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Integration Lesson Plan Template 1

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template

LTC 4240: Art for Children

Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Perspectives
Grade Level*: 4th
Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section)
Class Periods Required:
The purpose of this lesson is for students to understand perspectives in multiple contexts, their own and others. They
(please circle)
will analyze street art that contains perspective and discuss why they think the artist chose that specific perspective.

Once they have a grasp on the concept, we will scaffold on this knowledge towards the understanding of having multiple 1 2 3 4 5
perspectives in situations, such as these artistic situations and possible historical situations. This will lead the students
into a lesson on historical perspective and multiple viewpoints in a story. We will introduce Ellis Island, and then the
other perspective of Angel Island. We will compare the two with projects to discuss how an experience can create your
own perspective. With this, we will take on the perspective of someone immigrating to America during this time, and
they will write their own original story (slightly guided by a rubric), on what their perspective is. They will then create an
image to accompany this, keeping in mind what we learned from the earlier art pieces on perspective.

Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the students to know.* Essential Questions (1-2)*:
1. Visual Art: Artwork is about perspective; Each viewer can have their own

point of view
How do the perspectives and experiences of people other than ourselves
2. Literacy: You can create and share your own perspective with others.
affect how they view a situation or experience?
3. Social Studies: There is more to stories and history than just one viewpoint,
recognizing diversity
Lesson Objectives/Goals: ( What you want the students to do. *
1. Visual Art: They will be able to draw their own viewpoint to go along with their literacy story depicting their perspective.
2. Literacy: The students will be able to write from the point of view of an immigrant either through Ellis Island or Angel Island.
3. Social Studies: The students will be able to discuss the difference between Angel Island and Ellis Island and take on a view point of an immigrant rom this

Grade Level Expectations (GLEs) (3-4) (
Instructional Strategies (Teachers approach to helping students achieve
1. Visual Art: Brainstorm multiple approaches to a creative art or design
problem (Va: Cr1.1 4a)
Try to leave the assignment as open ended as possible. Since its
2. Literacy: Reflect on personal roles in the community and identify
about perspective, allow them the room to have their own opinions
responsibilities as a community member. (Big Idea 1- Concept B, Grade 4)
Encourage a lot of guided dialogue. The dialogue will help them
3. Social Studies: Recognize and respect diverse groups within the school and
develop empathy and a better understanding of others, especially
community. (Big Idea 2- Concept B, Grade 4)
their peers in their classroom community

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 2

Content Areas Integrated*:
1. Visual Art (Inspiration Artist: Edgar Mueller & Eduardo Rollero & German
2. Literacy: Angel Island: Gateway To Gold Mountain by Russell Freedman
3. Social Studies: History Channel-

Lesson Structure & Procedure(s) Sequence of events of the lesson elements. (The
before, during, and after the lesson, e.g. Engagement/Opening, Procedures, Guided Practice,
Conclusion ,please be very specific, walk me through step by step of the What of what is
happening with a rationale as to WHY you are doing this):

1. First we will begin by looking at the street sidewalk art that incorporate
perspectives and discuss it. We are doing this because the street art
requires perspective to understand it, and can be confusing at times without
it. If they have their initial grasp of this, we can work off of this
2. We will then analyze the other artwork where it is two possible images in
one. The students will debate what they see and try to make an argument
for why it is what they see. (From this they we will work on respecting each
others perspectives and being understanding people)
3. This will lead into talking about perspective and what it means to have
your own perspective. Then how that perspective affects how you feel
about a situation or thing (relating this to how they felt about the artwork
based off of their perspective and others)
4. Then the lesson will lead into asking them what they know about
immigration, specifically when people were immigrating to America (KWL
chart incorporated here)
5. We will discuss Ellis Island and Angel Island, teaching them why they were
built and the purpose behind them (incorporate videos from the history
channel, allow them to do their own research, and read them the trade
book ______) (Add on to KWL chart)
6. Once they have an understanding of Ellis/Angel Island, they will take on
the role of an immigrant and draw from a hat to determine if they went
through Ellis Island or Angel Island. We will do this randomly because then
they will have to further explore what perspective they will take on from
both view points
7. They will work on a short narrative of their journey to America, using
their table groups and the teacher to help each other with ideas
8. Throughout their narrative, they will work on peer reviews and self
reviews to ensure theyre on the same track.
9. Once theyre done with their story, They will draw a picture to
accompany this with the questions How are you going to portray your
perspective to others so that someone who is first reading it understands
you? Remember what we discussed with the past artists. We will do this

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 3

because it will further push the idea of how its important to explain your
perspective fully so that another person can understand. The same goes for
when we are reading other stories and understanding where theyre coming
10. Once the stories are completed, we will set up the room in a relaxed,
coffee shop format to do a literacy walk and share with each other. For
each story there will be a comment section where students can write what
they liked and took away from their story.
11. We will do this because it will add on the layer that our perspectives and
experiences affect others, and the comments other students make will
demonstrate this. The reading of stories is also important because the
students will learn more about understanding communities and others.
12. They will complete their KWL chart and the complete of the lesson and
review the comments made. This is important because it wraps up the
lessons and provides a closure on the concept
Closure (Reflecting Anticipatory Set, how will student share what they learned):
We will do a literacy walk where they can read each others story. We will
set it up like a poetry club style where they can leisurely observe the story
and perspectives of others.
Summative Assessment strategy*:
Students will submit their narratives (stories and pictures). They will be
assessed on grammar, punctuation, 3 main points about their narrative,
elaboration an examples, and a drawing that depicts their perspective from
these 3 main points. These examples will be explained and given to them in
a rubric so that they know what is expected of them for their assessment.

Opening (Gaining Attention, what will you show, or demonstrate)*:

I will show the street artwork that I have collected and just ask them to
observe first, and then speak on what they see.

Formative Assessment strategy: (how will you assess while the learning is happening?)
I will take notes as they discuss in class and debate viewpoints from the
artwork they observe and the history they learn. I will see how each child is
interpreting the multiple perspectives, if theyre respecting each other, and if
they understand what multiple perspectives can do in a situation. From these
notes, it will guide if I further need to explain how one perspective isnt
always the right one, or the only way, or if we can continue on to Angle and
Ellis Island.
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
They need an understanding of how to write narratives.
Need practice with proper paper etiquette (punctuation, sentence structure, etc.)
Some knowledge on immigration and understanding its basic concept
Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
Speech-to-text software for students who struggle with writing
Potentially music instead of artwork (for students who have trouble with vision) to help with perspective
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Since the assignment is about perspective, the students can use their own perspective and experience to best add to the story as they see fit. We analyzed

Art Integration Lesson Plan Template 4

perspective in multiple capacities. We viewed it from visual, lived, and written perspective. These multiple forms will allow them to better have an
understanding of not only how they see things, but also how others may see situations.

How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
I will use a KWL chart to have the kids self monitor their learning. They will use it throughout, as we move from topic to topic, and they can add to it as they
see fit. Also, with their written assignment, they can use peer evaluations to have their peers proofread and check their work as they go along.

Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences, cultural and language differences, etc.
Speech to text software
For their stories, if their native language is not English allowing them to use some words from their native language to add to their perspective
Lesson Resources/References (please be very specific by providing links, authors, titles, etc.):
* Include this information during the Padlet/prezi/ppt presentation.
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

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