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Intervention to lowering Fundus uterus towards uterine

patient Postpartum normal labor primiparity
On obsetry departemen
RS Amelia Pare
Istriku Tersayang
Uterine Involution is a process of uterus lowering its size
gradually and back to the condition before pregnant.
This study using qualitative study research that is case study, we
consider to explore two

respondent comprehensively. Data was

collected from interview, observation, documentation and literature.

The result is with the intervention, patient can understand and
capable to do intervention to lowering fundus uterine independently
that also deacrease time uterine involution .
The intervention aprroved in this study to decrease time uterine
involution on patient postpartum normal labor primiparity are with
breastfeeding, ambulation, bed rest, and gymnastics parturition
In this study we expect patient can do the intervention to
lowering fundus uterine correctly and independently.
Kata kunci : fundus Uterine, uterine involution, primiparity, normal

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