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Small Group Work 10/6/2015

Complete the following tasks and return to drafting your own proposal. Remember
to update your schedule for the supporting out-of-class work and group meetings. A
rough draft is due at the beginning of class on October 20.
1. In draft a style sheet for the typography (p. 201 of Johnson-Sheehan). Be sure
to follow any specific guidelines included in the request for proposals.
Line Level
Body Text: Arial, 10 pt. or higher
Line spacing: Double
Paragraph Level
Leading: double space
Headings: section and subsection titles, as required by the RFP (Project
Summary, References Cited, Biographical Sketches, Budgets, Current
and Pending Support, and Facilities, Equipment, and Other Resources)
Justification: Aligned Left
Sequential lists: 1. 2. 3.
Nonsequential lists: bullet points
Page Level
Columns: One-column
Header: none
Footer: centered page number (must be numbered prior to submission)
Margins: 1 inch
Graphics: graphics fit into the one-column format
Graphics Level
Font: Arial, 10 pt. or higher
Labeling: Title and figure number across the top of the graphic in 10 pt. Arial
Captions: none
Document Level
Electronic submission
2. Create a list of tables and figures with the title for each that will be included to
illustrate a key idea of the proposal. You may elect to re-use graphics created
by the proposal authors for other documents, or synthesize the data and
create your own.
Figure.A-1, Percentage of literature addressing Well Standards for Comfort,
Mind, Nourishment and Fitness areas. Dr. Brentrup

A graph showing the most energy hogging appliances

3. Update your groups draft budget following our discussion with Lesley Brown,
adding, dropping, or amending categories as necessary.
We need to specify the indirect costs and direct costs for our budget.
4. Return to drafting.

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