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Jimmy Robinson v

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Ms. Hunt
What connection is there between religion and slavery?

In the book Douglass is a faithful Christian but he says that if you

treat a human as property or put them through so much pain than god
does not love them. Douglass is a Christian forever and it was one of
the first books he read and his uncle Lawson told him that he has big
things to do. When people found the bible they would always be
crueler to anyone for no reason. The motivation behind Fredrick
Douglass fight to abolish slavery is his deep beliefs in Christianity.

When Douglass finds out that when you add religion into slavery
you come out with a man who found new cruel ways to punish his
slaves. When Douglass read the bible he realized that slaveholders
were sinning because the bible says Whoever steals a man and sells
him, and anyone found in possession of him, shall be put to death. In
the case slaveholders ignored that part so they always sinned every
day. In the eyes of Douglass that wasnt a Christian and if you killed
anyone that was even worse but the masters thought that since they
were property they werent a person.

When a person sins they commit a crime or went against their

religion, which in the bible is killing someone, which is equal to death if
a person kills in the bible. In the bible if you sin there only one way to
get rid of the sin and that is to go to a father and beg him to forgive
that person but in the old days they didnt know that so they couldnt
of been a real Christian. In the bible if a person sins then they are
marked by god and will encounter pain when they leave earth and
move on to the afterlife which, no one wants so a real Christian would
be good.
When a Christian is killed than that person if he is a Christian
would be sent to hell and that is where he will meet the person he
killed and be punished forever. Douglass was told if he kills he goes to
hell when he dies he would be punished by the devil himself because
he made a huge mistake but his uncle told him that he would do well in
life and he took those words and used them for good and that when his
chance comes he will know. Douglass was told that he had great
things to do during his life and when someone was killed and it was a
Christian he should honor that person by showing the way out of
slavery and to do that he had to runaway.

In conclusion, people who kill deserve to die unless they are

protecting themselves which non of the slave holders were doing so
they deserve to die since they were torturing people who nothing

wrong. Towards the end people who died because of the hours and
labor they encountered were buried and were hoped to have a
wonderful afterlife. In the end people who killed Christians made a sin
which, made them marked by god. The courage to be standing for your
own life is very gutsy and can lead to many bad things but if you
believe them enough they will change. The motivation behind Fredrick
Douglass fight to abolish slavery is his deep beliefs in Christianity.

"Frederick Douglass Quotes." Frederick Douglass Quotes

(Author of Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass). N.p.,
n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.

"Frederick Douglass, 1818-1895." Frederick Douglass, 18181895. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Jan. 2016.

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