deleted: my laptop to play the YouTube video
which is my hook, linking cubes for students to
use while they work,

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:22 PM

the table. I have chosen the library because it is a quite space where my students can
focus. The seating arrangement I have set out for them will make it easier for them
to work in pairs.


Before:(15 minutes): I will start my lesson off by asking students why knowing how
to solve a word problem is important. I will give praise to all students who respond
and highlight the important and relevant points that students made (3 minutes). I
will then give students my own explanation, Knowing how to solve word problems
is important because there are many aspects of our daily lives that essentially ask us
to apply math in certain situations in the exact same ways that we do with word
problems. Being able to solve word problems will help you be better able to apply
math in real life situations (3 minutes). After this, I will ask students to try and
solve the Before Problem. Once they are finished I will ask them how to solve the
problem and use the logic they provide me to arrive at the correct answer (9

I will have students partner up in pairs and try to solve the two word problems I
have created for them that are based on things that have happened within the
classroom. I will provide each pair of students with a set of linking cubes that they
can use as they feel needed, to help them solve the two problems. Before they start
their work, I will tell students that they should think about the same questions that
we talked about on the opening problem to help them work through these two
problems: What is this problem asking me to do and how do I know? Will the
answer to this problem be bigger or smaller than any of the numbers in this
problem? What operation do I need to perform to find the answer to this problem? I
will create a checklist to mark down which of these questions students are talking
about, and what strategies I see them using as I observe them work through the two

After the 15 minutes are up, students will separate out of their pairs and quietly talk
to the person across the table from them. Students will share their answers to the
problems as well as the strategies they used to solve the problems. Students will be
asked to use their responses to the questions I instructed them to use as part of
their explanation for why they used certain strategies. After three minutes, I will ask
them to pair up with a different student and repeat this process. I will be circulating
to observe students thinking as they work in pairs so that I know what type of work
they produced and what they shared with each other.


After the students are done with the pair shares I will ask each pair for their
answers to the two problems and write them on the board. . I will then have
students think about the list of answers on the board for two minutes before I begin

Comment [10]: This might be interesting (I

dont know it) but it doesnt really help launch
your task. For the before section, you want to
read the problem and have them talk about what
is happening in the problem, or unpack the
problem context, if that might be necessary. Its
hard for me to give concrete suggestions when I
dont have the problem that you are giving them.
Is it a context they are familiar with?

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:00 PM

Deleted: For my hook, I will show my students
Math Word Problems in Real Life on YouTube to
show them how solving word problems will help
them be better able to apply the math they learn
in school in real life situations

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:21 PM

Comment [11]: What are they?

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:23 PM

Comment [12]: You are doing all the work
... [2]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:02 PM

Deleted: There are two problems that I will
... [1]

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:24 PM

Comment [13]: Are linking cubes appropriate
... [4]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:11 PM

Deleted: I will then give each student their ...own

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:15 PM

Deleted: They

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:25 PM

Comment [14]: The focus here should be ...

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:25 PM

Comment [15]: Write out the actual questions
... [7]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:15 PM

Deleted: and strategies with the purpose o...
f [5]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:18 PM

Deleted: I will let them speak with their partner
... [8]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:18 PM

Deleted: before

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:19 PM

Deleted: turn to

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:18 PM

Deleted: the person next o them and repeat
... t[9]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:19 PM

Deleted: Two students will have to move ...
to [10]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:20 PM

Deleted: around the table

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:20 PM

Deleted: dependently and during pair and
... [11]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:23 PM


Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:25 PM

Comment [16]: Again, here you are doing
... a[13]

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:23 PM

Deleted: use my linking cubes and the dry ...e[12]

to ask them why certain answers are right or wrong and why. I will first begin with
answers that are incorrect (if there are any), and guide the students towards a
conclusion on why it is incorrect based on their comments. I will do this with out
telling them that the answer is incorrect. I will then select the correct answer and
have the students perform the same exercise, except in this instance I will guide
them to a conclusion on why the answer is correct. Once they have arrived at this
conclusion, I will have one or two pairs of students who were able to utilize one of
the strategies I checked off on my checklist to explain how they solved the problem
in front of the class.

Anticipating Students Response and My Possible Response

1. The strategies I expect my students to use will be strategies based on direct
modeling with fingers or physical objects, and strategies based on counting
sequences and number sense.
2. I feel that my students will struggle most with determining how to subtract
the given quantities. Specifically, what number should be subtracted from
another number.
3. I feel that the pair and shares may present certain managerial challenges,
because I want to make sure that the conversation that is taking place is
relevant, and productive, and that students are actually discussing the work
they produced.

Assessment of Goals and Objectives Listed Above

The checklist that I will use to help me assess students while they are working will
goes as follows:

Student Name:

Utilizes Linking Cubes Yes or No

Shows Work Yes or No

Subtracts Correct Quantities Yes or No

Produces a Solution Yes or No

Expresses methods and thought process during pair and share Yes or No

The first 4 questions for on the checklist will be asked for each of the four problems.

Lesson Plan Problems

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:25 PM

Deleted: try to find one thing that I can model
from each pair.

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:26 PM

Comment [17]: Again, list out some specific
questions you will pose to structure this. Dont
just assume they will start talking. What can you
ask to focus them on the math?

Ross James 11/18/2015 11:27 PM

Deleted: After this I will also share some of the
remarks from the pair and share that I overheard
that were also relevant and useful. I will then let
students comment on the things I pointed out and
share their own thoughts on what they learned as
well as saw from each other and what they
thought was useful. I will then ask if there are any
lingering questions left that need to be answered
before I close the lesson.

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:26 PM

Comment [18]: For subtraction?

Ross James 12/12/2015 12:03 PM

Deleted: The strategies I expect my students
to use will be skip counting on their fingers,
writing out math problems on paper, and using
the linking cubes I provide them to model
quantities within the problem.
... [14]

Caroline Ebby 11/15/2015 9:27 PM

Comment [19]: Restructure this checklist to
focus on strategies you observe them using. Use
the framework to help you think this through.

Before Problem: Ms. Williams has 25 sheets of paper. She uses 13 sheets of paper to
make copies of tonights homework. Can show me how I might solve this problem
with linking cubes?

During Problems:

1. Ms. Carol has 22 markers. She gives 9 markers away to students in the class
so they can finish their art project. How many markers does Ms. Carol have

2. Mr. James has 13 Starbursts. He eats 3 Starbursts, and gives 5 Starbursts
away to students. How many Starbursts does he have left?

One question should be talked about before math starts.

Cgi Direct modeling, counting strategies, numeric reasoning

Ross James 11/18/2015 9:46 PM

Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Ross James 11/18/2015 9:46 PM
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.25"
Ross James 11/18/2015 9:46 PM
Formatted: List Paragraph, Numbered +
Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, ... +
Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"

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