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5 Human and Pollution

1. The following graph shows the annual percentage change in use of inorganic
fertilizers in developing countries and western Europe between 1961 and 1999:

K ey:

D e v e lo p in g c o u n trie s

A n n u a l c h a n g e /p e rc e n t

W e s te rn E u ro p e








(a) Compare the changes in fertilizer use in developing countries with those in
western Europe, as shown by this data.
Overall the annual change percent for Europe has decreased and been lower than the
developing counties even when it increased in the 1990s it has still been lower that
developing countries and that may be because in organic soil is cheaper but both
have decreased.
(b) If a typical developing country were using 40 000 tonnes of fertilizer in 1969, use
the graph to estimate the quantity it might have used in 1970.
They would have used 30,000 tones because the quantity is decreasing each year
except for in the 1990s when it increased.
(c) Explain how the use of inorganic fertilizers might be described as pollution.
It is pollution because it harms that plant ecosystems and also the animals especially
the live stock and to a further extent it harms humans and threatens their existence
because harmful substances were in the food they consumed.
(a) (i) Define the term point source pollution. (1)
Point source pollution is a term to describe pollution that is released from single,
identifiable sources, and is easy to determine where it came from and how to manage
(ii)State one human activity that may cause eutrophication and is an example of a
point source of pollution. (1)
Oil from cars running off in the sewage systems.

(iii) State one human activity that may cause eutrophication and is an example of
non-point source pollution. (1)
Harmful chemicals from fertilizers running off into the ocean and bodies of water.
(b) State and explain which type of pollution, point source or non-point source, is
easier to identify, control and eliminate.(1)
Littering, using pesticides, and air pollution by cars, trucks and factories,
(c)Outline one method of direct measurement that would indicate that a lake is
becoming eutrophic.(2)
measure nitrate/phosphate/turbidity levels repeatedly over a period of time
(d) Outline one method of indirect measurement using a biotic index that would
indicate that a lake is becoming eutrophic.
measuring the phosphate and nitrate levels and check the trophic state index
(e) Describe and evaluate management strategies to restore a eutrophic lake.
Precipitation of phosphate in the lake is an option when the phosphorus loading has
been reduced considerably without corresponding results in the phosphorus
concentration in the lake water. Removal of sediments, and bio manipulation.
(f) Development of a tourist resort near a lake is proposed. Outline strategies for
determining the environmental impact of the development on the lake.
Strategies could include checking what resources are being used to make the
development and if they are environmentally friendly, also pre planning a
environment safe plan for the resort and have lake conservation rules.
3. Most members of the group of insects known as bark beetles infest dead or
severely weakened trees. A few species will attack and kill living, apparently healthy
trees. An area of healthy trees was sprayed with a pesticide (DDT) to control the bark
(a) State whether the spraying of pesticides is an example of point or non-point
source pollution. Explain your answer.
This is an example of point source pollution because where the problem came from
can be identified and it is not wide scale further more it can be prevented because the
cause is also known.
(b) Outline one direct method that could be used to monitor the level of pollution from
spraying pesticides as shown above.
One direct method is to have measurements done every month to prevent levels
rising too much.

(c) Suggest and evaluate a strategy that might reduce the impact of pesticides in the
environment. (3)
The graph below shows the residues of pesticides in four different crops, 3 days, 7
days and 14 days after application.
3 .0

3 days
7 days
14 days

2 .5
2 .0
R e s id u e s o f
p e s tic id e s / m g k g

1 .5
1 .0
0 .5
0 .0

P o ta to

T o m a to

L e ttu c e


C ro p s

(i) Describe the data shown in the graph.
The data shows that especially for the lettuce there is residues of the pesticides
however for most of the crops besides pepper the level of residue of pesticides
decreases at fourteen days after application.
(ii) Suggest one implication of the data shown in the graph for the human
consumption of these
One implication is that pepper and lettuce is most likely to have pesticide residue to
potatoes and tomatoes should be consumed more.
4. Nature of pollution
a. What is pollution? Provide two examples.
Pollution is the damaging of the environment and threatening of ecosystems by
harmful chemicals released. Littering and the burning of fossil fuels are two
examples of pollution.
b. What are the two main categories of pollution and how are they different?
The two main categories are point source and non point source and one is easily
identifiable and the other is not because it is so wide scale.
c. Identify three major sources of pollution in the world?
- The burning of fossil fuels
- Domestic waste
- Industrial waste
d. Identify one consequence of pollution.
Extinction of species
5. Approaches to pollution management

a. What is the name of the model we use to approach management issues in

Global environmental monitoring system/air pollution management
b. Identify one pro and one con for the use of DDT in LEDCs.
Pro of DDT that mosquitoes carrying malaria die but there are bad human health
affects such as cancers and infertility

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