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Amenorrhea: absent period. Primary: never period by 17-19.

Secondary: no period for 3

months or no flow for 12m (caused by exercise or emotions)
Oligomenorrhea: infreq period
Dysmenorrhea: pain w period or b4. Primary: idiopathic no abnormality. Secondary:
organic disease. Due to endocrine imbalance. Check for colicky and cyclic dull pain in
the lower pelvis that goes to perineum and back. Heat is prescribed also prostaglandin
and aspirin, which causes vasodilation.
Menorrhagia: excessive bleeding at the time of normal period, more than 7days. Caused
by endocrine, inflammatory, or uterine tumors.
Metrorrhagia: bleeding between periods, may be cancer or benign tumors. Endometrail
biopsy. Dilation and curettage
PMS is 7-10days before period. Loss of intravascular fluid into body tissue. Diet low in
sugar and sodium. Give vita B6, calcium and magnesium.
Menopause: 45-55. 1 year after last period. Hypothalamus. Risk of heart disease and
stroke increase w estrogen reduction. Hot flashes caused by glandular imbalance.
Functional ED: psychological
Atonic ED: neuromuscular
Tabes dorsalis caused by syphilis and spina bifida, lou Gehrig
Primary infertility: never conceived
Seconday: conceived but are now not able to.
Females most fertile time: 20-29, males: teens to 20s
Simple vaginitis: caused by e coli, staph, strep. T vag-foamy. C alb-cheeselike. Bacterialmilky. Meds at night and flat for 30mins. No Sex!
Cervicitis: caused by STI. Follows child birth. Painful sex and bleeding after.
PID: travels up the uterus to fallopian tubes (salpingitis) and ovaries (oophoritis) results
in pelvic abscess. Pus leaks into abdomen
Toxic shock syndrome: caused by staph, septic shock, life threatening. Occurs between 24 days of period. Flu symptoms. Red macular rash. Decreased urine and elevated BUN
Endometriosis: 25-35. Women who have not conceived are at greater risk, chocolate cysts
enclosed in an ovary.
Vesicovaginal fistula: opening between the bladder and vagina. Diet high in protein,
increase vita C
Backward: retroversion-posterior retroflexion-doubles over

Forward: anteversion-tilts forward

Uterine prolapse through pelvic floor. First degree: cervix comes down into the introitus.
Second: cervix protrudes through introitus. Third: entire uterus protrudes.
Cystocele: displacement of the bladder into the vagina. Urine urgency, pelvic pressure
Rectocele: rectum moves toward posterior vagina wall. Constipation, hemorrhoids
Leiomyomas: benign tumors of the uterus
Myomectomy is the tx of choice during childbearing.
Carcinoma in situ: localized asymptomatic
High Risks: HPV, Smoking, sex active, multiple births
Leucorrhea: white vag discharge
Early carcinoma: intracavitary internal radiation: brachytherapy
Cancer of the endometrium: postmenopausal, ab pressure, pelvic fullness
List some Neurological Abnormalities?
Tabes Dorsalis(caused by advanced
syphilis), congenital cord anomalies(spina bifida) spinal cord tumors, amyotrophic lateral
sclerosis(Lou Gehrig's disease), multiple sclerosis, or cord compression(caused by a
herniated disk)
Recurrent episodes of acute prostatitis may cause fibrotic tissue to form; such fibrosis
causes hardening of the prostate gland that may initially be confused with what?

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