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J uly 1 2, 2 014 at 9 :47:03 PM Central Daylight Time

Subject: Fwd: Sco) & White Temple/Waco Clinic Facility Usage Fee vs. Bryan/College Sta@on Clinic Facility
Usage Fee
Date: Sunday, May 18, 2014 at 12:36:37 PM Central Daylight Time

Brent McCain, ssibbi)

Shahin Motakef, Chief Execu@ve Ocer / Chief Opera@ng Ocer and Dr. Stephen Sibbi), Chief Medica Ocer of
Sco) & White Memorial Hospital,

I regret to inform you all that my wife and I will no longer be u@lizing the Sco) & White Healthcare System, which
we've been a part of for many years now. It is NOT the fault of your ne clinic physicians but because of Sco) &
White's billing prac@ces, par@cularly the facility usage fees.

1. Sco) & White's con@nued disregard for their pa@ents regarding their billing prac@ces for clinic visits, also known as
"Provider Based Billing". For the Central Texas community, this complaint has gone on deaf ears of Sco) & White's

When Sco) & White opened a hospital in College Sta@on their clinic pa@ents suddenly began receiving these
"Provider Base Billing" fees for Facility usage. The ci@zens and pa@ent's of Sco) & White in College Sta@on protested
these new charges and, according to Bryan/College Sta@on's newspaper, The Eagle, "In last week's media report,
there was signicant discussion about 'facility fees,'" reads the joint statement from CEO Jason D. Jennings and Chief
Medical Ocer William L. Rayburn, "We realize our facility fees cause our pa@ents confusion. In an eort to con@nue
to demonstrate our commitment to this community, we have made a decision."

Sco) & White College Sta@on has now discon@nued charging facility fees for patrons with commercial insurance as
well as retroac@vely removing the fees from some pa@ents' bills, the ar@cle states.

Sco) & White Temple region has "spit" in the face of all of their patrons by con@nuing to charge their pa@ents the
"facility fee". This is DISGUSTING and UNACCEPTABLE.

2. The next reason for "dumping" Sco) & White as our medical provider is that the billing department is completely
inept. We have a payment system set up with Sco) & White's nancial services and are are paying $50 a month each
on both my and my wife's outstanding charges (Most due to the fact that the insurance does not completely cover
the "facility fees".) At least 5 @mes in the past 6 or so months, the billing department sends out a no@ce sta@ng that
they did not receive our payment. Upon inves@ga@on, I have found that they not only received it (by proof of the
cancelled check from the bank) but they CASHED the check. I will NO LONGER con@nue WASTING my @me and eort
in researching this ma)er when it should not be happening in the rst place.

I understand that Medicare allows for Sco) & White to be able to charge these "Facility Fees", but just because you
can do something doesn't make it right.

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I would like to discuss this issue with one of you if possible. I can be reached via email at brent
and/or by phone at 254-307-1022. A follow-up conversa@on would be most appreciated.

Best Regards,

Brent K. McCain

ps. I have gone to Sco) & White's Facebook page to report these issues only to be banned from pos@ng.

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