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Kari K Veblen
Music 1800
December 12, 2015

Thibeault, M. (2010). General music as a cure for the high-stakes concert. General Music Today
(Online), 04/ 23 (3)

In this article, Thibeault examines the high-stakes concert, as well as how it can be
problematic for students and the music program itself. He argues that rather, the solution is in
general music. Within general music, the focus is altered towards the learning and education of
the students, instead of exclusively being exposed to performing.

I found Thibeaults concept of learning about the work interesting, because the

students are given the opportunity to make educational connections as they learn a new piece
of music. A few of the methods that Thibeault mentioned include: creating visualizations of the
work using computer software, recording and sharing rehearsals, and creating an audio guide
to the work. All of these methods are excellent ways for the students to gain a better
understanding of a work.

Thibeaults perspective on the high-stakes concert initially surprised me, since I had

never thought of a performance in an education setting to have negative consequence. I have

always found for myself that preparing for a concert encouraged a unique sense of discipline,
where the driving initiative was to excel and perform well. However, I can see that when the

curriculum is centered exclusively on performance, the students may be deprived of learning

other musical aspects such as theory knowledge, technique, and tone quality.

I was frustrated when I reflected on the music teachers that I have known in the past

who have caught the elitist virus. I remember that as these teachers would continue to teach
music that was too difficult for their students, the students would ultimately suffer musically.
Many of these students decided to not continue with music as a result, and those that chose to
continue to study music did not enjoy their experience.

As a comment to the author, I found his ideas surrounding general music to be very

refreshing. While many music programs strive to be great through elaborate and difficult
performances, his ideas are based on what the students require in order to have a balanced
music education.

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