Anda di halaman 1dari 1

1. Matter - is anything that has mass and takes up space.

a. Chair
b. Table
c. Water
d. Chalk
e. Pen
2. Solution a type of mixture which has one substance dissolved in
a. Salt water
b. Vinegar
3. Mixture two or more substances that are not chemically combined
with each other and can be separated by physical means. The
substances in a mixture retain their individual properties.
a. Vegetable salad
b. Mixed nuts
4. Homogenous Mixture any combination of substances that has uniform
composition and properties; a mixture that is uniform throughout.
a. milk
b. toothpaste
c. mayonnaise
5. Heterogeneous mixture any combination of substances that does not
have uniform composition and properties; a mixture of physically
distinct substances with different properties
a. Sand and pebbles
b. Oil and water

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