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Population Study Guide

1. Individuals of the same species inhabiting the same geographic area at the
same time is a __________________.

2. Living factors that affect a population & may allow it to increase under ideal
conditions are called _______________ factors.

3. List 3 abiotic factors that may affect an environment: ____________________________


4. Exponential growth is represented by a ____-curve & the growth is independent

of population density

5. Logistic growth is represented by a ____-curve & growth is not independent of

population density

6. What does nomadic mean? _________________________________________________________

7. Over 95% of the increase in human population will take place in what type of

8. The current world population is ______ billion.

9. List the top 3 most populous countries: _________________, _______________, ___________

10. When a carrying capacity is exceeded, what occurs?

11. Thomas ______________ considered the consequences of human ________________
growth on the Earths resources in An Essay on the Principle of Population

12. Paul Ehrlich wrote the _________________________ __________ in 1969

13. Population size increases because of _________________ & _________________________

14. Population size decreases because of _________________ & __________________________

15. The average # of children born to women in a population is called the _________
______________________ __________ (TFR)

16. What is the formula for growth rate?

17. Net migration is the # of immigrants minus the # of __________________________

18. What is the TFR in developed countries? _________

19. The # of children a couple must have in order to replace themselves is called
the _____________________________ Fertility Rate (RFR)

20. What is family planning?

21. List 3 influential population factors:

a. ______________________________________________________________________________
b. ______________________________________________________________________________
c. ______________________________________________________________________________

22. ____________s program is the best known population control program;

government perks include:
a. ___________________________________________________
b. ___________________________________________________

23. Population in the US is still growing but the rate of growth has slowed; some
reasons for this include:
a. _______________________________________________
b. Cost of raising & educating children
c. Cultural norms
d. _______________________________________________

24. In the US, _____________ & ___________ women are the LEAST likely to use

25. Several populations living in the same area are known as a _____________________.

26. Living & nonliving factors of a communitys environment is called its


27. The # of years a person is expected to live based on statistical probability is

called _________ ___________________________.

28. Life _________ describes the longest interval of time a certain species is
estimated to live; the maximum is 120 years

29. Researchers use the rule of ______ to estimated _________________________ time

30. What is population density?

31. Density-dependent factors are related to the extra pressure on food & water
due to many individuals living in one area such as __________________________,
______________________________ & disease

32. Density-independent factors such as ________________, early frost, ___________, &

hurricanes, etc.

33. Species that have high reproductive rates are known as ____-strategists

34. Species that reproduce later in life are called _____-strategists

35. Insects, bacteria, rodents, & plants are _____-strategists

36. Humans, elephants, cacti, & sharks are ______-strategists

37. Survivorship ___________________ show age distribution characteristics of species,
reproductive strategies, & life history
a. Type I: ____________ loss (humans)
b. Type II: _________________ loss (birds)
c. Type III: _______________ loss (plants/rodents)

38. What factors decrease the death rate? List 2.

39. The human population has had 3 surges of growth:
i. Occurred when ___________ & ____________ began to be used
ii. Occurred during the ____________________________ revolution
iii. Occurred during the ____________________________ revolution

40. Which country has the highest TFR (7.68)? _________________

41. A large portion (25%) of the worlds population is _________________________ &

doesnt receive the necessary amount of nutrients

42. Three areas of greatest malnutrition include: _______________, ______________, &

parts of Latin America

43. Besides the highest rates of malnutrition, what else do these countries have in
common? ________________________________________________

44. List 2 factors that lead to malnutrition (such as poverty): _______________________


45. The world _________ produce enough food to feed the population, but people
still suffer from starvation due to lack of ________________ or cant _______________ it

46. In the US, more than a million people have died form complications arising
from ____________ since 1981

47. How can HIV be transmitted? List 3 ways:
a. ________________________________
b. ________________________________
c. ________________________________

48. About ___________ people die annually from complications due to AIDS in the US

49. _______________-Americans, who make up about 13% of the US population,

accounts for half of new US infections & a third of all AIDS

50. The fastest growing population in the US for new infections are ____-____ years

51. AIDS is the leading cause of death in sub-Saharan _______________ & 4th globally

52. How does AIDS place an economic strain on LDCs?

53. Which country has the highest HIV prevalence in the world? ____________________

54. Describe the population change occurring in each diagram below:

55. _____________________________ transition (DT) refers to the transition from high BR

& DR to low BR & DR
56. DT has 4 stages: __________________________, Transitional, ______________________ &

57. During the pre-industrial stage, both BR & DR are ________________; living
conditions are ___________________; there is a limited food supply; Africa

58. During the transitional stage, there is improved sanitation; _______________

water supply; higher levels of ______________________; ____________________ death rate
& an increase in population size; India & Mexico

59. During the industrial stage, urbanization increases; birth & death rates _______;
cost of supporting a family grows; retirement safety nets in place; China

60. During the post-industrial stage, there is ________ population growth; the
developed world; sometimes DR>BR & causes net losses in population such as
Japan & R_______________

61. Some theorists argue that a 5th stage should be added to the DT model called
_____-____________________________ fertility (below 2.1)

62. A disease that is prevalent over a whole country/the world is known as a


63. The Spanish ____________________ (Flu) of 1918-1919 killed somewhere between
_____-_____ million people worldwide

64. ______% of American were infected by the Spanish Flu

65. The Spanish Flu has been cited as the most _______________________ pandemic in
recorded world history

66. If a mutant form of bird flu developed that could pass from person to person,
as many as _____ million people worldwide could be killed

67. The WHO estimates that by 2020, ____________________-related illnesses including

heart disease, cancer, & respiratory disorders will be the worlds leading _______

68. _____________________________ (TB) is the leading cause of death in many

____________________ countries

69. What carries/spreads malaria? ________________________

70. 75% of those affected by malaria are ____________________ living in Africa

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