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Reading A-D

Name ______________________
Category A
Read the text and then answer the questions below.
Bob needs a job. There is a job for Bob. Rob can use Bob on his farm. Bob can pick corn on the cob. Rob
and Bob each pick the cobs. Bob likes his job with Rob. There is a mob at the farm. They want the cobs
of corn. Rob and Bob sell the cobs. They like their jobs. They like to sell the cobs. The mob likes the cobs
of corn.

a) What is Bobs job?

b) What does Bob need?

c) Who like cobs of corn?

Category B
Read the text and then answer the questions below.

You may have heard of 3-D movies. You may have even seen one. The D in 3-D stands for
dimensional. A dimension is a direction that something can be measured. Flat things can be
measured in two ways. They can be measured by length and by width. Thats why flat
things are sometimes called 2-D or two-dimensional. Three-dimensional things can be
measured in three ways. They can be measured by length and width like flat things. They
can also be measured by their height. Height is what lets them come up off the paper or the
screen. Three-dimensional shapes in math are called solids. Lets look at some of the most
common solids.
a) What is a dimension?

b) How can flat, two-dimensional things be measured?

c) What are three-dimensional shapes called in math?

Category C
Read the text and then answer the questions below.
A species is the name for a group of animals that are alike, such as lions and tigers. If a species is
endangered it means there are very few of those animals left in the world. If all the animals in a species
die, the species becomes extinct. Those animals are gone forever. Many species are protected. A protected
species means governments have made laws against killing the animals. The koala is close to being an
endangered species. Interestingly, the koala is partly to blame for its decline. Koalas are too stubborn for
their own good! When you were younger, were you a picky eater? Did your parents have to force you to
eat things that were good for you? Hopefully you listened to what they taught you and ate your dinner.
Koalas are picky eaters. They live in tall eucalyptus trees. Many of these trees are also called gum trees.
Koalas eat the leaves of those trees. Since there are over 600 different types of eucalyptus trees, the koala
should have no trouble finding food. But koalas are picky! They only want certain eucalyptus tree leaves
to eat. Out of the 600 varieties of trees, koalas will only eat the leaves of about 120 kinds of eucalyptus
tree. Some are even pickier than that. The koalas of a specific area will only eat about four or five kinds
of eucalyptus leaves. They would rather starve than eat the other kinds. Now thats stubborn! The biggest
problem for koalas now is that the brush land in Australia is being cut down. Towns and cities are pushing
farther into the brush. Since many koalas live there, they are losing their tree homes and the trees leaves
that feed them.
a) What does it mean when an animal is extinct?
b) Imagine if you were like a koala and ate only one kind of food. What kind of food would it be?
c) What is another name for many gum trees?


Why do you think the koala is so picky?

e) What would you tell people to get them to stop cutting down the brush land where koalas live?

Category D
Read the text and then answer the questions below.
The term ecology comes from a Greek word that means the study of the house. Ecology is the study of
how all living things interact with their environments. In a way, Earth is the house of all living things. We
all live together on this planet and it is our home. Today, we also understand ecology to mean taking care
of the Earth so that humans, plants and animals can all thrive. However, we can damage the environment.
Sometimes the damage is irreversible. Ecology is a huge area of study. It covers every part of a living
creatures ecosystem that affects its ability to live. Ecology considers how a living thing reacts to climate,
soil conditions. It also studies how much clean water is available and the amount natural resources. By

learning about how living things, including humans, affect each other, we can make smart decisions that
protect all living things and the resources they need. There are many things that children can do to help
make sure that their world stays healthy. The decisions you are making today can affect the future.
Conservation is one area of ecology where we can all make a difference. It does not matter how old we
are or where we live. Conservation means using Earths limited resources wisely so that they dont run
out. When you are home, take a moment to think about how you use resources. Many people waste
resources. Leaking toilets, half-filled dishwashers or clothes washers, and unattended hoses all waste
precious water. If you leave lights on and appliances running in rooms where they are not being used, you
are wasting energy. Theres another way we can help conserve Earths resources. We can show our
support of businesses that make their products using methods and materials that do not damage Earth. By
buying their products, we are telling them that we appreciate their efforts to be Earth-friendly. We need to
take the time to learn about how to save resources. More importantly, we must then put into practice what
we learn. Children can do their part. They can show their families some ways to save resources. Together,
we can all make a difference. Together, we can all make a difference.
a) The passage compares Earth to a house. How are they alike?

b) What does ecology study?


Sometimes Earth-friendly products are a little more expensive. Why should you buy them

d) Why do you think people leave lights on when they are not using them?

e) What is one thing that you, personally, could do today to help conserve resources?

Scoring Category: A

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