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Stopping for Heart Health

Who do you STOP for?

Throughout our busy lives, it

becomes easy not to stop and
take time to see what is
happening around us. Even
more, our constant overload of
information distracts us from
what is truly important: LIFE.
In a world crippled by poor
heart health, awareness of
concerning symptoms can be
what actually saves a life.
We must challenge ourselves to
STOP for our family, our friends
and our entire community.

I STOP for
my friends

About Take It To Heart

Take It To Heart is a health
communication effort that partners
with the American Heart Association
to utilize online learning, interactive
video blogs, credible guest speakers
and a vast amount of information.
This teaches young adults about the
importance of heart health and the
signs and symptoms of a heart
attack. The online community
created through this initiative brings
powerful relationships in together
responding to this serious health
threat. Its time to
take YOUR heart to heart!

For more information, please contact

Jenee Carr
1971 University Blvd
Lynchburg, VA 24515

Take It To Heart
Taking time to STOP and protect
your heart

S hortness

STOP for a Heart Attack

of breath

T ight chest
O ther
P ain

Cardiologists have identified a memorable acronym in helping individuals feel

confident in identifying a heart attack.1 STOP presents one skill that can be used
when facing this serious health concern; one that continues to contribute to the
leading cause of death, worldwide: cardiovascular disease.2

Learn the STOP acronym and STOP to save a life

Many health efforts are seeking ways in which an individual can get
involved in heart health.1,3,4 For this reason, STOP was created to
teach the primary symptoms of a heart attack. When you witness
someone experiencing these symptoms, medical help will be
needed right away! You may one day STOP to save a life.

Shortness of breath
Tightness, or pressure, of the chest
(the tightness may also Travel)
I S T O P for
my family


OP f
YOU or

Other symptoms of nausea, vomiting,

sweating, dizziness, or fatigue

Pain in chest, arms, neck, jaw or throat

References: 1. MPHS Staff. Help STOP Heart Attack. Mills-Peninsula Health Services. Published November 19, 2012, Accessed November 29, 2015.; 2. Staff. Heart Disease and Stroke. Healthy
People. Updated November 23, 2015. Accessed November 29, 2015.; 3. Lu L, Liu M, Sun R, Zheng Y, Zhang P. Myocardial infarction: Symptoms and treatments. 2015;72(1):865-867.
doi:10.1007/s12013-015-0553-4.; 4. AHA Staff. Heart Attack of Stroke? Call 911 First. And Fast. American Heart Assoc. Accessed November 29, 2015.

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