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Aurore Hetzel

Marketing Director - Latin America, Mexico and Caribbe- an at Jaeger-LeCouhre

Marketing Director -Latin Ame.riC'a, Mexiro aud Caribbean at Jaeger,-LeCouhre
September 2011 Present (3 yc;irs l month)
Senio1 1\1ar' .;\la.nager a t Audemars Piguet Latin America & Caribbean
September2007 - September 2011

Lo'ic Florentin
Brnnd Director LatAm & C..1.ribbeon- Jacgcr-LcCoullrc

Brand Olre<:IOr L1tAm & Cnrlbbe1H1 ill JnegerLt..-Coultre

F'cbtmuy 2014 - J>i-esc,n < nttnth ,
\VwwJK!gcr-l..c..-Coult1'C com
nt Le RhUne SA
Scpccrnber 2CH2 January 2014 1 I )'\.',11 "- m,H11h,)
Dior Horlogerle & JoalHerlc Brand Director Spain nt LVM H R"'loJerla & Joyerla Espn.iln
Jnnunry2010 - July2012 ,c.u, n11,,u1,
Objective, 0.111, nMrket ,h:1rc. Jocrc.a..,c the d,,., i,Kn', prufn.tb1ht). lncrc,1..-.e the m,x c.,( Dn.1 r boutic.1 uc ,,.11(',.
Reduce lhe c.1.,..111butmn. h1c1c;,...c Rcalli,tutc & V u,1b1 h1y lncrc.1-.c bi.utd trnowlcc.11,:c, lncrc;1"c Shun: ul
AREA SALES MANACER TAC Hitucr/Dlor Horlogcrle & Flnc Jitwclry nt LVMH ---,
October200S - January 2010
,n h
L<.w:nl M :,rkc1,; Bdi/C. Colombia, Oonunicnn Rcpublk. &:m,dor. Mcxil-o. P.1 1mmu. Puerto R o. Vcoc/ucl;1
Du ty bee 1,11 kc t..:: Cen1wl .1\mcncu. Colo.nbm, Oonu n , c.u) Kcpubhc, l\1cxu:o, lan,unn, i>uc11\
Airpmh nnd bordc1,. Vcn1uuclr1
lnc 1-col',,(,: bt .11ld knowlcd.,:;c, h,c1Ct1.,c Sh m,;: ol V01 \.'e, lnc1ca-.c Rc, ,I
Ob,JCct,vc..: Onan m:uke1 ,Huc,
E"l'IIC ... Vh
lJrttL"OmmtuuJations t,w:,ilah/c upon nu111cst

Natacha Florcntin

Mnrkcting Communication :it Jnegcr-1..cCoultrc - Spain

Mnrke1ing Communlt'.lllon at Jaegt-rLeCoullre
Augus1 2010 - Present 1

1.:. ,


Projt-cl Mant1ger . La tAnt/Caribbcan at CartierI R.ichemonl

Novcinber2004 Augus12010


Op.::ra11on1tl a.:11'11tcs -C.11llcr Relul

Ihgh Jewelry ;t1;ll\II)
' folh1w UJ)
MC -il urcmcnl
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1sc o l +13 n. LY

Mon1h l)' rCJ)l)rt1nl_l: and .m :ll)''i"

. Scnuc pmpcr nnmtonng (Ifthe re1,ul opcr.ttiuns lO(ll
- Regi onal ,ncenllvcs

Opl'fJllon,11 m.ukclml_: an.1l)si, on rc1.11I ac1ii,,111 Markc1 ing, SIHH ()fCSClll,1 lnm
- Ch,m t)' C\'1.'nt orianv
1 11<10. pkmnmi: and -.ct u p
Rc1..til m ,iru-.scrucnt -.em ina,. ;\n.Uy11og ;uiJ pn.wit.ling )rop<:1 sale, n\01li 1o ring 1001.. 10 lhc bouiiquc 1n.ui.1gC1l<
and ,,ales .t."oc1 :1lcs.

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