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Tarea for the week of 1-19

No hay escuela el lunes:

No schoolyou still need your homework from last week
for tomorrows notebook quiz: The homework that is due
Tuesday, Jan 19: Read page 126 about tener and copy
the conjugatation chart of tener into your notebook, and
then read pages 120 and 121, copying the vocabulary into
your notebook, including the questions and answers. If
you arent sure what things are from the pictures, you can

Did you do the survey for our Panera Day?? Which day is best for you to go to our Panera
Fundraiser on 14 mile and John R (Friday Feb. 5th - Thursday Feb.11th). Talk to your parents
to decide, and then do this survey created by Jacquelyn:

Tarea para martes:

Do page 122, activity 2. Make up 5 sentences saying
what you need or don't need for different classes, using
words from the boxes. Make sure they make sense. For
example: Para la clase de arte, no necesito una

Tarea para mircoles:

Page 20 #25, just choose the right answer and write A or B

for each.
And study for next Thursdays quiz. This is the study
guide that is also listed above on my website:
Next week Thursday, Jan. 28th, there is a 20 point quiz. The first section
you will fill in the correct form of tener with the correct tener phrase based
on the sentence before it. This is kind of like the porque sentences we did
before. The tener sayings that will be on the test are tener que + infinitive,
tener ganas de + infinitive, tener prisa, tener hambre, tener sed.
There will be five questions on test. Here are four examples:
Necesito pizza porque yo ______________.
En la clase de espaol, nosotros _________________________ hablar en
A ellos les gusta el bsquetbol. Ellos _____________________________
ir al partido de bsquetbol.
Son las seis menos cinco, y tienes un clase a las seis. T
For the second section I will ask what you need for a certain class, and you
will have to answer I need ________ for that class. You need to know the
vocabulary of different classes that are listed in the yellow and pink
sections of page 121 and the vocabulary of different items from page 120.
Here is a sample question and you would have to answer in a full
sentence, I need ______ for __________.:
Qu necesitas para la clase de matemticas?

Tarea para jueves:

Page 20 activity 26 should have been done in class as

an assignment too and turned in before you left.
Tonights homework: Use your data from each of your
interview charts to write 3 different sentences using
different people and tener to say when they have different
And study for next Thursdays quiz.

Tarea para viernes: Today is a half day, so no Spanish, so

the same assignment as Thursday.

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